Illegal alien can't practice law in Florida

If he spent so much time, effort, and money over the years obtaining a law degree then why didn't he pursue legal status? Or did he try?

No reason to go nuts. That other would-be lawyer couldn't either until the state passed a law saying he could. Pass a similar law in Florida.

In this guy's case, he was brought here as a child. If he'd been born here this wouldn't even be an issue, he'd be an American. So we're going to punish him for the actions of his parents?

By your logic parents shouldn't be jailed for crimes because that punishes kids

No reason to go nuts. That other would-be lawyer couldn't either until the state passed a law saying he could. Pass a similar law in Florida.

In this guy's case, he was brought here as a child. If he'd been born here this wouldn't even be an issue, he'd be an American. So we're going to punish him for the actions of his parents?

He's here illegally. It doesn't matter if he walked across the border or was carried.

If he were to be granted legal status, that would then allow him to be the anchor to allow the rest of his illegally here family to remain, legally.

He should be escorted to the border. He'll do well in Mexico.

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