I'm New Here


1 Percenter Wannabe
Apr 29, 2013
I'm generally new here, and I suppose I joined out of sheer boredom.

As for where I align, I generally only align with myself. But my views and opinions should be apparent the more I post.
I'm generally new here, and I suppose I joined out of sheer boredom.

As for where I align, I generally only align with myself. But my views and opinions should be apparent the more I post.

Hi, I'm new here too, and so far I'm really enjoying it. Hope you do too.
Think for yourself and then express those thoughts? I like you already.

Generally people who want to be mysterious or hedge about their political views are leftists.

Just sayin.
No, they aren't proud of it, why would anyone be proud of it? Which is why they lie when they initially come to usmb and try to pretend they aren't lefties.

It's all part and parcel of leftism. When people figure out what they're doing, they change the meanings of words, they tweak definitions, to make it look like what they're doing is something other than what they're really doing.

You know...like they changed the meaning of marriage, and life, and humanity....so that they aren't defined as family destroying, anti-Christian, murderous death cultists. Which is, of course, what they are.
And they are now claiming they are mainstream. They will tell you Obama won because hes got more main stream voters to join him and thus they won the election . They own the middelpendents and are in vogue! Welcome to the forum!
No, not really.

And lefties always want to downplay their leftwardness.

Really? From what I've seen so far they seem pretty proud of their 'leftwardness' to me.

Well, your pilitical leanings are pretty evident. I am trying to keep mine secret so everyone will like me.

Problem is, I can't stand to be silent. And eventually haters will hate.

Nice to have another newbie AmazonTania.

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