Zone1 I'm Afraid That The Left Finally Pushed Me Away From God

You should see the movie Nefarious. It addresses just what you say. We accept evil a bit at a time, expanding on it along the way. Just as we are doing. Until the whole is degenerate, thinking that degeneracy is holy.
I think I understand bigotry.
I am not sure you do. So let's discuss the definition, followed by a discussion of Christianity.

Bigotry: stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.

Christianity emerged during the Roman Republic. At this time, some Roman temples were places of sexual orgies, and some were led by transgender men who referred to themselves as women and some even castrated themselves. Sexual/physical pleasures were very much out in the open, very much a part of religious practices.

Judaism was an exception to this. Jews kept stubbornly to themselves, and the Romans found it was better to ignore them and to just leave them alone. Christianity was much more open speaking out about people focusing on a spiritual life over focusing on sexual/physical pleasures (gluttony). Our spiritual life is eternal, whereas sex/physical pleasures are passing. These are two very different creeds.

As we know, the Christians were fiercely persecuted for this spiritual teaching/belief. Was this bigotry by the Roman Republic? Or were the early Christians bigots for not joining into sexual orgies, both hetero and homosexual?

Today, we have people objecting to religious/spiritual creeds in schools and the the public square. Is that bigotry? If it is not, then we, as a society, cannot label as bigotry of any objection to homosexual/transgender practices that take place in schools and the public square.

As far as pushing transgender transition on children: There have been enough transgender changes on adults in Europe to study the results. Science has shown there have been no true benefits, either mentally or physically, for these surgeries in adults. Europe, especially Britain, is reversing themselves on these practices, so the medical and pharmaceutical countries are racing over to North America claiming if they can get their hands on children, the results might be different, and long term benefits in children might occur. You think? Or are these companies after all the money they can make before this well dries up, too?

Think about it. Science has shown that there are mental (leading to physical) benefits for people practicing a religious faith. Science has shown there are no benefits for physical transitioning from one sex to another. What say you--shall we accuse science of bigotry? Or is the word 'bigotry' not only being overused, it is being misused?
Wouldn’t be nice if people took this to heart:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
"Love your neighbor AS YOURSELF
DOESNT mean embracing their perversion.
There have been enough transgender changes on adults in Europe to study the results. Science has shown there have been no true benefits, either mentally or physically, for these surgeries in adults. Europe, especially Britain, is reversing themselves on these practices, so the medical and pharmaceutical countries are racing over to North America claiming if they can get their hands on children,

did you hear about trans Mulvaney feeling bad because he/she couldn't kiss someone. I guess men are reluctant and so are women... Who knew?

there are consequences to violating nature

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