Ill Gov Pritzker Calls For Gun Control After 4th of July Masacre

Ad Nauseam.
Over and over we tell you why you don't need Large Capacity Magazines.
You are just too ignorant to listen, and all you have is 2A claim.

I'm very capable, you fuckers just have your weak ass talking points.
Fuck you.
And I keep asking you dumb sons a bitches show me the word need in the bill of rights.
maybe you can show us the exception clause in the 2nd. The part where it says "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, except in cases of......."

yeah, its not there dipshit.
Hmmm..."the right to keep and bear ARMS shall not be infringed"; I tried to purchase Service to Air Missiles several days ago and I was denied the sale. Why is that? I still want to buy the new 35 fighter and I was told told to stfu. Hell, why not, I was projectile man in a 5 inch gun on a US Navy Destroyer.
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Hmmm..."the right to keep and bear ARMS shall not be infringed"; I tried to purchase Service to Air Missiles several days ago and I was denied the sale. Why is that? I still want to buy the new 35 fighter plan and I was told told to stfu. Hell, why not, I was projectile man in a 5 inch gun on a US Navy Destroyer.
acting the foole doesn't help your case.
And people will attack cops when all cops see is the worst of human unkind.
No wonder they go nuts now and then like the horrible shooting of the young black man shot 60 times. The whole nation is losing it. In no way defending the shooting just saying what a stressful job cops have.
A cop at Chicago shooting,

Absolutely, and NOWHERE in the Constitution does it say that due process must come before temporary loss of weapons.

You sick fucks think it is OK to kill, then have your due process.
And then some sick fucks think it’s okay to circumvent due process in cases of people who have not killed.

The problem with red flag laws is that they can be abused and they already have been.
Absolutely, and NOWHERE in the Constitution does it say that due process must come before temporary loss of weapons.

You sick fucks think it is OK to kill, then have your due process.
Try the 5th Amendment. You are Constitutionally illiterate.
Ya'all are missing the point. It's all about the culture of continuous wars and violence.

Then when that's combined with far, far too many guns, it results in the slaughter that is happening.
It could be about to escalate completely out of control, due to the nature of America's war with Russia.

Please consider giving up your pistols and AR's at least!
please fuck off.
Yeah, we keep telling them this, but nobody is home.

The problem is you see, they already know. No amount of gun laws can stop stupid people from occasionally doing stupid things, so every time another stupid person comes along, they want to ratchet up tighter gun laws on the very people already obeying the law instead regardless of whether it would have stopped the crime or not because the real goal here is to keep ramping up crime as a justification for more failed gun laws until, finally, they go for the goal-- a total ban and outlawing of all guns.

They need total control of you for the climate agenda they have planned ahead where Joe's buddies in Denmark are already trying to put all the farmers and fishermen out of work, cause--- you know--- climate.

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I'm sorry to have to tell you that you're wrong again. This shooter was a good guy right up until he started shooting people, at which time he became a bad guy.

The gun lobby is again needing to take part of the blame for refusing to screen those who want to have guns and for refusing any precautions that would prevent such slaughters. The vido seems to have the sound of 19 shots fired in quick succession and that represnts a type of gun that nobody should have on the street.

Americans make their choices and they pay the piper.

We need to have a sane discussion on the gun problem. Everybody needs to stop fearing Obama coming to take their guns away after midnight!
it's a semi automatic gun. you've been told for EONS they operate close to full automatic but they are NOT full automatic. first you want ASSAULT RIFLES off the street but you can't define them. you want fully automatic weapons gone til you learn NO ONE HAS THEM unless the feds are up their ass and they are licensed for them (rare).

now you want guns that fire fast off the streets.

that's every damn fun out there save a musket loader. even a revolver can fire 12 rounds in 10 seconds when trained.

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