Illegal aliens have given California Americas highest poverty rate...

lol, that article uses an invented poverty rate to make blue states look worse.
Why Does California Have The Nation's Highest Poverty Rate? Obama did not care, in fact he helped create this situation, which includes illegal aliens being treated as slave labor picking avocados for pennies per day. Sanctuary slaves they are called.

Trump is here to f up the slave owners, yet the ignorant slaves protest.

Reality is real for pepper pickers
Why did Cali vote for hillary if things are so bad?

And for trump to achieve his 4% growth goal he's going to need lots of immigrants. I hope they are legal but the fact is trump will need immigrants.

And trump supporters don't want immigrants legal or not. Trump supporters want companies to only have them to hire from. Bit the problem is trump supporters aren't qualified to do anything
Why Does California Have The Nation's Highest Poverty Rate? Obama did not care, in fact he helped create this situation, which includes illegal aliens being treated as slave labor picking avocados for pennies per day. Sanctuary slaves they are called.

Trump is here to f up the slave owners, yet the ignorant slaves protest.

Reality is real for pepper pickers
Why did Cali vote for hillary if things are so bad?

And for trump to achieve his 4% growth goal he's going to need lots of immigrants. I hope they are legal but the fact is trump will need immigrants.

And trump supporters don't want immigrants legal or not. Trump supporters want companies to only have them to hire from. Bit the problem is trump supporters aren't qualified to do anything
People who think the State is wonderful, always vote D.

Here is a great quote from the Great Ludwig Von Mises....don't you just LOVE IT?
The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. What an alluring utopia! What a noble cause to fight!
Why Does California Have The Nation's Highest Poverty Rate? Obama did not care, in fact he helped create this situation, which includes illegal aliens being treated as slave labor picking avocados for pennies per day. Sanctuary slaves they are called.

Trump is here to f up the slave owners, yet the ignorant slaves protest.

Reality is real for pepper pickers
Why did Cali vote for hillary if things are so bad?

And for trump to achieve his 4% growth goal he's going to need lots of immigrants. I hope they are legal but the fact is trump will need immigrants.

And trump supporters don't want immigrants legal or not. Trump supporters want companies to only have them to hire from. Bit the problem is trump supporters aren't qualified to thindo anything
your ignorance just really has no bounds does it.
Trump supporters dont want immigrants legal or not. You will be hard pressed to find a Trump supporter that wants to get rid of those that came to the country in the proper way and are contributing. So, your bullshit butt hurt lies fail here.
Only want companies to hire them. Wrong, you will find that the majority of Trump supporters are not going to give up their good paying jobs to pick a damn pepper. Your lie fails here.
Trump supporters arent qualified to do anything, Well, lets look at the poverty rate in the democrat strongholds, as in, those places that hillary actually got more votes. Not the state, the actually area, as in, Chicago? I think you will find that the clinton supporters are by far less educated, less motivated and less qualified to do anything at all. So again, you fail.
Essentially, your post fails completely, not that it is a surprise to see personal failure of this magnitude coming from someone that comes from the party of failure.
But if you would like to back anything you said up, please feel free to provide links that indicate accuracy in what you suggested.
And try to do it without help.
You may need the illegals but U.S citizens do not. if they all dropped dead today I doubt I would be able to shed a tear for them.
Regarding the thread title, Liberal policy has been doing this for years...
Why Does California Have The Nation's Highest Poverty Rate? Obama did not care, in fact he helped create this situation, which includes illegal aliens being treated as slave labor picking avocados for pennies per day. Sanctuary slaves they are called.

Trump is here to f up the slave owners, yet the ignorant slaves protest.

Reality is real for pepper pickers
Why did Cali vote for hillary if things are so bad?

And for trump to achieve his 4% growth goal he's going to need lots of immigrants. I hope they are legal but the fact is trump will need immigrants.

And trump supporters don't want immigrants legal or not. Trump supporters want companies to only have them to hire from. Bit the problem is trump supporters aren't qualified to do anything
People who think the State is wonderful, always vote D.

Here is a great quote from the Great Ludwig Von Mises....don't you just LOVE IT?
The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. What an alluring utopia! What a noble cause to fight!
What a hypocrite
Why Does California Have The Nation's Highest Poverty Rate? Obama did not care, in fact he helped create this situation, which includes illegal aliens being treated as slave labor picking avocados for pennies per day. Sanctuary slaves they are called.

Trump is here to f up the slave owners, yet the ignorant slaves protest.

Reality is real for pepper pickers
Why did Cali vote for hillary if things are so bad?

And for trump to achieve his 4% growth goal he's going to need lots of immigrants. I hope they are legal but the fact is trump will need immigrants.

And trump supporters don't want immigrants legal or not. Trump supporters want companies to only have them to hire from. Bit the problem is trump supporters aren't qualified to do anything
People who think the State is wonderful, always vote D.

Here is a great quote from the Great Ludwig Von Mises....don't you just LOVE IT?
The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. What an alluring utopia! What a noble cause to fight!
What a hypocrite
Please explain...

....if you can.
Why Does California Have The Nation's Highest Poverty Rate? Obama did not care, in fact he helped create this situation, which includes illegal aliens being treated as slave labor picking avocados for pennies per day. Sanctuary slaves they are called.

Trump is here to f up the slave owners, yet the ignorant slaves protest.

Reality is real for pepper pickers
Why did Cali vote for hillary if things are so bad?

And for trump to achieve his 4% growth goal he's going to need lots of immigrants. I hope they are legal but the fact is trump will need immigrants.

And trump supporters don't want immigrants legal or not. Trump supporters want companies to only have them to hire from. Bit the problem is trump supporters aren't qualified to thindo anything
your ignorance just really has no bounds does it.
Trump supporters dont want immigrants legal or not. You will be hard pressed to find a Trump supporter that wants to get rid of those that came to the country in the proper way and are contributing. So, your bullshit butt hurt lies fail here.
Only want companies to hire them. Wrong, you will find that the majority of Trump supporters are not going to give up their good paying jobs to pick a damn pepper. Your lie fails here.
Trump supporters arent qualified to do anything, Well, lets look at the poverty rate in the democrat strongholds, as in, those places that hillary actually got more votes. Not the state, the actually area, as in, Chicago? I think you will find that the clinton supporters are by far less educated, less motivated and less qualified to do anything at all. So again, you fail.
Essentially, your post fails completely, not that it is a surprise to see personal failure of this magnitude coming from someone that comes from the party of failure.
But if you would like to back anything you said up, please feel free to provide links that indicate accuracy in what you suggested.
And try to do it without help.
You may need the illegals but U.S citizens do not. if they all dropped dead today I doubt I would be able to shed a tear for them.
The people not doing good are people without degrees and they voted trump.

And everything you think I said, I didn't. But I'm not going to clarify for a person who hears what he wants to hear.

Yes expect lots of legal immigration if the corporations can't have illegals to exploit. If not trump is fos on his 4% growth goal.

This is the problem with Republicans. They don't care about the details of how trump can achieve 4% growth. And I'm not talking short term either.

Why do I even bother
Why Does California Have The Nation's Highest Poverty Rate? Obama did not care, in fact he helped create this situation, which includes illegal aliens being treated as slave labor picking avocados for pennies per day. Sanctuary slaves they are called.

Trump is here to f up the slave owners, yet the ignorant slaves protest.

Reality is real for pepper pickers
Why did Cali vote for hillary if things are so bad?

And for trump to achieve his 4% growth goal he's going to need lots of immigrants. I hope they are legal but the fact is trump will need immigrants.

And trump supporters don't want immigrants legal or not. Trump supporters want companies to only have them to hire from. Bit the problem is trump supporters aren't qualified to thindo anything
your ignorance just really has no bounds does it.
Trump supporters dont want immigrants legal or not. You will be hard pressed to find a Trump supporter that wants to get rid of those that came to the country in the proper way and are contributing. So, your bullshit butt hurt lies fail here.
Only want companies to hire them. Wrong, you will find that the majority of Trump supporters are not going to give up their good paying jobs to pick a damn pepper. Your lie fails here.
Trump supporters arent qualified to do anything, Well, lets look at the poverty rate in the democrat strongholds, as in, those places that hillary actually got more votes. Not the state, the actually area, as in, Chicago? I think you will find that the clinton supporters are by far less educated, less motivated and less qualified to do anything at all. So again, you fail.
Essentially, your post fails completely, not that it is a surprise to see personal failure of this magnitude coming from someone that comes from the party of failure.
But if you would like to back anything you said up, please feel free to provide links that indicate accuracy in what you suggested.
And try to do it without help.
You may need the illegals but U.S citizens do not. if they all dropped dead today I doubt I would be able to shed a tear for them.
The people not doing good are people without degrees and they voted trump.

And everything you think I said, I didn't. But I'm not going to clarify for a person who hears what he wants to hear.

Yes expect lots of legal immigration if the corporations can't have illegals to exploit. If not trump is fos on his 4% growth goal.

This is the problem with Republicans. They don't care about the details of how trump can achieve 4% growth. And I'm not talking short term either.

Why do I even bother
Stop being such an elitist....GOD!
Why Does California Have The Nation's Highest Poverty Rate? Obama did not care, in fact he helped create this situation, which includes illegal aliens being treated as slave labor picking avocados for pennies per day. Sanctuary slaves they are called.

Trump is here to f up the slave owners, yet the ignorant slaves protest.

Reality is real for pepper pickers
Why did Cali vote for hillary if things are so bad?

And for trump to achieve his 4% growth goal he's going to need lots of immigrants. I hope they are legal but the fact is trump will need immigrants.

And trump supporters don't want immigrants legal or not. Trump supporters want companies to only have them to hire from. Bit the problem is trump supporters aren't qualified to do anything
People who think the State is wonderful, always vote D.

Here is a great quote from the Great Ludwig Von Mises....don't you just LOVE IT?
The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. What an alluring utopia! What a noble cause to fight!
What a hypocrite
Please explain...

....if you can.
Resistant to improvement? Omg! Conservative means conserve the status quo. We've been asking you to fix healthcare for what 30 years? You guys don't fix or improve anything. Your way is producing a huge wealth gap.

And dictator? After bush? And you don't think trump will be dictatoresque?
Why Does California Have The Nation's Highest Poverty Rate? Obama did not care, in fact he helped create this situation, which includes illegal aliens being treated as slave labor picking avocados for pennies per day. Sanctuary slaves they are called.

Trump is here to f up the slave owners, yet the ignorant slaves protest.

Reality is real for pepper pickers
Why did Cali vote for hillary if things are so bad?

And for trump to achieve his 4% growth goal he's going to need lots of immigrants. I hope they are legal but the fact is trump will need immigrants.

And trump supporters don't want immigrants legal or not. Trump supporters want companies to only have them to hire from. Bit the problem is trump supporters aren't qualified to do anything
People who think the State is wonderful, always vote D.

Here is a great quote from the Great Ludwig Von Mises....don't you just LOVE IT?
The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. What an alluring utopia! What a noble cause to fight!
What a hypocrite
Please explain...

....if you can.
Resistant to improvement? Omg! Conservative means conserve the status quo. We've been asking you to fix healthcare for what 30 years? You guys don't fix or improve anything. Your way is producing a huge wealth gap.

And dictator? After bush? And you don't think trump will be dictatoresque?
Silly....Von Mises was not a Conservative and either am I. WTF!

You have been duped by the elite left. They are all about an omnipotent government and government is NEVER about improving anything. All it does is destroy.

If Bush is a dictator, than logically Obama is worse...right?
Why Does California Have The Nation's Highest Poverty Rate? Obama did not care, in fact he helped create this situation, which includes illegal aliens being treated as slave labor picking avocados for pennies per day. Sanctuary slaves they are called.

Trump is here to f up the slave owners, yet the ignorant slaves protest.

Reality is real for pepper pickers
Why did Cali vote for hillary if things are so bad?

And for trump to achieve his 4% growth goal he's going to need lots of immigrants. I hope they are legal but the fact is trump will need immigrants.

And trump supporters don't want immigrants legal or not. Trump supporters want companies to only have them to hire from. Bit the problem is trump supporters aren't qualified to do anything
People who think the State is wonderful, always vote D.

Here is a great quote from the Great Ludwig Von Mises....don't you just LOVE IT?
The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. What an alluring utopia! What a noble cause to fight!
What a hypocrite
Please explain...

....if you can.
How do you think trump Ryan and McConnell are going to be less omnipotent? I don't get this. So companies can get away with more under GOP rule? Isn't that why the great recession happened? Bankers, mortgage companies were all deregulated then fucked the American people.

You Republicans want a government powerless to stop these corporations from being irresponsible. I know you do. You think the market will work itself out. But then something happens and reality says you're a retard
Why Does California Have The Nation's Highest Poverty Rate? Obama did not care, in fact he helped create this situation, which includes illegal aliens being treated as slave labor picking avocados for pennies per day. Sanctuary slaves they are called.

Trump is here to f up the slave owners, yet the ignorant slaves protest.

Reality is real for pepper pickers
Why did Cali vote for hillary if things are so bad?

It is the strength of LEfty politics. THey create more poverty, and the impoverished vote for more social programs.

Works great for the lefty politicians. Kills everything else.

And for trump to achieve his 4% growth goal he's going to need lots of immigrants. I hope they are legal but the fact is trump will need immigrants.

That "fact" is based on you assuming that Trump shares you opinion on that specific policy.

And trump supporters don't want immigrants legal or not. Trump supporters want companies to only have them to hire from. Bit the problem is trump supporters aren't qualified to do anything

a. SOME of Trump supporters don't want any immigrants.

b. Bullshit.

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