I'm Gonna Buy My Bottle Tomorrow For My Toast When They Slam The Door On Obamacare

Not to the end of war, an overflowing of love, peace, justice, or celebration of life; because legislation you don't like is defeated?

Some of the spinners actually said businesses will finally relax and start hiring.

They actually think Obama will get credit for an improving economy after his clusterfuck bill goes down in flames.

um because some on the right have used the excuse that nobody is highering because they have to buy insurance for people.

Im sure you where there for it.

You haven't a fucking clue.
Yep, bless the little girl next door who needs chemo and whose parents are mortgaged to the max to pay medical bills, cannot get a new job because of the pre-existing condition, even though the new job would pay 30% more.

woo-pee! nice going.
Yep, bless the little girl next door who needs chemo and whose parents are mortgaged to the max to pay medical bills, cannot get a new job because of the pre-existing condition, even though the new job would pay 30% more.

woo-pee! nice going.

Yep, bless the little girl next door who needs chemo and whose parents are mortgaged to the max to pay medical bills, cannot get a new job because of the pre-existing condition, even though the new job would pay 30% more.

woo-pee! nice going.

Life is NOT fair. Get over it.
That sums it up......................................

You may have a point. Perhaps I should get a bottle of Bollinger instead. Such an occasion deserves the absolute best... I shall investigate a good vintage Bolly. My bad. I was being lazy because I have a few bottles of Taittys.


it's cute for someone who has no kids to be happy that when my son turns 22 he'll be uninsured instead of being insured til he's 26.

not to mention that maybe roberts will want to actually protect the integrity of the court instead of ruling like the political hacks the court was in bush v gore and citizen's united.

you may yet get to gloat, but it's pretty ugly ...

Actually the two justices Obama picked pretty much ruined the integrity of the court.

It's up to the rest of them to follow the law.
Its not wise to dance on the vampire's grave until you know the wooden cross shaped stake has been driven through its heart pinning it to its casket.
Barack Obama is the most Machiavellian, cunning, resourceful, evil, conniving, manipulative man to ever inhabit the White House. Never count him out.

Well, when he can't buy his way into a win he'll go down just like everyone else would if they tried to push that nonsensical law down the court's throat.

It's amazing how clear things become when Obama's people don't have their media to cast a fog over the truth.
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That sums it up......................................

You may have a point. Perhaps I should get a bottle of Bollinger instead. Such an occasion deserves the absolute best... I shall investigate a good vintage Bolly. My bad. I was being lazy because I have a few bottles of Taittys.


it's cute for someone who has no kids to be happy that when my son turns 22 he'll be uninsured instead of being insured til he's 26.

not to mention that maybe roberts will want to actually protect the integrity of the court instead of ruling like the political hacks the court was in bush v gore and citizen's united.

you may yet get to gloat, but it's pretty ugly ...
My kids are currently 22 and 24. Both of them have medical insurance and it isn't because of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Both of them have jobs with companies that offered medical insurance as a benefit before that act was passed.
One of them works for a bank with over 700,000 employees and the other works for a small company involved in training that has less than 100 employees.
Your claim that your son will be uninsured at 22 if The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is overturned is not factual. Your son could very well choose to work for a company that already offers medical insurance as one of their benefits. I know that in the past 36 years I have only worked for companies that offered medical insurance as one of my benefits.
You may have a point. Perhaps I should get a bottle of Bollinger instead. Such an occasion deserves the absolute best... I shall investigate a good vintage Bolly. My bad. I was being lazy because I have a few bottles of Taittys.


it's cute for someone who has no kids to be happy that when my son turns 22 he'll be uninsured instead of being insured til he's 26.

not to mention that maybe roberts will want to actually protect the integrity of the court instead of ruling like the political hacks the court was in bush v gore and citizen's united.

you may yet get to gloat, but it's pretty ugly ...

Because of course any 5-4 decision that goes your way is fair, balanced and non political, RIGHT?

It's gonna be more like 6-3.
We'll see what Kennedy says, morons. Guess you guys don't care about 45k dead and 750k bankruptcies/year, spiraling rises with no controls, ruining our competitiveness. Enjoy Hell, stupid brainwashed dupes...
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My grown kids have/had medical because I pay for it until they're 26.

And I'm not rich.

And honestly, it has been a waste because the little brats haven't done any of the stuff I told them to do before they turned 26...like getting their wisdom teeth pulled, getting glasses, etc.
Yep, bless the little girl next door who needs chemo and whose parents are mortgaged to the max to pay medical bills, cannot get a new job because of the pre-existing condition, even though the new job would pay 30% more.

woo-pee! nice going.
Now then, exactly how is their child's medical condition going to prevent them from getting a new job?
Prospective employers can't ask questions like that. You paint a picture that is impossible and already against the law.
We'll see what Kennedy says, morons. Guess you guys don't care about 45k dead and 750k bankruptcies, spiraling rises with no controls, ruining our competitiveness. Enjoy Hell, stupid brainwashed dupes...

losing sucks doesnt it s0n???:D:D:fu:

Let me tell you something s0n.........everybody has to take their turn taking up the pooper with a big old telephone pole. Your turn............what can I say?

I'd suggest taking a break from the forums s0n..........you and your pals are getting your clocks cleaned daily. Go take a gander over to DRUDGE tonight........I laughed so hard, I nearly shit my drawers.:2up:
Anyone have any real news on how it's going instead of the usual rhetorical commentary?
Not to the end of war, an overflowing of love, peace, justice, or celebration of life; because legislation you don't like is defeated?

This isn't just any piece of legislation. It has far reaching ramifications if the individual mandate is allowed to stand.
Anyone have any real news on how it's going instead of the usual rhetorical commentary?

Nothing for certain....but it looks like 7-2 or 6-3.

But surprises could happen.....but I doubt it.

Unless Obama kills a couple of judges Obamacare is just about dead.

They can't cut out mandates and let the rest of it fly. It has to all go down. Leaving any part of it would be unconstitutional because they didn't write sever-ability into the bill. That's what dictates if it would have passed without mandates or not.

Funny thing is, the Democrats wouldn't have gotten a majority with sever-ability in the bill. That's why they took it out.
That sums it up......................................

You may have a point. Perhaps I should get a bottle of Bollinger instead. Such an occasion deserves the absolute best... I shall investigate a good vintage Bolly. My bad. I was being lazy because I have a few bottles of Taittys.


it's cute for someone who has no kids to be happy that when my son turns 22 he'll be uninsured instead of being insured til he's 26.

not to mention that maybe roberts will want to actually protect the integrity of the court instead of ruling like the political hacks the court was in bush v gore and citizen's united.

you may yet get to gloat, but it's pretty ugly ...
Gloating is ugly.

And I really don't get the argument about family insurance policies. It isn't like the insurance company isn't going to charge you for a family plan, so how do they lose money?

We'll see what Kennedy says, morons. Guess you guys don't care about 45k dead and 750k bankruptcies, spiraling rises with no controls, ruining our competitiveness. Enjoy Hell, stupid brainwashed dupes...

losing sucks doesnt it s0n???:D:D:fu:

Let me tell you something s0n.........everybody has to take their turn taking up the pooper with a big old telephone pole. Your turn............what can I say?

I'd suggest taking a break from the forums s0n..........you and your pals are getting your clocks cleaned daily. Go take a gander over to DRUDGE tonight........I laughed so hard, I nearly shit my drawers.:2up:

You're a GD oblivious, duped tool. Enjoy Hell. This isn't a game.
We'll see what Kennedy says, morons. Guess you guys don't care about 45k dead and 750k bankruptcies/year, spiraling rises with no controls, ruining our competitiveness. Enjoy Hell, stupid brainwashed dupes...

Grow up. You act like it's our fault when Government can't properly manage it's Responsibilities. The more it takes over, the worse the management, and your solution is to go full steam ahead. Don't include me.

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