Zone1 I'm Afraid That The Left Finally Pushed Me Away From God

How the heck does Jesus being a Jew have anything to do with homosexuality?
I was clearly......talking of the acceptance that people are different, and it is not abhorrent in Judaism as shown in Israel itself.

Something Christianity has some difficulty doing. Accepting others who are different.
Try using that argument on judgement day if you're Transgender or homosexual. See if that lets you into Heaven.
But take a look at Jesus, who walked among us in all our messiness. He didn’t judge or shame. He treated all with respect and kindness and listened to our questions and stories. His scathing words were reserved for the Pharisees, the religious teachers so focused on rules and keeping others in the tight boxes they had constructed that they had lost what was most important in life – justice, mercy and faith. But Jesus embodied love and compassion and, as a result, changed the stories of people’s lives.

What determines gender? Is it biology, behaviors, experiences, heart, the mind or some combination of those and other factors? That will be hotly debated for years. But in the meantime, we need to hear the stories of transgender individuals like Pat, Leelah, Jazz, Skylar and Zoey. We need to look into their eyes, face to face. For when we do so, we will be motivated to address the transgender conversation with love, compassion and respect … the way Jesus would.

(Full article online)

There is NO HELL OR HEAVEN. in Judaism.
There is NO HELL OR HEAVEN. in Judaism.
Who cares? if you want to bring in religion then stick to the respective religious groups and believes.

According to Christian beliefs - Jesus was the son of God, and not some Jew. As such Jesus has nothing to do with Judaism.
God created Adam and Eve - and not a homo and a lesbian. He even wiped out "his" Hebrew creations via a flood and e.g. Sodom and Gomorrah due to excessive "unnatural" practices.
Judaism: “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman"....... independent of David's relationship with Jonathan or male and female prostitutes employed as Hebrew temple priests.

It is however known that those living in Canaan had a cultural liking towards homosexuality. Babylonian exiled Josiah: to ”break down the houses of the sodomites, that were by the house of the Lord"

From the end of the 4th century BCE, and later under the Romans, Jews found themselves living in cultures that practiced homosexuality between men and boys as a norm. Whilst Christianity opposed and condemned it, Hebrew Rabbis couldn't make up their mind.

The all-important book of Jewish Law, the Talmud, contains statements to the effect that anal sex among men causes solar eclipses (Sukkah 29a) and earthquakes (Jerusalem Talmud, Berachot 13:3), but also distinguishes between two forms of pederasty — anal sex that warrants a penalty of death by stoning, and homosexual sex that doesn’t involve penetration, about which the rabbis were more lenient (Niddah 13b). Oddly, to say the least, Jewish Law does not explicitly ban sex with boys under the age of nine (Talmud,Yevamot 51b, and Maimonides' Mishneh Torah, Biah 1:14, where he adds that in his opinion, the men should be flogged).

In Europe, the church actively persecuted homosexuals. But in the Arab world, homosexuality was tolerated, and the practice of older men having sex with teenagers and boys that had been common in the Greek and Roman world remained common, despite the explicit ban in the Quran.

As such Jews living in Christian ruled lands - opposed homosexuality or at least kept it a secret - whilst those living in Muslim ruled lands did not oppose it, and practiced it openly.
Using the Golden Rule as a Band-aid for what others should do is not proper use. The Golden Rule is what one reminds him/herself what s/he should do, not what one wants others to do. That would be manipulation.
I agree, why would you think otherwise? If everyone followed it…we would be in a better place.
There isn't going to be any until Trump gets back in office, or DeSantis takes office.
Do you know what that sounds like? Because it sounds seriously scary and frightening for ANY American.

What you are essentially saying is not that there aren’t any examples because it’s a false accusation, but that they would be found if we only had a president who was “strong enough” to go after them because you *believe” without actual evidence, that they are out there assaulting women and children.

Think about it seriously. You are essentially advocating overriding law and the Constitution.

This would mark a definitive step towards fascism and authorianism. Your desired outcome would be in line with Stalin and Mussolini at worst and McCarthy at best.

Edward R Murrow: We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men.

The hatred of the left I see hear is frightening because it isn’t tethered to anything rational but rather a manufactured concoction of grievance, anger, sense of injustice, conspiracy theories and a demand for retribution against perceived enemies, baked in the ovens of the many ”media” echo chambers that proliferate the internet.

While this response does not “fit” the topic of religion, it is closely intertwined with it and has been historically.

What we choose to pray for from God or Jesus is up to us and our conscience. Our approaches to faith, our maker, and the best path forward are highly individualistic and that we choose to approach it differently does not imply not an absence of God. I pray for clarity, compassion and help to see the best in humanity in these troubled times.
And I hate that about myself. I used to love and accept the LGBT community even if I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I got pushed SO much by the woke agenda that I snapped and started despising them and posted a thread about it in the Badlands last night. The worst part is that I actually do have hatred towards them right now and I honestly don't want to.
Lol the left pushes the woke agenda? Hilarious. Run down these threads and look who starts the woke agenda threads. It ain't the lefties. It is the righties trying to tell ya what the lefts agenda is. Don't blame your hate on the left. It's your side that puts it in your face all day not ours.
Lol the left pushes the woke agenda? Hilarious. Run down these threads and look who starts the woke agenda threads. It ain't the lefties. It is the righties trying to tell ya what the lefts agenda is. Don't blame your hate on the left. It's your side that puts it in your face all day not ours.

Pure insanity....with a dash of sin
I agree, why would you think otherwise? If everyone followed it…we would be in a better place.
Why do I think otherwise? Because of the first part of the Golden says to love God and God's law/ways with all our strength.

Do you feel the need to remind homosexuals of that part of the Golden Rule? Of course not, nor do I, because every single one of us knows what it is like to lack the strength to overpower some of our own sins against God's Law.

On the other hand, the attempt to force all of society to accept LGBT Pride Parades, LGBT Month, and other "In-Your-Face" exhibitions crosses the line because for many of us (including some gays and transgenders) God's law still has priority. In those cases is our love of homosexuals and transgenders is to take first place and our love of God is to take second? Should we make an exhibition of our own sins and ask people to approve and applaud?

Exhibitions may also cross the line of doing something that knowingly creates discomfort in others does not observe the Golden Rule of loving others, either. It works both ways. Equally.

The second objection I have is using the Golden Rule to poke at people or judge people, because the message behind using the Golden Rule in a discussion is, "You fail!" The Golden Rule is for oneself, individually. It is not be used to for one's own purpose (win an argument) or to shame. Would we put ourselves to shame? Then we shouldn't put others to shame if we wouldn't do it to ourselves.

The final objection I have to using the Golden Rule in a discussion is the inherent divisiveness/misuse of it pitting one side against the other. It is used to accuse everyone who doesn't agree with a particular position of breaking the Golden Rule (implying one's side is right and inferring others are wrong). The Golden Rule applies equally to all. If one side is not following it, you can just bet the other side isn't following it either.
Coyote, you can disagree with me all you want but White 6 proved to me that he is no pedo defender so far I haven't seen a single thing from you that proves anything of the sort as you are one of the biggest reasons I snapped even though it was without meaning to but I still wouldn't trust you around any child.
Why do I think otherwise? Because of the first part of the Golden says to love God and God's law/ways with all our strength.

Do you feel the need to remind homosexuals of that part of the Golden Rule? Of course not, nor do I, because every single one of us knows what it is like to lack the strength to overpower some of our own sins against God's Law.

On the other hand, the attempt to force all of society to accept LGBT Pride Parades, LGBT Month, and other "In-Your-Face" exhibitions crosses the line because for many of us (including some gays and transgenders) God's law still has priority. In those cases is our love of homosexuals and transgenders is to take first place and our love of God is to take second? Should we make an exhibition of our own sins and ask people to approve and applaud?

Exhibitions may also cross the line of doing something that knowingly creates discomfort in others does not observe the Golden Rule of loving others, either. It works both ways. Equally.

The second objection I have is using the Golden Rule to poke at people or judge people, because the message behind using the Golden Rule in a discussion is, "You fail!" The Golden Rule is for oneself, individually. It is not be used to for one's own purpose (win an argument) or to shame. Would we put ourselves to shame? Then we shouldn't put others to shame if we wouldn't do it to ourselves.

The final objection I have to using the Golden Rule in a discussion is the inherent divisiveness/misuse of it pitting one side against the other. It is used to accuse everyone who doesn't agree with a particular position of breaking the Golden Rule (implying one's side is right and inferring others are wrong). The Golden Rule applies equally to all. If one side is not following it, you can just bet the other side isn't following it either.
My point wasn't about sides, it was all of us. That is why I said "Wouldn’t be nice if people took this to heart"

The Golden Rule, in some form, is found in almost every religion, which indicates a strong feeling that it makes a better so iety if we choose to follow it. I don't entirely agree with what you but strongly feel that choosing, personally to live by it in faith or philosophy you follow helps us be better stewards of our planet and bettter neighbors in a conflict ridden world.
Coyote, you can disagree with me all you want but White 6 proved to me that he is no pedo defender so far I haven't seen a single thing from you that proves anything of the sort as you are one of the biggest reasons I snapped even though it was without meaning to but I still wouldn't trust you around any child.
I wouldn't trust you around any child given your instability. If you haven't "seen" it, it is because you have chosen not to. I'm not obliged to "prove" anything to you or to appease you. Your "respect" and "approval" are as meaningless and empty as your "friendships".

Have a good day.
My point wasn't about sides, it was all of us. That is why I said "Wouldn’t be nice if people took this to heart"

The Golden Rule, in some form, is found in almost every religion, which indicates a strong feeling that it makes a better so iety if we choose to follow it. I don't entirely agree with what you but strongly feel that choosing, personally to live by it in faith or philosophy you follow helps us be better stewards of our planet and bettter neighbors in a conflict ridden world.
I do understand what you are saying and have no quarrel with it. Where I see the difference is that I feel I am the only person I need to remind of the Golden Rule. As you say, it is pretty much a planet wide concept, so I see reminding others of it is that I don't see the love in them. And I should, no matter what the disagreement.

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