Illinois democratic congresswoman calls for the death of republican congressmans family.

A Democrat That Wants To Murder The Babies
Of A Conservative That Adopted 2 That Weren't

She's Still Goin' After 'Em

Oh, My....
Another ass-aching dem who shows her true character. There are a lot like her on this forum....bitches like blackwag, CMZ and of course Nat the flake.
No. When a Congresswoman calls for the death of a Representative s family, pic has nothing to do with it.
Relax, snowflake. Good grief.
Says the snowflake that would be yelling bloody murder if it were reversed.
^ lol PC police claiming hypocricy
Once again Democrats prove they are borderline domestic terrorists. Very sad. But very dangerous. That democrat should be arrested and it least have a full psychological check done, remove any firearms in her possession, etc.
She’s an ass and should do the people of her district a favor by resigning.
Sorry bout that,

  1. She broke the law, you can't make threats,its a felony in most states.
  2. She should be shit canned!

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