I'm Getting A Dog!!! 🐕

I love beagles oneof my favorite types of dog. I also like Great Danes/ Newfoundland mix, German Shepherd, Kelpies and now Blue heelers.

My cat died in March I had her 18 years. But we fostered a Ble heeler and then adopted it. I love both cats and dogs for different reasons.

I still miss my cat alot. But the new boy is a good boy.

Congrats on taking care of a beagle.

Thanks and sorry to hear about your kitty cat.
That's right guys and gals, I just found out that my dream to own my very own dog is coming true!!! 😀

Now, it won't happen right away. Things are quite complicated. I'm currently waiting to move in with my fiancee and the people that I'm living with right now has a cat and they don't want a dog around.

However, my fiancee's family said that I'm more than welcome to keep the dog here and as soon as my fiancee (and his family can help him out) can buy a house then I can move-in and my dog will already be here.

They'll take care of it in my absence and it is mine to walk and take care of and to name when I'm here. I'm getting a Beagle and it'll happen after their current dog passes away. So I am super excited that at both of my houses for now I'll either have a cat or a dog to help take care of. 😁 (And then of course I'll post updates and pictures and share his or her name with you. 😊)
I have had about 4 different dogs in my lifetime. I am thinking of adopting another one from the humane society. You will have a lot of fun with your dog. They are a lot of work and in the long run cost a lot of money but add so much to your life.
Adopt from the shelter.
you couldnt afford to vet your cat a short time ago..how are you going to afford a dog? have you even looked at food costs and vet costs? you do not have a job so how you paying for all that...
...have you even looked at food costs and vet costs?

eeeyep. This year alone, vet costs ended up being over $16,000 for my Kangal. And I'm probably not even counting his annual vet visit.

And none of it was even life threatening stuff.

The big one was a surgery he had to have to remove a big mass that popped up on his inner hind leg out of nowhere and got huge, fast.

That was around $12,000 all said and done, once you add in scripts and whatnot. I had to buy a special cone because the biggest one that Blue Pearl had was too small..which I only figured out after buying it from them and noticing he could still get to his post surgery wound.. So I got stuck buying two in the end, once I found a really big one online some place.

Then he had what I thought was a sprain. That was a couple of thousand after x-rays and all of that.

Then there was the time he messed around in the flower beds in the spring time when the wildflowers were in full bloom.

He came in the house with his face all knotted up like he went a few rounds with Mike Tyson, talking about , hey, what's up, guys, what's everybody doing? Goofy looking as hell. lol.

And, as I said, that was just this year alone.

You just never know what's gonna pop up that you have to address, because they're basically like kids. They're dependents.

And that's not even counting the basics like food at over a hundred bucks a month. A good Leerburg leash and collar. Rain gear. Squeaky toys. Bully sticks. Monthly heart worm meds. Flea and tick treatments monthly.

I'm probably forgetting other stuff, but yeah. It ain't cheap. Pretty much killed my plans for this year's adventures.
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eeeyep. This year alone, vet costs ended up being over $16,000 for my Kangal. And I'm probably not even counting his annual vet visit.

And none of it was even life threatening stuff.

The big one was a surgery he had to have to remove a big mass that popped up on his inner hind leg out of nowhere and got huge, fast.

That was around $12,000 all said and done, once you add in scripts and whatnot. I had to buy a special cone because the biggest one that Blue Pearl had was too small..which I only figured out after buying it from them and noticing he could still get to his post surgery wound.. So I got stuck buying two in the end, once I found a really big one online some place.

Then he had what I thought was a sprain. That was a couple of thousand after x-rays and all of that.

Then there was the time he messed around in the flower beds in the spring time when the wildflowers were in full bloom.

He came in the house with his face all knotted up like he went a few rounds with Mike Tyson, talking about , hey, what's up, guys, what's everybody doing? Goofy looking as hell. lol.

And, as I said, that was just this year alone.

You just never know what's gonna pop up that you have to address, because they're basically like kids. They're dependents.

And that's not even counting the basics like food at over a hundred bucks a month. A good Leerburg leash and collar. Rain gear. Squeaky toys. Bully sticks. Monthly heart worm meds. Flea and tick treatments monthly.

I'm probably forgetting other stuff, but yeah. It ain't cheap. Pretty much killed my plans for this year's adventures.

you are preaching to the choir...i have one dog seeing a specialist and one cat seeing the same damn specialist....
normally a couple of hundred a month....dog has glaucoma ...already lost one eye to it....trying hard to save the other...drops daily twice a day...cat has working tear glands...his drops are pricey
you are preaching to the choir...i have one dog seeing a specialist and one cat seeing the same damn specialist....
normally a couple of hundred a month....dog has glaucoma ...already lost one eye to it....trying hard to save the other...drops daily twice a day...cat has working tear glands...his drops are pricey

Yeah, and then the splitter motor konks out on top of that. And whatever else. Right?

For people, young people especially, when a choice has to be made between your own expenses and those of your animal companions, the animal companion is generally gonna be put on the back burner, unfortunately, just because the conundrum exists.
eeeyep. This year alone, vet costs ended up being over $16,000 for my Kangal. And I'm probably not even counting his annual vet visit.

And none of it was even life threatening stuff.

The big one was a surgery he had to have to remove a big mass that popped up on his inner hind leg out of nowhere and got huge, fast.

That was around $12,000 all said and done, once you add in scripts and whatnot. I had to buy a special cone because the biggest one that Blue Pearl had was too small..which I only figured out after buying it from them and noticing he could still get to his post surgery wound.. So I got stuck buying two in the end, once I found a really big one online some place.

Then he had what I thought was a sprain. That was a couple of thousand after x-rays and all of that.

Then there was the time he messed around in the flower beds in the spring time when the wildflowers were in full bloom.

He came in the house with his face all knotted up like he went a few rounds with Mike Tyson, talking about , hey, what's up, guys, what's everybody doing? Goofy looking as hell. lol.

And, as I said, that was just this year alone.

You just never know what's gonna pop up that you have to address, because they're basically like kids. They're dependents.

And that's not even counting the basics like food at over a hundred bucks a month. A good Leerburg leash and collar. Rain gear. Squeaky toys. Bully sticks. Monthly heart worm meds. Flea and tick treatments monthly.

I'm probably forgetting other stuff, but yeah. It ain't cheap. Pretty much killed my plans for this year's adventures.

This reminds me of a friend of mine...

He had a dog that was bitten by a rattlesnake. He and his girlfriend (now wife) rushed the dog to the vet/animal hospital where she was immediately treated with anti-venom. When the treatment wasn't working as well as the professionals thought it would/should, my friend was told they didn't anymore and they would have to chopper some in and is would cost a good bit.

His girlfriend asked just how much was he willing to spend to save his dog. His response? I'm paraphrasing here, but it went something like this:

"I'll tell you what, whatever I spend to save Roxy, I'll spend the same to save you should the need arise."

In other words, he was ready to spend whatever it took to save that little dog...
we took hubby's dog to emergency er in boone....75 bucks just to walk in the door....dog kept moaning and crying out in pain...sob had gas....gas...

same dog....we are at the beach....dog sitter calls....semba is throwing up blood...got semba to emergency vet....son comes home...e.t. is vomiting blood too...back to the er vet...we get this news at the beach...i talk hubby into wait and see....he watches a damn cup of coffee brewing in hotel room....i was like o hell...packed the car...the trip took us 8 hours down....5 hours back...he didnt relax till we walked into emergency vet...both dogs fully recovered...my account didnt...and damn the leaving holiday early.....i got lucky and they were able to rerent room so i did get a refund

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