Zone1 I'm Afraid That The Left Finally Pushed Me Away From God

And yet Democrats push the whole LGBTQ +++ movement like it is united and all on board with the trans BS and pushing it on kids and in women’s sports/other safe spaces. They are not.

Many want the crazies ousted.
You do not know about all the Republican voters who are activists for their own rights as LGBTQ.

Keep using the word push, that is fine. Because apparently one really has to PUSH, and very hard, against all the ignorance many of you have built in in your selves.

No one is pushing it on children. And no child under 16 is allowed to have the operation to change their gender/sex.

Women in sports is a sports issue, they will resolve it. Amazing how women turned men is not a problem.

Educate yourself about the issue first:

It is not up to you who and where anyone should be taught about being homosexual or Trans or anything else. All of them go through hell trying to understand themselves, and being accepted and being able to live a normal life in a society which has not learned, yet, to accept what seems to be unacceptable. But that is how god made them, as they made all other forms.

They are not attacking children. They are not attempting to turn heterosexuals into Homosexuals or trans. They are minding their lives, that is all.
You do not know about all the Republican voters who are activists for their own rights as LGBTQ.

Keep using the word push, that is fine. Because apparently one really has to PUSH, and very hard, against all the ignorance many of you have built in in your selves.

No one is pushing it on children. And no child under 16 is allowed to have the operation to change their gender/sex.

Women in sports is a sports issue, they will resolve it. Amazing how women turned men is not a problem.

Educate yourself about the issue first:

It is not up to you who and where anyone should be taught about being homosexual or Trans or anything else. All of them go through hell trying to understand themselves, and being accepted and being able to live a normal life in a society which has not learned, yet, to accept what seems to be unacceptable. But that is how god made them, as they made all other forms.

They are not attacking children. They are not attempting to turn heterosexuals into Homosexuals or trans. They are minding their lives, that is all.
Clearly you are the one that needs to be educated. Personally I just think you are trying ( like most democrats) to gaslight the masses. Your whole tantrum about Disney/DeSantis was related to not allowing gender identity indoctrination materials in public schools. And Democrats are all on board with pushing puberty blockers and gender surgery on minors under the guise of healthcare. Why is this exactly? Why do you democrats have such a hard on for the kids?
Wouldn’t be nice if people took this to heart:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

You're using that scripture to get us to love pedophiles and pedo defenders. Or at least that's what it sounds like.

HE = god, made all of us the way we are.

Just so you're aware, the LGBT community is manmade. God made Eve and not Steve and He certainly didn't make us to be confused individuals.

If He was inclined to drive people out with whips, and throw over tables and dump offender's money on the ground, over the events that provoked that, he'd surely not be terribly calm about dealing with childfuckers.

Oh and don't forget that the left is after women too.
And I hate that about myself. I used to love and accept the LGBT community even if I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I got pushed SO much by the woke agenda that I snapped and started despising them and posted a thread about it in the Badlands last night. The worst part is that I actually do have hatred towards them right now and I honestly don't want to.

So you hate other people for them making you see things differently? That's really WEIRD.
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And I hate that about myself. I used to love and accept the LGBT community even if I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I got pushed SO much by the woke agenda that I snapped and started despising them and posted a thread about it in the Badlands last night. The worst part is that I actually do have hatred towards them right now and I honestly don't want to.
I don't think you are in the Religion Forum enough to have read why the Bible verse of the Lion lying down with the lamb means so much to me.

I see the Lion as the strong, usually seen as the negative, emotion. In your example, that would be hate.

I see the Lamb as the peaceful/loving emotion, in your case that you don't want that Lion emotion of hate. Now, how do you get the two to lie down together?

The first is accepting that the Lion emotion is roaring, trying desperately to get your attention. There is something about your acceptance of LGBT that alarms (or threatens) the essential you.

It is too long a story, but before people were advocating gay marriage, we were advocating for civil unions. I was not a proponent or accepting of gay sex, and I did not assure anyone it was alright. So why was I accepted? Because I truly saw them as something other than their sexual activity. The people I hung with were no more interested to be a gay this or that than I was interested in being a heterosexual this or that. We were all something more than a sex life. I did not tell them it was alright or good to be gay, and they appreciated that, because they told me others who told them this simply came off as condescending. They certainly had no need to tell me it was alright or good to be heterosexual. Where we agreed is that same sex couples should should have every right/benefit that was bestowed upon married couples. We actually talked about perhaps it would be better to advocate removing rights/benefits of married couples. I think I still favor that.

There are real physical and mental health risks related to homosexuality. It was not my place then, nor is it now, to promote/approve any kind of behavior that may harm (which includes piercings, tattoos, alcohol, drugs, or any kind of sex). Given the research, I believe sex is best between a married man and woman, but if someone wants to risk something different, it is truly none of my business, nor is it a decision I should make for them. They have the information, their decision. Either way, my own stance remains the same. Sex is best between a married man and woman. Everyone knows this about me, and everyone is comfortable about it, just as they know I am comfortable with their informed choice. There is so much more to all of us than sex.

I have no difficulty at all being against biological males competing with biological females. The XY chromosome body differs from the XX chromosome body. I am completely adamant that no child be "transgendered". I am completely in favor of children learning about the differences of XY bodies and XX bodies, and why this should not be messed with until/unless that body is fully developed. Some who have gone through the process are now available to explain why. We don't experiment on children. Ever. Period.

Too long a post, I know, and I apologize. What may have you reacting as you do, is not what people quietly go about including in their way of life, but those who insist on being known primarily by their sexual identity. Your Lion may be protesting that everyone is more than a sexual identity, and that you want more for everyone than a sexual identity. Can your Lion and Lamb within come together and agree on something like that? Better phrased, What can your inner Lion and Lamb come to an agreement on without ignoring the wisdom of the other?
And yet Democrats push the whole LGBTQ +++ movement like it is united and all on board with the trans BS and pushing it on kids and in women’s sports/other safe spaces. They are not.

Many want the crazies ousted.

The push on the left is probably about equal with the push on the right, if the right didn't try and discriminate, then the left wouldn't have anything to push and people who are LGBT could just be like in Thailand where it's accepted and people get on with their lives instead of trying to HURT OTHER PEOPLE>
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
In other words: Would you put yourself in danger? Would you make a fool of yourself? Are you okay with--in any way--possibly endangering a child?

Let's not be blase about the Golden Commandment, keeping in mind that it was originally introduced as, "What is distasteful to you, do not do to another."
I don't think you are in the Religion Forum enough to have read why the Bible verse of the Lion lying down with the lamb means so much to me.

I see the Lion as the strong, usually seen as the negative, emotion. In your example, that would be hate.

I see the Lamb as the peaceful/loving emotion, in your case that you don't want that Lion emotion of hate. Now, how do you get the two to lie down together?

The first is accepting that the Lion emotion is roaring, trying desperately to get your attention. There is something about your acceptance of LGBT that alarms (or threatens) the essential you.

It is too long a story, but before people were advocating gay marriage, we were advocating for civil unions. I was not a proponent or accepting of gay sex, and I did not assure anyone it was alright. So why was I accepted? Because I truly saw them as something other than their sexual activity. The people I hung with were no more interested to be a gay this or that than I was interested in being a heterosexual this or that. We were all something more than a sex life. I did not tell them it was alright or good to be gay, and they appreciated that, because they told me others who told them this simply came off as condescending. They certainly had no need to tell me it was alright or good to be heterosexual. Where we agreed is that same sex couples should should have every right/benefit that was bestowed upon married couples. We actually talked about perhaps it would be better to advocate removing rights/benefits of married couples. I think I still favor that.

There are real physical and mental health risks related to homosexuality. It was not my place then, nor is it now, to promote/approve any kind of behavior that may harm (which includes piercings, tattoos, alcohol, drugs, or any kind of sex). Given the research, I believe sex is best between a married man and woman, but if someone wants to risk something different, it is truly none of my business, nor is it a decision I should make for them. They have the information, their decision. Either way, my own stance remains the same. Sex is best between a married man and woman. Everyone knows this about me, and everyone is comfortable about it, just as they know I am comfortable with their informed choice. There is so much more to all of us than sex.

I have no difficulty at all being against biological males competing with biological females. The XY chromosome body differs from the XX chromosome body. I am completely adamant that no child be "transgendered". I am completely in favor of children learning about the differences of XY bodies and XX bodies, and why this should not be messed with until/unless that body is fully developed. Some who have gone through the process are now available to explain why. We don't experiment on children. Ever. Period.

Too long a post, I know, and I apologize. What may have you reacting as you do, is not what people quietly go about including in their way of life, but those who insist on being known primarily by their sexual identity. Your Lion may be protesting that everyone is more than a sexual identity, and that you want more for everyone than a sexual identity. Can your Lion and Lamb within come together and agree on something like that? Better phrased, What can your inner Lion and Lamb come to an agreement on without ignoring the wisdom of the other?

So,.. what exactly is the bottom line?
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
You're using that scripture to get us to love pedophiles and pedo defenders. Or at least that's what it sounds like.

That's what it looks like, because that's what it is.

She wants us to have love and compassion and tolerance for childfuckers. But none for the innocent victims thereof.
Clearly you are the one that needs to be educated. Personally I just think you are trying ( like most democrats) to gaslight the masses. Your whole tantrum about Disney/DeSantis was related to not allowing gender identity indoctrination materials in public schools. And Democrats are all on board with pushing puberty blockers and gender surgery on minors under the guise of healthcare. Why is this exactly? Why do you democrats have such a hard on for the kids?
Disney/De Santis was about Free Speech. There is no indoctrination. One cannot turn a heterosexual person into a homosexual or Transgender. Never.

In other words, you are denying that there are Republicans who are born homosexual or Transgender.

Why do you keep telling lies about Democrats being pedophiles? This lie started by a Republican
to turn voters against Hilary Clinton and the lie continues.

Not very smart of you. Why aren't you smart? Really, why are you not smart to see that you are being made to be afraid of Democrats by them being vilified, being made afraid of?

All of that leads to people being attacked without any actual fact.

All of you are responsible for any heterosexual, homosexual, trans, etc who has been attacked because of the endless lies told by Trump, Carlson and anyone else who got away with millions of dollars why turning voters like yourself into the moral police, without making any one of you lose, or think you lost anything.

You are all against abortion, you have been losing elections since 2018.

You are all against homosexuals and Trans, you are continuing to lose elections.

That is the price of siding with those who are extremists and know that they can use extremism to turn so many of you against what all of you do not like, in order to have your votes and your donation.

Laugh. Keep laughing all the way to Donald Trump 's bank account as well as others, who have enriched themselves by turning their voters against innocent people.
So,.. what exactly is the bottom line?
For you? I don't know. This is not a one size fits all issue. For me, it is about not promoting what I have no belief in balanced out with not persecuting people who make personal choices outside the norm which are none of my business.

I am mightily against anyone using children for social experimenting.
You're using that scripture to get us to love pedophiles and pedo defenders. Or at least that's what it sounds like.

Just so you're aware, the LGBT community is manmade. God made Eve and not Steve and He certainly didn't make us to be confused individuals.

Oh and don't forget that the left is after women too.
You are a religious ignorant.

The whole world is black and white to you, when it never was.

The inability to understand and accept changes makes people like yourself to always attack and try to destroy that which one does not understand.

Oh, it is the left which is after women?

Is the left trying to take women's rights away?
Women's votes?

You are not confused. People who decide that they are gods and they know better, like yourself, always decide what is manmade. Ignorance is manmade. And it is a very destructive thing, always has been.

Stop playing at being god, although you dare to say that you have almost given up on him, and deciding what is and what is not, when you have no idea whatsoever of what you are talking about simply because you do not want to know about it.

The world is not black and white. It is made of many colors. That is how the world is.

And as homosexuality exists in the wild kingdom, it is truly audacious for anyone to say that humans cannot be or should not also be, from birth.

Continue to understand nothing and hold on to a few words of a book you really have no business with since you do not understand it at all.

So many people have decided that they understand totally what is written in the Hebrew Scriptures. What a laugh. Ignorant people who would not understand Shakespeare, understand the Hebrew Scriptures.

HA !
In other words: Would you put yourself in danger? Would you make a fool of yourself? Are you okay with--in any way--possibly endangering a child?

Let's not be blase about the Golden Commandment, keeping in mind that it was originally introduced as, "What is distasteful to you, do not do to another."
I’m not the least bit blasé about it.
In other words: Would you put yourself in danger? Would you make a fool of yourself? Are you okay with--in any way--possibly endangering a child?

Let's not be blase about the Golden Commandment, keeping in mind that it was originally introduced as, "What is distasteful to you, do not do to another."
The point is : There is no proof that Trans people are pedophiles and are sexually attacking children.

ALL of this is nothing more than republican fear mongering because so many republicans cannot understand what Trans is.

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