Illegal immigration: America's new slave class of the 21st century


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
Illegal immigration: America's new slave class of the 21st century | Before It's News

President Barack Obama, a man who has never soiled his hands with a hard day’s work for a day’s pay in his life, promotes illegal alien migration by saying, “Arizona’s new immigration laws is misguided.” What he really means is--corporations welcome illegal aliens so they can work for slave wages which aids his corporate friends to help buy more Lear Jets and drive Rolls Royces along with a third home in Aspen, Colorado. What’s he’s really saying is that Americans can’t earn a decent living at such wages, so it’s okay to have millions of illegal aliens living 20 to a trailer and suffering inhumane conditions in ghettoes forming across the USA. They are called ‘colonias’ or ‘new neighborhoods’. These are our new slave class.

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