Zone1 I'm Afraid That The Left Finally Pushed Me Away From God

I’m not the least bit blasé about it.
Using the Golden Rule as a Band-aid for what others should do is not proper use. The Golden Rule is what one reminds him/herself what s/he should do, not what one wants others to do. That would be manipulation.
For you? I don't know. This is not a one size fits all issue. For me, it is about not promoting what I have no belief in balanced out with not persecuting people who make personal choices outside the norm which are none of my business.

What if they do affect you or children?

You do not know Jesus,

Yes I do. I'm not always a good follower of His, but I still know Him.

Why? How have Gays affected you in your personal life? In what way have they personally harmed you?

They expect me to give into their delusions and commands and they have been known to harm children both mentally and physically.
Sixties Fan they don't want to be left alone though and they certainly don't want to leave the children alone.
Have you even looked through this thread? How many pastors, church councelors, church youth leaders, deacons, priests are in this thread? Way too many. Like, WAY too many.

Now show me examples of drag queens or trans people who have been even arrested for this behaviour, never mind convicted by a court of law.
Disney/De Santis was about Free Speech. There is no indoctrination. One cannot turn a heterosexual person into a homosexual or Transgender. Never.

The perverts are certainly making a very obvious effort to do so, in their targeting of young children. That's an awful lot of effort being expended, to accomplish something that they claim cannot be done.
The push on the left is probably about equal with the push on the right, if the right didn't try and discriminate, then the left wouldn't have anything to push and people who are LGBT could just be like in Thailand where it's accepted and people get on with their lives instead of trying to HURT OTHER PEOPLE>
The LGBT community isn’t all on board with the trans trend of sexualizing kids any more than Republican’s,Independents or Libertarians are. Democrats do like to broad brush though and claim to own the whole LGBT community ( much like they claim to own blacks). Do a little research lots of them are in opposition to 4 th wave feminism as well.
Now show me examples of drag queens or trans people who have been even arrested for this behaviour, never mind convicted by a court of law.

There isn't going to be any until Trump gets back in office, or DeSantis takes office.
Even Jesus would probably tell them to burn in Hell. You don't mess with children period.

Jesus had something to say about abusing children.

Trans people are not the ones attacking children and you do know that. And do not bring the case of the 14 year old boy, again.
Homo's and Lesbians "recruit" their "female" partners in overwhelming majority from the pool of psychological disturbed kids and teenagers - I personally witnessed that numerous times. It's not a physical attack - but attacking via physiological games and constructs. Which is just as bad.

Trans people again compose of two distinct groups - those with physiological issues and a distinctive social environment surrounding them - e.g the Philippines or Thailand.
The by far most microscopic group are those poor bastards, physically trapped in the wrong body.

A population need to be educated into understanding the issue as such - and not lefty&libs - pushing this issue as being a standard norm amongst human attributes - because it simply isn't.
The point is : There is no proof that Trans people are pedophiles and are sexually attacking children.
And, as a rule of thumb, I don't believe Trans people are. Who I mistrust are those who benefit/make money by pushing pharmaceuticals. These are the ones seeking children to profit from. I doubt many--if any--are transgenders themselves. They simply see $$$.
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Disney/De Santis was about Free Speech. There is no indoctrination. One cannot turn a heterosexual person into a homosexual or Transgender. Never.

In other words, you are denying that there are Republicans who are born homosexual or Transgender.

Why do you keep telling lies about Democrats being pedophiles? This lie started by a Republican
to turn voters against Hilary Clinton and the lie continues.

Not very smart of you. Why aren't you smart? Really, why are you not smart to see that you are being made to be afraid of Democrats by them being vilified, being made afraid of?

All of that leads to people being attacked without any actual fact.

All of you are responsible for any heterosexual, homosexual, trans, etc who has been attacked because of the endless lies told by Trump, Carlson and anyone else who got away with millions of dollars why turning voters like yourself into the moral police, without making any one of you lose, or think you lost anything.

You are all against abortion, you have been losing elections since 2018.

You are all against homosexuals and Trans, you are continuing to lose elections.

That is the price of siding with those who are extremists and know that they can use extremism to turn so many of you against what all of you do not like, in order to have your votes and your donation.

Laugh. Keep laughing all the way to Donald Trump 's bank account as well as others, who have enriched themselves by turning their voters against innocent people.
You sure do spew a lot of meaningless word walls.

Disney/Desantis feud was not about free speech. Or you wouldn’t have lied about the bill.

The dispute was about teaching gender identity politics in class.
The LGBT community isn’t all on board with the trans trend of sexualizing kids any more than Republican’s,Independents or Libertarians are. Democrats do like to broad brush though and claim to own the whole LGBT community ( much like they claim to own blacks). Do a little research lots of them are in opposition to 4 th wave feminism as well.

They would sure help their cause, if they were much more obvious and vocal about it.

At this point, pretty much the public image of homosexuals and transsexuals is being dominated by those who are also pedophiles.

Homosexuals and transsexuals who are not pedophiles are being too quiet about it, allowing themselves to be lumped in with the pedophiles.
What if they do affect you or children?

Yes I do. I'm not always a good follower of His, but I still know Him.

They expect me to give into their delusions and commands and they have been known to harm children both mentally and physically.
What if they do affect you or children?"

DEAL with facts, and not with nonsensical fears.

Jesus would never, ever, treat homosexuals or Trans the way you seem to want to treat them. And
definitely would never incite anyone against any other person simply because he did not understand them.

YOU are creating fear for yourself about Trans people. And all because you will not bother to research and learn about the issue.

You do not know that they have harmed anyone physically or mentally. This is all lies which come from sources you read or your church.

GET EDUCATED, for crying out loud.

They are the ones who are being harmed physically and mentally by physical attacks and lack of acceptance of who they have always been.

Follow Jesus once and for all, instead of alleging that you do know him.
And, as a rule of thumb, I don't believe Trans people are. Who I mistrust are those who benefit/make money by pushing pharmaceuticals. These are the ones seeking children to profit from. I doubt many--if any--are transgenders themselves. They simply see $$$.
Go EDUCATE yourself.

Your opinion is not facts.

Your opinions are nothing but fear mongering.

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ALL of this is nothing more than republican fear mongering because so many republicans cannot understand what Trans is.
No, it is not Republican fear mongering, as I don't see Republicans at public middle schools. What we are starting to see our children deciding to give this a try, and then doing an about face. As you might imagine, peer relationships do not benefit from this. What troubles me is that some seem to feel that it is okay to confuse, even damage, several in their effort to reach one. Leave children out of it.
YOU are creating fear for yourself about Trans people. And all because you will not bother to research and learn about the issue.

We'd sure be much less able to so so, if your kind would keep your filthy hands and your disgusting perversions away from children.

Do you understand this?
ALL of this is nothing more than republican fear mongering because so many republicans cannot understand what Trans is.

We know what mental illness, is, and we know what fucked-up immoral sexual perversion is; and we want no part of it.

Your attempt to characterize our rejection of this sick shit as “cannot understand”, its an outright lie, and you damn well know that it is a lie.
The LGBT community isn’t all on board with the trans trend of sexualizing kids any more than Republican’s,Independents or Libertarians are. Democrats do like to broad brush though and claim to own the whole LGBT community ( much like they claim to own blacks). Do a little research lots of them are in opposition to 4 th wave feminism as well.
Nobody OWNS anybody. This is a Republican word which continues to be thrown around.

Being pro a group, any group, is not "owning" them.

Blacks do not vote Republicans because Republicans do not care about Blacks. Which is why Republicans have gone out of their way to suppress voting rights which harms Blacks to keep them from voting.

BS some more.

DEAL with facts, and not with nonsensical fears.

Jesus would never, ever, treat homosexuals or Trans the way you seem to want to treat them. And
definitely would never incite anyone against any other person simply because he did not understand them.

YOU are creating fear for yourself about Trans people. And all because you will not bother to research and learn about the issue.

You do not know that they have harmed anyone physically or mentally. This is all lies which come from sources you read or your church.

GET EDUCATED, for crying out loud.

They are the ones who are being harmed physically and mentally by physical attacks and lack of acceptance of who they have always been.

Follow Jesus once and for all, instead of alleging that you do know him.

Bro, Jesus was never afraid to tell people that they were going to go to Hell. He didn't sugarcoat things.

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