Illinois police officer killed.

No but as am I'm sure you know this is a recent trend and did not start until the Michael Brown shooting in August of last year and has slowly gotten worse as time has gone by with the Freddie Gray death and other incidents. Will this continue I don't know but for now it seems to be on a upward climb.

Do you have any data showing this "trend" you claim, or is it just a "feeling"?

There have been 13% less gun related officer fatalities this year as compared to this same time frame last year.

It's as much a trend as cops killing blacks is....which is a tiny %, rare nearly immeasurable stat.

Wanna talk stats NOW?

Police have killed 350 or so people so far this year.
Around 25 Police officers have been killed in the line of duty this year.

Looks pretty "measurable" to me.
So we'll wait until a dozen more cops get gunned down before you see a connection between "Sunshine's" calls for violence and the resulting targeting of police officers? It seems you twats had a honed sense of correlation when you claimed Sarah Palin's "target maps" caused the Giffords shooting. Where is it now?

Don't be a moron. You weren't a member here when the Giffords shooting happened, and you have no idea what I argued about it at the time. You're welcome to go digging if you want, but you'd probably be surprised at what you find.

As for the rest, I think you're in the wrong thread, but even so:

Yes, we'll wait. You can't claim a "connection" between Farrakhan's rhetoric and hypothetical future murders of police.
Stay focused now. I said "Sunshine's" rhetoric, the FYF gal saying cops and white people should be killed. Farrakhan is a wrinkled old bag of hate who can already feel the flames of hell licking at his feet.

And I can pretty much guess you subscribed to the theory that Giffords was killed from a cloud of hate generated by a map published by Sarah Palin. Am I wrong?
Do you have any data showing this "trend" you claim, or is it just a "feeling"?

There have been 13% less gun related officer fatalities this year as compared to this same time frame last year.

It's as much a trend as cops killing blacks is....which is a tiny %, rare nearly immeasurable stat.

Wanna talk stats NOW?

Police have killed 350 or so people so far this year.
Around 25 Police officers have been killed in the line of duty this year.

Looks pretty "measurable" to me.
So we'll wait until a dozen more cops get gunned down before you see a connection between "Sunshine's" calls for violence and the resulting targeting of police officers? It seems you twats had a honed sense of correlation when you claimed Sarah Palin's "target maps" caused the Giffords shooting. Where is it now?

Don't be a moron. You weren't a member here when the Giffords shooting happened, and you have no idea what I argued about it at the time. You're welcome to go digging if you want, but you'd probably be surprised at what you find.

As for the rest, I think you're in the wrong thread, but even so:

Yes, we'll wait. You can't claim a "connection" between Farrakhan's rhetoric and hypothetical future murders of police.
Stay focused now. I said "Sunshine's" rhetoric, the FYF gal saying cops and white people should be killed. Farrakhan is a wrinkled old bag of hate who can already feel the flames of hell licking at his feet.

And I can pretty much guess you subscribed to the theory that Giffords was killed from a cloud of hate generated by a map published by Sarah Palin. Am I wrong?

Of course you're wrong. You're also a fucking moron.

Who the fuck is "Sunshine", and what does it have to do with this thread, clown?
Suspects are evolving to become more violent...

Open Season on the Police
Oct 20, 2015 | In recent months there have been a series of cases reported in the media, where some teenage thug -- white, black or Hispanic in different cases -- has been stopped by a policeman for some routine violation of the law and, instead of complying with lawful instructions, such as "show me your driver's license," chooses instead to defy the policeman, resist arrest and finally ends up physically assaulting the cop.
In the most recent case, the teenager happened to be white, but the story doesn't seem to change much, whatever the complexion of the guy who violated the law. Nor does the sad ending change, with the young wise guy shot dead. Nor do the reactions of the media and the parents vary much. "He was only a kid" is an almost automatic reaction of the parents and the media. "He didn't deserve to be killed" over a traffic violation, or because he didn't drop a toy gun when ordered to, or some other minor infraction. Are we so addicted to talking points and sound bites that we can't be bothered to use common sense? If you are killed by a teenager, you are just as dead as if you had been killed by the oldest man in the world.


It doesn't matter how minor the law violation was that caused the young guy to be stopped. He wasn't shot for the violation -- which could have been jay-walking, for all the difference it makes. He was shot for attacking the police, after having foolishly escalated a routine encounter into a personal confrontation. Irrational statements by the young man's parents may be understandable when they discover that their son is dead. But for media people to make such mindless statements to a nationwide audience is just grossly irresponsible. In an atmosphere where second-guessing policemen has become a popular sport in the media, as well as among politicians, there is always someone to say that there must have been "some other way" for the policeman to handle the situation.

Utter ignorance of what it is like to be in such situations does not seem to make the second-guessers hesitate. On the contrary, ignorance seems to be liberating, so that "excessive force" has become an almost automatic comment from people who have no basis whatever for determining how much force is necessary in such situations. You can't measure out force with a teaspoon. The truly tragic cases involve some really young kid -- maybe ten years old or so -- who has a very realistic-looking toy gun, and has removed the red plastic attachment that is supposed to show that it is not a real gun. When he turns his realistic-looking toy gun on a policeman, and refuses to drop it, that can turn out to be the last mistake of his young life.

Tragic yes, but the 3 perps (2 white and 1 black) killed the cop because they committed a crime and were trying to escape. It had nothing to do with the ultra racist black lives matter hate movement.

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I pointed out in later post on the thread that I wasn't blaming black lives matter and that two of the suspects were white.
You certainly insinuated something along those lines when you coincided the cop related killings of Michael Brown and Freddie Grey with your perceived "increase" in cop killings.
Youre an idiot. Cop shootings are down. There is no trend. I would like to see a trend of dirty cops getting killed though.

Cop being killed in the line of duty is on track to be one of the lowest in decades.

With per capita deaths near a century low.
That the more this anti cop rhetoric heats up the more attacks we are seeing against cops. No I'm not blaming black lives matter for the attacks and yes I'm aware two of the three suspects the police are looking for in this shooting are white. That's the trend people can either agree or not.

Do you have any data showing this trend?

From what I've been able to find, police fatalities have been declining fairly steeply, with the last 3 years having the the lowest numbers since the 1950s, and this year being on track to beat last year.
No but as am I'm sure you know this is a recent trend and did not start until the Michael Brown shooting in August of last year and has slowly gotten worse as time has gone by with the Freddie Gray death and other incidents. Will this continue I don't know but for now it seems to be on a upward climb.

Do you have any data showing this "trend" you claim, or is it just a "feeling"?
I just answered that.

Well, I found some data. National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Preliminary 2015 Fatality Statistics

There have been less gun related officer fatalities so far in 2015 than there were between January and September of 2014 (which, as you'll notice, is mostly before the Brown shooting).

Yup. With more cops.

Meaning that the odds of being killed in the line of duty for an individual officer is about as low as it was in the 1870s.
Youre an idiot. Cop shootings are down. There is no trend. I would like to see a trend of dirty cops getting killed though.

And this cop turned out to be a dirty cop who committed suicide.

'Hero' officer staged suicide, embezzled from youth program
That the more this anti cop rhetoric heats up the more attacks we are seeing against cops. No I'm not blaming black lives matter for the attacks and yes I'm aware two of the three suspects the police are looking for in this shooting are white. That's the trend people can either agree or not.

Do you have any data showing this trend?

From what I've been able to find, police fatalities have been declining fairly steeply, with the last 3 years having the the lowest numbers since the 1950s, and this year being on track to beat last year.
No but as am I'm sure you know this is a recent trend and did not start until the Michael Brown shooting in August of last year and has slowly gotten worse as time has gone by with the Freddie Gray death and other incidents. Will this continue I don't know but for now it seems to be on a upward climb.

Do you have any data showing this "trend" you claim, or is it just a "feeling"?

There have been 13% less gun related officer fatalities this year as compared to this same time frame last year.

It's as much a trend as cops killing blacks is....which is a tiny %, rare nearly immeasurable stat.

Wanna talk stats NOW?

Police have killed 350 or so people so far this year.
Around 25 Police officers have been killed in the line of duty this year.

Looks pretty "measurable" to me.


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