Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Raping, Impregnating 12-Year-Old...

FACT: If we deported ALL of the illegals there were be no American citizens being raped, murdered, assaulted, robbed by illegals. Deport them all, if they want to come back they can apply to come back legally.
"Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Raping, Impregnating 12-Year-Old..."

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your ignorance of a hasty generalization fallacy.

No, he wanted to see you type the word fallacy again.

New game, every time Clayton posts the word....... Take a shot!

But to add to the OP's case, here's the heartbreaking story of how I.C.E. handled the killer of Sarah Root.

ICE admits man accused of drunken street racing, motor vehicle homicide was a threat to public safety
The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States | Immigration Policy Center
Read it and weep, Easy. They are more law abiding than us native born Americans. Take your hate and move to a closed society--North Korea, maybe?

How many American citizens should be raped by illegals? How many American citizens murdered by illegals? Clearly you are okay with this girl being raped so how many have to be raped by illegals before you say enough and deport them?
MAYBE it is going to take an illegal attacking a citizen and the citizen gunning them down on their own to start to drive the point home to both other illegals and this President / administration that we are not going to take it anymore. If HE will not enforce the law and protect US citizens then we will be forced to protect ourselves. No doubt, in such a case, Obama would sent lynch after the citizen who killed the illegal.

The establishment and media have been spinning pro illegal propaganda for decades intentionally ignoring the thousands of crimes illegals commit against American citizens each and every year. If anyone ever tries to point this out they shout them down by calling them racist. Until Trump ran for president and broke this issue wide open.
FACT: If we deported ALL of the illegals there were be no American citizens being raped, murdered, assaulted, robbed by illegals. Deport them all, if they want to come back they can apply to come back legally.

Psst. C_Clayton might claim that's a fallacy

But the point really is, there would be fewer.
The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States | Immigration Policy Center
Read it and weep, Easy. They are more law abiding than us native born Americans. Take your hate and move to a closed society--North Korea, maybe?
OL, I am not demonizing NON-Violent illegals, although I have no problem pointing out the FACTs that it they are here, they are a criminal who has broken our laws. If they have a job here, they have broken our laws as has their employer as it is illegal to hire illegals.

Regarding the pieces of shit Obama and his administration are bring in, harboring, protecting, releasing back onto the US population - like that POS whose picture is above - you better believe I am blaming President Barak Hussein Obama for the vast majority of it. He has broken as many if not more laws than many of the illegals in this country, and his putting illegals and these freakin' violent criminals as a higher priority that US citizens is a direct contributing factor for this little girl being raped and other citizens being victimized in their own country.
The child rapist is not representative of immigrants, any more than the other two child rapists I found in less than 20 seconds are representative of Americans.

Every. Single. Day. Someone on this forum from the Pseudo-Right tries to paint all blacks, Mexicans, homosexuals, and Muslims in a negative light. And you are one of them, bigot.

And yet you tards are completely baffled as to why minorities don't vote GOP. You actually think it has something to do with "because gifts". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Nope. It's this gutter shit right here.

Every.Single.Day. Some gun hater on this forum paints all gun owners in a negative light. Are you one of them?

Really ? Point them out . Who did it today ? Or yesterday?
The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States | Immigration Policy Center
Read it and weep, Easy. They are more law abiding than us native born Americans. Take your hate and move to a closed society--North Korea, maybe?
OL, I am not demonizing NON-Violent illegals, although I have no problem pointing out the FACTs that it they are here, they are a criminal who has broken our laws. If they have a job here, they have broken our laws as has their employer as it is illegal to hire illegals.

Regarding the pieces of shit Obama and his administration are bring in, harboring, protecting, releasing back onto the US population - like that POS whose picture is above - you better believe I am blaming President Barak Hussein Obama for the vast majority of it. He has broken as many if not more laws than many of the illegals in this country, and his putting illegals and these freakin' violent criminals as a higher priority that US citizens is a direct contributing factor for this little girl being raped and other citizens being victimized in their own country.
The child rapist is not representative of immigrants, any more than the other two child rapists I found in less than 20 seconds are representative of Americans.

Every. Single. Day. Someone on this forum from the Pseudo-Right tries to paint all blacks, Mexicans, homosexuals, and Muslims in a negative light. And you are one of them, bigot.

And yet you tards are completely baffled as to why minorities don't vote GOP. You actually think it has something to do with "because gifts". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Nope. It's this gutter shit right here.

Every.Single.Day. Some gun hater on this forum paints all gun owners in a negative light. Are you one of them?

Really ? Point them out . Who did it today ? Or yesterday?

PaintMyHouse, JoeB131. Shall I name more and include you?
The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States | Immigration Policy Center
Read it and weep, Easy. They are more law abiding than us native born Americans. Take your hate and move to a closed society--North Korea, maybe?
OL, I am not demonizing NON-Violent illegals, although I have no problem pointing out the FACTs that it they are here, they are a criminal who has broken our laws. If they have a job here, they have broken our laws as has their employer as it is illegal to hire illegals.

Regarding the pieces of shit Obama and his administration are bring in, harboring, protecting, releasing back onto the US population - like that POS whose picture is above - you better believe I am blaming President Barak Hussein Obama for the vast majority of it. He has broken as many if not more laws than many of the illegals in this country, and his putting illegals and these freakin' violent criminals as a higher priority that US citizens is a direct contributing factor for this little girl being raped and other citizens being victimized in their own country.
The child rapist is not representative of immigrants, any more than the other two child rapists I found in less than 20 seconds are representative of Americans.

Every. Single. Day. Someone on this forum from the Pseudo-Right tries to paint all blacks, Mexicans, homosexuals, and Muslims in a negative light. And you are one of them, bigot.

And yet you tards are completely baffled as to why minorities don't vote GOP. You actually think it has something to do with "because gifts". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Nope. It's this gutter shit right here.

Every.Single.Day. Some gun hater on this forum paints all gun owners in a negative light. Are you one of them?
And you are free to point that out in a gun topic!
The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States | Immigration Policy Center
Read it and weep, Easy. They are more law abiding than us native born Americans. Take your hate and move to a closed society--North Korea, maybe?
OL, I am not demonizing NON-Violent illegals, although I have no problem pointing out the FACTs that it they are here, they are a criminal who has broken our laws. If they have a job here, they have broken our laws as has their employer as it is illegal to hire illegals.

Regarding the pieces of shit Obama and his administration are bring in, harboring, protecting, releasing back onto the US population - like that POS whose picture is above - you better believe I am blaming President Barak Hussein Obama for the vast majority of it. He has broken as many if not more laws than many of the illegals in this country, and his putting illegals and these freakin' violent criminals as a higher priority that US citizens is a direct contributing factor for this little girl being raped and other citizens being victimized in their own country.
The child rapist is not representative of immigrants, any more than the other two child rapists I found in less than 20 seconds are representative of Americans.

Every. Single. Day. Someone on this forum from the Pseudo-Right tries to paint all blacks, Mexicans, homosexuals, and Muslims in a negative light. And you are one of them, bigot.

And yet you tards are completely baffled as to why minorities don't vote GOP. You actually think it has something to do with "because gifts". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Nope. It's this gutter shit right here.

Every.Single.Day. Some gun hater on this forum paints all gun owners in a negative light. Are you one of them?
And you are free to point that out in a gun topic!

I just did it here asshole. Don't like it? Tough shit. What are you going to do about it, whine like a little bitch? Wait, you just did.

What I pointed out was the hypocrisy of those who say don't judge all (fill in the blank) by the actions of a few then judge all (fill the blank) by the actions of a few.
The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States | Immigration Policy Center
Read it and weep, Easy. They are more law abiding than us native born Americans. Take your hate and move to a closed society--North Korea, maybe?
OL, I am not demonizing NON-Violent illegals, although I have no problem pointing out the FACTs that it they are here, they are a criminal who has broken our laws. If they have a job here, they have broken our laws as has their employer as it is illegal to hire illegals.

Regarding the pieces of shit Obama and his administration are bring in, harboring, protecting, releasing back onto the US population - like that POS whose picture is above - you better believe I am blaming President Barak Hussein Obama for the vast majority of it. He has broken as many if not more laws than many of the illegals in this country, and his putting illegals and these freakin' violent criminals as a higher priority that US citizens is a direct contributing factor for this little girl being raped and other citizens being victimized in their own country.
The child rapist is not representative of immigrants, any more than the other two child rapists I found in less than 20 seconds are representative of Americans.

Every. Single. Day. Someone on this forum from the Pseudo-Right tries to paint all blacks, Mexicans, homosexuals, and Muslims in a negative light. And you are one of them, bigot.

And yet you tards are completely baffled as to why minorities don't vote GOP. You actually think it has something to do with "because gifts". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Nope. It's this gutter shit right here.

Every.Single.Day. Some gun hater on this forum paints all gun owners in a negative light. Are you one of them?
And you are free to point that out in a gun topic!

I just did it here asshole. Don't like it? Tough shit. What are you going to do about it, whine like a little bitch? Wait, you just did.

Yes, you illogical people are very passionate about your logically fallacious arguments. When you are defeated on the issue at hand, you have to resort to red herrings, smoke and mirrors, and other failed tactics.
The Democrat party demands that the Immigration laws be thrown out and new ones be created
because the current laws are too strict and are racist by their very existence....
OL, I am not demonizing NON-Violent illegals, although I have no problem pointing out the FACTs that it they are here, they are a criminal who has broken our laws. If they have a job here, they have broken our laws as has their employer as it is illegal to hire illegals.

Regarding the pieces of shit Obama and his administration are bring in, harboring, protecting, releasing back onto the US population - like that POS whose picture is above - you better believe I am blaming President Barak Hussein Obama for the vast majority of it. He has broken as many if not more laws than many of the illegals in this country, and his putting illegals and these freakin' violent criminals as a higher priority that US citizens is a direct contributing factor for this little girl being raped and other citizens being victimized in their own country.
The child rapist is not representative of immigrants, any more than the other two child rapists I found in less than 20 seconds are representative of Americans.

Every. Single. Day. Someone on this forum from the Pseudo-Right tries to paint all blacks, Mexicans, homosexuals, and Muslims in a negative light. And you are one of them, bigot.

And yet you tards are completely baffled as to why minorities don't vote GOP. You actually think it has something to do with "because gifts". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Nope. It's this gutter shit right here.

Every.Single.Day. Some gun hater on this forum paints all gun owners in a negative light. Are you one of them?
And you are free to point that out in a gun topic!

I just did it here asshole. Don't like it? Tough shit. What are you going to do about it, whine like a little bitch? Wait, you just did.

Yes, you illogical people are very passionate about your logically fallacious arguments. When you are defeated on the issue at hand, you have to resort to red herrings, smoke and mirrors, and other failed tactics.

Yes you do. Thanks for admitting you do it and that you, like we all knew, are a born loser.
Refusal to Enforce Existing Law
Refusal to keep violent illegals with multiple arrests locked up
Refusal to sign Kate's law
Refusal to Obey Court orders regarding Immigrant Dumping Across the US
Engaging in Human Trafficking, to help bring in flood of illegals
Refusal to arrest human Trafficker until 24th time stopped
Refusal to Stop Sanctuary Cities that provide safe havens for violent, criminal illegals that prey on citizens
Ordering US BPA to 'stand won' and NOT try to prevent illegal 'invasion'
List of US Victims of illegals continue to grow - Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Cops: Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Raping, Impregnating 12-Year-Old in TX
- Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Raping, Impregnating 12-Year-Old in TX


So horrific. It is time to end Illegal Immigration. And i don't give a damn who's offended by that. Most Americans fully support legal and controlled Immigration. They're not 'Bigots.' They just don't support this Illegal Immigration chaos.
That's fine. Just don't go overboard by using OP's methods of argument. No one likes a child rapist, no matter where the person comes from. It's not a good argument for a Wall.

No, it's actually an excellent argument for something like it. We already have enough brutal American Citizen murderers & rapists. We certainly don't need to take in Thousands & Thousands more from other countries. Secure the damn border now, and then reform our Immigration System.
Like I already said, Fine. Leave the one-by-one examples of illegal immigrants commiting crimes out of it. One criminal Mexican (or whatever) is no more representative of ALL illegal immigrants than one criminal American is representative of all Americans. Just leave the stupid arguments out of it. It actually hurts your side more than helps it. It makes it look like you might be bigoted, which may or may not be the case.

And like i said already, we have more than enough American Citizen murderers & rapists. We don't need to import thousands more.
The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States | Immigration Policy Center
Read it and weep, Easy. They are more law abiding than us native born Americans. Take your hate and move to a closed society--North Korea, maybe?
OL, I am not demonizing NON-Violent illegals, although I have no problem pointing out the FACTs that it they are here, they are a criminal who has broken our laws. If they have a job here, they have broken our laws as has their employer as it is illegal to hire illegals.

Regarding the pieces of shit Obama and his administration are bring in, harboring, protecting, releasing back onto the US population - like that POS whose picture is above - you better believe I am blaming President Barak Hussein Obama for the vast majority of it. He has broken as many if not more laws than many of the illegals in this country, and his putting illegals and these freakin' violent criminals as a higher priority that US citizens is a direct contributing factor for this little girl being raped and other citizens being victimized in their own country.
The child rapist is not representative of immigrants, any more than the other two child rapists I found in less than 20 seconds are representative of Americans.

Every. Single. Day. Someone on this forum from the Pseudo-Right tries to paint all blacks, Mexicans, homosexuals, and Muslims in a negative light. And you are one of them, bigot.

And yet you tards are completely baffled as to why minorities don't vote GOP. You actually think it has something to do with "because gifts". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Nope. It's this gutter shit right here.

Every.Single.Day. Some gun hater on this forum paints all gun owners in a negative light. Are you one of them?
And you are free to point that out in a gun topic!
Liberals trying to dictate what people can and can not say....nice. 'Nuff said.
The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States | Immigration Policy Center
Read it and weep, Easy. They are more law abiding than us native born Americans. Take your hate and move to a closed society--North Korea, maybe?
OL, I am not demonizing NON-Violent illegals, although I have no problem pointing out the FACTs that it they are here, they are a criminal who has broken our laws. If they have a job here, they have broken our laws as has their employer as it is illegal to hire illegals.

Regarding the pieces of shit Obama and his administration are bring in, harboring, protecting, releasing back onto the US population - like that POS whose picture is above - you better believe I am blaming President Barak Hussein Obama for the vast majority of it. He has broken as many if not more laws than many of the illegals in this country, and his putting illegals and these freakin' violent criminals as a higher priority that US citizens is a direct contributing factor for this little girl being raped and other citizens being victimized in their own country.
The child rapist is not representative of immigrants, any more than the other two child rapists I found in less than 20 seconds are representative of Americans.

Every. Single. Day. Someone on this forum from the Pseudo-Right tries to paint all blacks, Mexicans, homosexuals, and Muslims in a negative light. And you are one of them, bigot.

And yet you tards are completely baffled as to why minorities don't vote GOP. You actually think it has something to do with "because gifts". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Nope. It's this gutter shit right here.

Every.Single.Day. Some gun hater on this forum paints all gun owners in a negative light. Are you one of them?
And you are free to point that out in a gun topic!
Liberals trying to dictate what people can and can not say....nice. 'Nuff said.

All the while claiming they believe in freedom and choice.

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