Illegal Immigrants are Bringing Leprosy Into America

Just like leprosy eats away at the human body in a necrotizing waltz to death, our current immigration policy is causing our nation to rot. There was Covid and TB. There is also STDs of the grossest variety. Now leprosy.
And malaria, and TB and all other pestilence from the third world. That's why you have a LEGAL immigration system so you know who you are bringing into the country. But Democrats say screw LEGAL immigration, just come to the border and you're in!

World economic forum has 2 goals in that video. 1 is America won't be a independent super power anymore, instead the world will be ruled a group of different countries.

Goal 2 is actually the predecessor to the one I mentioned above. Western nations will accept in illegals from poorer countries.

So if America becomes filled with illegals to it destabilizes the entire country by eating up resources, it upsets American citizens, it causes crowding, they carry diseases that upset our balance, a lot of them are criminals which causes more crime, it costs billions by having them here, and so on.

So if you want to weaken and destabilize a world super power then you errode it away from within. Illegals, more crime, adults trying to turn children into trannies, pushing of sexualization of children, more drugs, criminals running around like crazy, cities full of homeless and so on. All on the rise

This all started immediately, I mean instantly as soon as trump left office we saw a rapid change in our nation that isn't slowing down and the illegals started their run on our border and haven't stopped. So the goals of the world economic forum are being made possible by the current administration.
Read my post:

The illegals are not only bringing leprosy....

but a whole lot more. YAY!:mad:


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