Illegal immigration amnesty - I just don't get it


Jul 4, 2013
What is with the seasonal push for illegal immigration amnesty? If one buys into the argument that Democrats just want more voters, then why do Republicans support amnesty as well?

I think there is more to it along the lines of "follow the money" thinking. Is big agri-business lobbying so heavily for near-slave labor? Is there "white guilt" for taking over large swaths of what used to be Mexican lands? Does it all have something to do with illegal drugs?

I don't know. I think there is more to this movement then they are telling us.

Why do you think that Congress even considers illegal immigrant amnesty? There are so many other important issues in this country but this one keeps coming up again and again.

Besides, does it work? I'm not seeing evidence that it has worked in the past.
Cookie, you post a great question which i too do not get it.., BUT, i do know that most Mexicans that live in Mexicali and Calexico who come across the border to work the farms that produce our fruits, veggies and other food staples would prefer to work in the U.S.A. during the day and return home to Mexico at night..., and that is a FACT !
I agree. And that is why I don't understand why we're not increasing temporary work permits and "fixing" the "immigration issue" by streamlining citizenship procedures and reducing the backlog. Let us legalize the people we want to have here. Let us clarify the "anchor baby" issue. Let people work here seasonally and go back where they live - legally. Let us help the people who were dragged here illegally by their parents (they didn't know they were illegal until now - really? I find that hard to believe) so they can make a decision to either get legal here or in the country of their citizenship. But in the meantime, if you're abusing Social Security numbers, not reporting income and committing crimes, guess what - you're going to jail and perhaps prison and if we can't deport you, then you might stay in prison until we figure out what to do with you.
I can explain McCain being all jiggy about in Arizona the resort hotels rely heavily on cheap labor they can intimidate with deportation. Mac takes a lot of campaign money from them so he'll sit down with Shummer and the rest of the Rats if necessary to keep the money coming in. He'll never get my vote again.

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