Zone1 I'm Gonna Say It: You're Living in a Simulation

I seriously doubt that Trump gave us free will in this universe to see who among us is worthy of TRUE LIFE. He’s probably just messing with us for his own entertainment
Not everything needs to be viewed through a political lens.
I’m not a democrat. I’m a program put here by the Administration to monitor, test, challenge and ultimately judge the base soul programs (you). Right now you are failing to make it to the gold zone of True life but there is still time if you can grow some humility and change your ways.
It isn’t virtuous if you are forced to be virtuous.
Virtue exists as part of our nature and also as part of our sociological constructs. We need virtue to evolve as a civilization
How do you know it’s part of our nature and why do we need virtue to evolve as a civilization?
How do you know it’s part of our nature and why do we need virtue to evolve as a civilization?
I know it’s part of our nature by observing humans and animals in the action of procreation. A mother nursing her children and putting them above her own needs is a natural virtuous act.

Without virtue as a society we have tribes and rulers where everybody is only looking out for themselves. It’s survival of the fittest. We have evolved past that by adopting and promoting virtues like service to others, and working for the good of our community
In post #17 you responded to a post about God giving us free will with you didn’t think Trump gave us free will.
Oh yes, that wasn’t political. I was just responding to the OP who I thought believed Trump was God. But I did answer his question
I know it’s part of our nature by observing humans and animals in the action of procreation. A mother nursing her children and putting them above her own needs is a natural virtuous act.

Without virtue as a society we have tribes and rulers where everybody is only looking out for themselves. It’s survival of the fittest. We have evolved past that by adopting and promoting virtues like service to others, and working for the good of our community
It is survival of the fittest. Don’t kid yourself. Let any major city lose electricity for two months and you will see. So if I understand what you said, the only reason people are virtuous is for their own good?
It is survival of the fittest. Don’t kid yourself. Let any major city lose electricity for two months and you will see. So if I understand what you said, the only reason people are virtuous is for their own good?
No that’s not even close to what I said. I could repeat myself or maybe you should just go back and reread what a wrote a little more slowly. Focus on my description of nature and what we teach or societies as we evolve and become more civilized
No that’s not even close to what I said. I could repeat myself or maybe you should just go back and reread what a wrote a little more slowly. Focus on my description of nature and what we teach or societies as we evolve and become more civilized
I read just fine. The question is why do it?

The answer is for one’s own benefit. You follow the rules so you don’t get punished.
I seriously doubt that Trump gave us free will in this universe to see who among us is worthy of TRUE LIFE. He’s probably just messing with us for his own entertainment
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