I'll tell you ..

So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.

So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.
Evidence? Please provide us with some of it.

So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.

All evidence points to the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians and to Trump doing Putin’s bidding with NATO, and destroying trade deals in aid of Putin and the Xi. Trump would lift Russian sanctions Congress would let him.

Bought and paid for. Lock stock and barrel.

So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.


View attachment 200174

Well, Mewler is already doing the CYA on his probe. His Russian indictments are coming apart and very likely to get tossed. Flynn’s guilty plea is very close to being ruled invalid and to date the best conviction Mewler can get after 2 years and 17 million dollars and all there is to show for it is you describing your wet dreams. To funny.
That's all nonsense. Flynn is emptying the vault of the info he has in order to avoid prison...and the investigation isn't even over...

So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.
Nah, you're just acting like one of Trump's surrogate mommies. He sure has a lot of those.

So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.

All evidence points to the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians and to Trump doing Putin’s bidding with NATO, and destroying trade deals in aid of Putin and the Xi. Trump would lift Russian sanctions Congress would let him.

Bought and paid for. Lock stock and barrel.
100% correct.
Mewler can get after 2 years and 17 million dollars and all there is to show for it is you describing your wet dreams. To funny.

The above is why Trump stated that he LOVES the POORLY EDUCATED.....(btw, there is a difference between "to" and "too")

Mueller was appointed in May 17, 2017; if in your half brain that equals 2 years, then you are a "perfect" Trump cult member.

But, here, you fucking nitwit.....LOL

Mewler can get after 2 years and 17 million dollars and all there is to show for it is you describing your wet dreams. To funny.

The above is why Trump stated that he LOVES the POORLY EDUCATED.....(btw, there is a difference between "to" and "too")

Mueller was appointed in May 17, 2017; if in your half brain that equals 2 years, then you are a "perfect" Trump cult member.

But, here, you fucking nitwit.....LOL

View attachment 200212

I win. All you got is the spelling. And you can’t cry to a mod,lol. Typical lib. Called out on lies, runs and snitches like a little bitch. Face it, Trump is safe, Mewler is scared because his legacy is trashed and all you can do is sit and touch your self thinking about what could have been.

So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.

All evidence points to the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians and to Trump doing Putin’s bidding with NATO, and destroying trade deals in aid of Putin and the Xi. Trump would lift Russian sanctions Congress would let him.

Bought and paid for. Lock stock and barrel.

Lol, you need to put the pipe down.
Trump isn't going to pay for Cohen's legal fees. He already threw Cohen under the bus when the Stormy Daniels thing surfaced.

If I was Cohen, there would be zero loyalty from me towards Trump. Cohen went from being his "fixer" and friend, to being left behind when Trump went to DC (he thought Trump was going to give him a job in the cabinet), to then being just some lawyer who does "just a little" of his legal work.

Trump has been paying Cohen’s Legal fees in connection with the judicial review for privileged information. The bill is over $1 million but recently the Trump Corporation started complaining about how high the bill was getting.
Prove your lie.
Look it up yourself...the Trump campaign and the Trump family have paid some of his pegal fees.

Pegal fees?

So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.
Evidence? Please provide us with some of it.

Of which?

Mueller worries Russia could use court case to spy on probe

Funny. Really funny. As it is, any real lawyer would not go to court with what Mewler has because they would get laughed out of court.

Then the jury. Mewler wants to stack his deck so he won’t be spanked to bad.

Mueller worried 'widespread media attention' may have biased jurors

Yet you morons say Mewler has all this evidance? Let’s see, Mike Flynn’s guilty plea is in jeopardy. Stay tuned on that one. You will hear more about that. How nice it will be to see you libtards squirm. It will be wonderful watching your noses getting rubbed in the huge pile of shit.
Last edited:

So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.
Evidence? Please provide us with some of it.

Of which?

Mueller worries Russia could use court case to spy on probe

Funny. Really funny. As it is, any real lawyer would not go to court with what Mewler has because they would get laugher out of court.

Then the jury. Mewler wants to stack his deck so he won’t be spanked to bad.

Mueller worried 'widespread media attention' may have biased jurors

Yet you morons say Mewler has all this evidance? Let’s see, Mike Flynn’s guilty plea is in jeopardy. Stay tuned on that one. You will hear more about that. How nice it will be to see you libtards squirm. It will be wonderful watching your noses getting rubbed in the huge pile of shit.

Oh, and since you retards imply that you have evidance the the special council doesn’t even have, how bout you link us to that? Bet you don’t.

So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.

All evidence points to the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians and to Trump doing Putin’s bidding with NATO, and destroying trade deals in aid of Putin and the Xi. Trump would lift Russian sanctions Congress would let him.

Bought and paid for. Lock stock and barrel.


So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.

All evidence points to the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians and to Trump doing Putin’s bidding with NATO, and destroying trade deals in aid of Putin and the Xi. Trump would lift Russian sanctions Congress would let him.

Bought and paid for. Lock stock and barrel.

Lol, you need to put the pipe down.

Are you saying that Putin, Xi and Kim aren’t the biggest beneficiaries of Trump’s foreign policy? He did lift sanction to save Chinese jobs, but more American jobs were off-shored in 2017 than in 2016.

China is now the lead partner in TPP and is building new trade routes and infrastructure around the world to increase Chinese trade. Thank you President Trump.

Putin now has a free hand in the Crimea, Ukraine and Syria, and is courting the Arab leaders that Trump offended with his move of the Israeli embassy. NATO is fractured as is US trade with Europe. Putin got a lot for his money with Trump.

Trump has done more to save Chinese jobs than American jobs.
grounds for suspicion ---

  • Two separate hacks of Democratic Party emails — one purloining a trove of internal Democratic National Committee emails and one that stole a ton of correspondence from John Podesta’s personal Gmail account — were perpetrated over the course of 2016, by what are now believed to have been agents operating on behalf of the Russian government.
  • These emails were not immediately released, and they were not released by the hackers who obtained them. Instead, the emails were disseminated to the public by using Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as an intermediary. Their releases also seemed strategically timed — the DNC emails disrupted efforts to create a show of unity between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders at the beginning of the Democratic National Convention, while the Podesta emails were released right after the infamous Access Hollywood tape.
  • Trump and his campaign, at the time, believed these emails were a big deal and cited them frequently. Trump built substantial portions of his campaign messaging around narratives — typically half-true at best — contained in the emails, and made no bones about welcoming the hacking.
  • “WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks,” he said on several occasions on the campaign trail, and he also explicitly called on the Russian government to hack and release Hillary Clinton’s emails.
  • Trump also spent the 2016 campaign running an overtly pro-Russian campaign message, praising Vladimir Putin’s leadership, defending him from allegations of murdering his political opponents, and calling for a realignment of US strategy in Syria and Ukraine.
there are extensive communications between people in Trump’s orbit and Russian government figures or others who had, or purported to have, close ties to the Putin regime.

Michael Cohen’s January 2016 email to Dmitry Peskov and Ivanka Trump’s October 2015
exchange with Dmitry Klokov
— was ostensibly about efforts to construct a Trump-branded building in Moscow. Some of it, including the various escapades of George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, involved relatively peripheral players in Trumpworld, who didn’t have strong pre-campaign ties to Trump or play a post-campaign role in the administration.

and theres more to go with that ...
Last edited:

So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.
Evidence? Please provide us with some of it.

Of which?

Mueller worries Russia could use court case to spy on probe

Funny. Really funny. As it is, any real lawyer would not go to court with what Mewler has because they would get laughed out of court.

Then the jury. Mewler wants to stack his deck so he won’t be spanked to bad.

Mueller worried 'widespread media attention' may have biased jurors

Yet you morons say Mewler has all this evidance? Let’s see, Mike Flynn’s guilty plea is in jeopardy. Stay tuned on that one. You will hear more about that. How nice it will be to see you libtards squirm. It will be wonderful watching your noses getting rubbed in the huge pile of shit.

Liberals aren’t squirming but you sure as hell are. You’re completely bent out of shape trying to twist your lies into something meaningful.

Then there’s the babies Trump has kidnapped. These little ones will bring your orange faced baboon down. Stealing immigrant babies from their parents, leaving them alone, frightened and crying in cages, doing irreparable harm to defenceless children for political game.

It was only a matter of time before Trump did something so vile and so odious that even his own party would turn on him and that’s what we’re seeing now. The asshole is so lacking in human decency, he can’t help himself.

You Russian trolls have no idea of the anger and outrage among regular Americans that Trump has triggered. And no matter how often he tries to blame the Democrats for this mess, it’s not working.
So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.
Evidence? Please provide us with some of it.

Of which?

Mueller worries Russia could use court case to spy on probe

Funny. Really funny. As it is, any real lawyer would not go to court with what Mewler has because they would get laughed out of court.

Then the jury. Mewler wants to stack his deck so he won’t be spanked to bad.

Mueller worried 'widespread media attention' may have biased jurors

Yet you morons say Mewler has all this evidance? Let’s see, Mike Flynn’s guilty plea is in jeopardy. Stay tuned on that one. You will hear more about that. How nice it will be to see you libtards squirm. It will be wonderful watching your noses getting rubbed in the huge pile of shit.

Liberals aren’t squirming but you sure as hell are. You’re completely bent out of shape trying to twist your lies into something meaningful.

Then there’s the babies Trump has kidnapped. These little ones will bring your orange faced baboon down. Stealing immigrant babies from their parents, leaving them alone, frightened and crying in cages, doing irreparable harm to defenceless children for political game.

It was only a matter of time before Trump did something so vile and so odious that even his own party would turn on him and that’s what we’re seeing now. The asshole is so lacking in human decency, he can’t help himself.

You Russian trolls have no idea of the anger and outrage among regular Americans that Trump has triggered. And no matter how often he tries to blame the Democrats for this mess, it’s not working.

Trump kidnapped babies? Link?
So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.
Evidence? Please provide us with some of it.

Of which?

Mueller worries Russia could use court case to spy on probe

Funny. Really funny. As it is, any real lawyer would not go to court with what Mewler has because they would get laughed out of court.

Then the jury. Mewler wants to stack his deck so he won’t be spanked to bad.

Mueller worried 'widespread media attention' may have biased jurors

Yet you morons say Mewler has all this evidance? Let’s see, Mike Flynn’s guilty plea is in jeopardy. Stay tuned on that one. You will hear more about that. How nice it will be to see you libtards squirm. It will be wonderful watching your noses getting rubbed in the huge pile of shit.

Liberals aren’t squirming but you sure as hell are. You’re completely bent out of shape trying to twist your lies into something meaningful.

Then there’s the babies Trump has kidnapped. These little ones will bring your orange faced baboon down. Stealing immigrant babies from their parents, leaving them alone, frightened and crying in cages, doing irreparable harm to defenceless children for political game.

It was only a matter of time before Trump did something so vile and so odious that even his own party would turn on him and that’s what we’re seeing now. The asshole is so lacking in human decency, he can’t help himself.

You Russian trolls have no idea of the anger and outrage among regular Americans that Trump has triggered. And no matter how often he tries to blame the Democrats for this mess, it’s not working.

You're nuts.

So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.
Evidence? Please provide us with some of it.

Of which?

Mueller worries Russia could use court case to spy on probe

Funny. Really funny. As it is, any real lawyer would not go to court with what Mewler has because they would get laughed out of court.

Then the jury. Mewler wants to stack his deck so he won’t be spanked to bad.

Mueller worried 'widespread media attention' may have biased jurors

Yet you morons say Mewler has all this evidance? Let’s see, Mike Flynn’s guilty plea is in jeopardy. Stay tuned on that one. You will hear more about that. How nice it will be to see you libtards squirm. It will be wonderful watching your noses getting rubbed in the huge pile of shit.
You and your interpretation of those links is way off base. It's not unreasonable at all to assume that a hostile foreign power would use that information to their advantage.
So retarded you are. Say, you hear Mewler is already making excuses for when he gets his penis slapped in court at Maniforts trial? You hear that? His Russian indictments are going to come unglued as he is stalling on producing his evidance there, and noise is and has been made about ruling Mike Flynn’s guilty invalid. Stormy went back to doing gang bang movies, her lawyer is at the border looking for little brown brats to exploit, basically, his career is circling the drain. McCabe is looking to turn snitch, Comey ain’t so smug in public anymore. It’s all com g apart. At least you can dream.
You really are not getting this. The point of themueller investigation is to get to the truth, not to get indictments. If his investigation discovers no nefarious activity, you Trumpkin crybabies should be kissing his ring.

Bull shit. You choose not to see it. All the evidance points to a hit. Not Russian collusion or anything of the sort. I refuse to believe you were born so retarded, so you go out of your way to lie, and for what? A “thank you” on USMB. Meh. Enjoy your circle jerk. It’s about to turn into group therapy.
Evidence? Please provide us with some of it.

Of which?

Mueller worries Russia could use court case to spy on probe

Funny. Really funny. As it is, any real lawyer would not go to court with what Mewler has because they would get laugher out of court.

Then the jury. Mewler wants to stack his deck so he won’t be spanked to bad.

Mueller worried 'widespread media attention' may have biased jurors

Yet you morons say Mewler has all this evidance? Let’s see, Mike Flynn’s guilty plea is in jeopardy. Stay tuned on that one. You will hear more about that. How nice it will be to see you libtards squirm. It will be wonderful watching your noses getting rubbed in the huge pile of shit.

Oh, and since you retards imply that you have evidance the the special council doesn’t even have, how bout you link us to that? Bet you don’t.
Mueller doesn't leak. We will hear the evidence when the investigation is wrapped up.

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