Im gonna say it since no one else will.

...that Chicago, where private ownership of handguns is illegal, is more dangerous than a city besieged by Al Qaeda.

Well, first, Kabul counts military death separately from murder, but don't let that stop your rant. Second, Chicago is a city of some 6 million in the greater metro area, while Kabul has a poplation of about half that... but please don't let facts get in your way... you read something on a Wingnut Website and obviously, you haven't forgiven Chicago for electing the Black guy.
I'm not racist. Stop insisting I am.

But you won't, will you?

This has been an interesting conversation, but you can't let your irrational bigotry and hatred go.

You're dismissed.

You guys show your racism every day... because few of you make actual arguments against Obama...
I have no opinion on this yet but here is some info.

"Far more disturbing than the salacious details of Weiner's dalliances is the fact that apparently his mother-in-law is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.* Furthermore, Huma Abedin's brother, Hassan, "is listed as a fellow and partner with a number of Muslim Brotherhood members."* Hassan works at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) at Oxford University.* The Egyptian Al-Azhar University, well-known for a curriculum that encourages extremism and terrorism, is active in establishing links with OCIS."

"The Muslim Sisterhood is also known as the International Women's Organization (IWO) and members are located "across 16 different countries."* Its goal is to "work at all levels in accordance with the message of the Brotherhood."* The Muslim Brotherhood's goal is Islamic world domination and "t is now public knowledge that nearly every major Muslim organization in the United States is actually controlled by the [Muslim Brotherhood] or a derivative organization.* Consequently, most of the Muslim-American groups of any prominence in America are now known to be, as a matter of fact, hostile to the United States and its Constitution."

Articles: The Muslim Brotherhood and Weiner
You guys show your racism every day... because few of you make actual arguments against Obama...

So because we can't make liberal arguments against a liberal that convinces a liberal that Obama, a liberal, sucks, we're racists.

And you oppose racism because it's not Mormons or Jews who deserve to die, it's blacks, so you're against it. Gotcha...

Well, first, Kabul counts military death separately from murder, but don't let that stop your rant. Second, Chicago is a city of some 6 million in the greater metro area, while Kabul has a poplation of about half that... but please don't let facts get in your way... you read something on a Wingnut Website and obviously, you haven't forgiven Chicago for electing the Black guy.
I'm not racist. Stop insisting I am.

But you won't, will you?

This has been an interesting conversation, but you can't let your irrational bigotry and hatred go.

You're dismissed.

You guys show your racism every day... because few of you make actual arguments against Obama...
Put up or shut up. I'm tired of you assholes tossing out spurious charges of racism when you're losing arguments. It's weak.

Since I am responsible ONLY for what I say, link to my posts you think are racist. And then tell me why. NOTE: The voices in your head are not admissible.

Or you can just STFU.

Oh, and bigots -- which you are -- have no room to talk about racism, punk.
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I'm not racist. Stop insisting I am.

But you won't, will you?

This has been an interesting conversation, but you can't let your irrational bigotry and hatred go.

You're dismissed.

You guys show your racism every day... because few of you make actual arguments against Obama...
Put up or shut up. I'm tired of you assholes tossing out spurious charges of racism when you're losing arguments. It's weak.

Since I am responsible ONLY for what I say, link to my posts you think are racist. And then tell me why. NOTE: The voices in your head are not admissible.

Or you can just STFU.

Oh, and bigots -- which you are -- have no room to talk about racism, punk.

Not at all.

You guys hate Obama because of your insecurities about white folks having to share power.

That's quite a bit different than being rightfully concerned about a cult started by pedophile con-men who had a vow of Vengence against the United States in their temple oaths all the way until the 1930's. These would be secret temple oaths that they don't let the rest of us know about until this very day.
You guys show your racism every day... because few of you make actual arguments against Obama...

So because we can't make liberal arguments against a liberal that convinces a liberal that Obama, a liberal, sucks, we're racists.

And you oppose racism because it's not Mormons or Jews who deserve to die, it's blacks, so you're against it. Gotcha...


Guy, please stop trying to say that my oppossition to Zionism (a racist political philosophy) is equivlent to being against their religion.

I think all religions are equally silly. I've made that pretty clear, even to someone as patently stupid as you are.

My objection to Mormonism is that their silliness includes racism, misogyny, homophobia, religious bigotry and they seem to have the ethics of snakes.

For Obama, your racism is exemplified by the fact that you are against things- even things supposed conservatives used to support - merely by the fact he supports them.

Killing Khadafy?
Raising the Debt Ceiling?

Nope. not when the black guy proposed them.
Guy, please stop trying to say that my oppossition to Zionism (a racist political philosophy) is equivlent to being against their religion.


My objection to Mormonism is that their silliness includes racism, misogyny, homophobia, religious bigotry and they seem to have the ethics of snakes.

I see, as long as you explain your hatred and quantify it, it's OK. Gotcha. It makes sense now, you don't hate them and want them to die because ... no wait, it makes sense you hate them and want them to die because ... I don't think I'm getting the subtlety of your argument yet ...

For Obama, your racism is exemplified by the fact that you are against things- even things supposed conservatives used to support - merely by the fact he supports them.

Killing Khadafy?
Raising the Debt Ceiling?

Nope. not when the black guy proposed them.

Um ... not when anyone proposed them ...

I am against our military being in the middle east at all, I am against government saying anything about insurance much less giving mandates and dude, I would balance the budget with cuts, seriously. And I'd have no problem doing it.

Maybe you should make that lame argument to a Republican instead of a libertarian. It may or may not work, but it would fare a lot better then against a libertarian.
Guy, please stop trying to say that my oppossition to Zionism (a racist political philosophy) is equivlent to being against their religion.


My objection to Mormonism is that their silliness includes racism, misogyny, homophobia, religious bigotry and they seem to have the ethics of snakes.

I see, as long as you explain your hatred and quantify it, it's OK. Gotcha. It makes sense now, you don't hate them and want them to die because ... no wait, it makes sense you hate them and want them to die because ... I don't think I'm getting the subtlety of your argument yet ...

Where did I say I wanted them to "die"? Is English Comprehension one of your learning disabilities?

I have dislike of certain philosophies because they are repugnant and silly. They do not become less repugnant or silly because you throw vestments on them and call them "A Religion".


For Obama, your racism is exemplified by the fact that you are against things- even things supposed conservatives used to support - merely by the fact he supports them.

Killing Khadafy?
Raising the Debt Ceiling?

Nope. not when the black guy proposed them.

Um ... not when anyone proposed them ...

I am against our military being in the middle east at all, I am against government saying anything about insurance much less giving mandates and dude, I would balance the budget with cuts, seriously. And I'd have no problem doing it.

Maybe you should make that lame argument to a Republican instead of a libertarian. It may or may not work, but it would fare a lot better then against a libertarian.

Whatever guy. Libertarians are Right Wing Hippies.

The problem right now is that neither party is being run by the grown-ups.

Fact is, when the GOP Has had political power, it does all those things.

ObamaCare was orignally called "RomneyCare", and the Heritage Foundation thought it was a wonderful idea- Until the Black Guy did it!

We spent millions of dollars trying to kill Khadafy, as though his rinky-dink desert country was a threat to anyone... and Republicans were all for it. Until the Black Guy did it.

And Republicans took less than a trillion dollars of debt under Jimmy Carter, and turned it into 11 trillion in debt under Bush-43. Which means they had no problem with Debt. Until the Black Guy did it.
Where did I say I wanted them to "die"? Is English Comprehension one of your learning disabilities?

No, it's your personal responsibility difficulty. When you demand they do nothing to defend themselves against people wanting to murder them, that is wanting them to die. Saying they should sit there but you're not in favor of their death while you advocate what would clearly and immediately cause their death is so boy chick of you. So is making me explain the same things over and over as if we haven't had this conversation a dozen times. At least my wife has fringe benefits when she does that to me. And she's actually female.

I have dislike of certain philosophies because they are repugnant and silly. They do not become less repugnant or silly because you throw vestments on them and call them "A Religion"
You say you have the same attitude towards all religions, then you trash the Mormons and the Jews at every opportunity. But it's the same to you. Gotcha, Nancy.

Whatever guy. Libertarians are Right Wing Hippies

We're against the wars in the middle east as well as our presence there or our permanent presence anywhere outside our borders and we'd cut our defense budget by a half plus. We're pro-choice, against having any drug laws, for legal prostitution and gambling and other vices, against Social Security, government welfare, providing foreign support to any country. We'd reduce our federal government to the size of a State government.

But your typical superficial analysis comes up with that we're Republicans who support pot.

The problem right now is that neither party is being run by the grown-ups

Pretty funny choice of words for you. But again, your skin deep analysis. I criticized you, a flaming liberal. In your typical style you came up with duh, oh, you're defending Republicans because you criticized a liberal. In your little tiny world, there is only good and evil, or liberal and Republican.
Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

In case you missed it, members of the House of Representatives are elected by the registered voters in a congressional district established by the state legislature. If they want to send a convicted felon to Washington DC to represent them, there is really nothing that you can do about it.
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Fundamentalist extremist Christianity rots the brain. This is one of the odd side-effects.

Couldn't agree more. I'd say acceptance of dogma in general rots the brain. Every time you take a concept that you can't logic your way through, from known premise to conclusion, and then accept that concept as gospel, you turn off your brain in small degrees. I don't agree with everything Ayn Rand said, but she did have one concept absolutely right: Anyone who allows any entity outside of their own reasoning to be the final arbiter of their perception of reality doesn't deserve their own sentience. Period.

Kewl, when you die, that's it. is your friend and not your matter who funds it. : Trip to Mumbai

bachman was just repeating rush limbaugh and drudge GARBAGE and unsubstantiated rumor

We find stories based on anonymous sources always deserve special caution, especially when they come from only one news organization. In this case, the anonymous official is not even in the U.S. government, and any information about costs would necessarily have come second-hand at best, an added reason for caution.
Nevertheless, the story was widely repeated without any additional reporting. Soon after the article was released, The Drudge Report — a news aggregation website — linked to the Press Trust of India article, with the headline "REPORT: US to spend $200 million per day on Obama’s Mumbai visit…" Later that day, Rush Limbaugh claimed on his radio show that "Five hundred seven rooms at the Taj Mahal, 40 airplanes, $200 million a day this nation will spend on Obama’s trip to India." He repeats the "$200 million a day" claim several times throughout the show without specifying its source.
The allegation has generated a great deal of Internet discourse over the past few days, including a Washington Times post that claims Obama’s entourage on the trip "will spend enough to bankrupt a small nation." According to the Economic Times and The Daily Mail, Obama will take over the entire 570-room Taj Mahal Hotel for the trip. A Google search for the exact words of the original Press Trust article returned about 11,000 results. And we received about two dozen queries about it.

With the facts presented in at least 4 non-lamestream media I can see where this trip did cost what was claimed by M. Bachman. It is the lefties that adore Obama that are out of touch with reality.
"You guys hate Obama because of your insecurities about white folks having to share power...."

Ah, sounds like wisdom derived from some illiterate black studies program

Black Power & Workers of the World, UNITE !!!! lol
Well, first, Kabul counts military death separately from murder, but don't let that stop your rant. Second, Chicago is a city of some 6 million in the greater metro area, while Kabul has a poplation of about half that... but please don't let facts get in your way... you read something on a Wingnut Website and obviously, you haven't forgiven Chicago for electing the Black guy.
I'm not racist. Stop insisting I am.

But you won't, will you?

This has been an interesting conversation, but you can't let your irrational bigotry and hatred go.

You're dismissed.

You guys show your racism every day... because few of you make actual arguments against Obama...

Sure strawman Sure......
too tall

your brain is broken

please dont operate heavy machinery until you see a physician

ConztipHATEDlib has earned all of his red medals. Universal recognition of what an utter fail he is.

ConztipHATEDlib, you are of less value than a fart.

My IQ drops 10 pts each time i see one of your posts...(but then my awesome brain washes away the damage done by your virus)

and I am not only of more value than you, but I am in the majority and you disgusting racist fucks are soon to be extinct

Remember, you are the problem, the entire planet knows it, and you are the minority, sorry to tell you, bigot.

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too tall

your brain is broken

please dont operate heavy machinery until you see a physician

ConztipHATEDlib has earned all of his red medals. Universal recognition of what an utter fail he is.

ConztipHATEDlib, you are of less value than a fart.

My IQ drops 10 pts each time i see one of your posts...(but then my awesome brain washes away the damage done by your virus)

and I am not only of more value than you, but I am in the majority and you disgusting racist fucks are soon to be extinct

Remember, you are the problem, the entire planet knows it, and you are the minority, sorry to tell you, bigot.


Another OBVIOUS lie. It is impossible for a person with your lowly IQ to have it drop 10 points. It can't be lower than zero, ya brainless dickless scum-sucking rancid rat twat.

Moreover, you dishonest piece of shit, I have not said anything racist. Making shit up is all you can do, but it does make you stick out like a decaying nose on your pasty face.
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ConztipHATEDlib has earned all of his red medals. Universal recognition of what an utter fail he is.

ConztipHATEDlib, you are of less value than a fart.

My IQ drops 10 pts each time i see one of your posts...(but then my awesome brain washes away the damage done by your virus)

and I am not only of more value than you, but I am in the majority and you disgusting racist fucks are soon to be extinct

Remember, you are the problem, the entire planet knows it, and you are the minority, sorry to tell you, bigot.


Another OBVIOUS lie. It is impossible for a person with your lowly IQ to have it drop 10 points. It can't be lower than zero, ya brainless dickless scum-sucking rancid rat twat.

Moreover, you dishonest piece of shit, I have not said anything racist. Making shit up is all you can do, but it does make you stick out like a decaying nose on your pasty face.

He calls ALL he loathes racist.

"RAT TWAT" is an apt description of this piece of yaksqueeze.

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