Biden Camp Officially Refuses to Drug Test Joe Biden

He’s about 6’2” 275 lbs there
35 pounds overweight

I'd peg him at about 315-325.

He is not 5'8, he's a tall guy. He probably weighs more than 275 not that it matters per se. I will say this, when you lose weight, you clean your arteries in your brain especially if you do long fasting and get lengthy sleep. The brain cleanses itself and makes one sharper.

Our metabolism slows down but often our lifestyle and eating habits do not so If I were advising him, I'd try 16/8 fasting. It works wonders, especially if incorporated religiously.

If he also cuts out sugars and simple carbs, he could lose 60 pounds in the first 6 weeks. I bet you Pompeo employed one or two such strategies in his weight loss.
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In all fairness, there is no law against debating,or governing, under the influence of drugs.
Perhaps there ought to be, but there isn't.
No one is disputing that fact. The Trump camp just wants the public to be aware that the pretender in chief is under the influence so that they can make the choice of electing a sober leader or one the needs drugs to function.
No one is disputing that fact. The Trump camp just wants the public to be aware that the pretender in chief is under the influence so that they can make the choice of electing a sober leader or one the needs drugs to function.
A White House doctor said Biden was demonstrating a drug induced flop sweat and all the signs of being doped during the SOTU.
I'd peg him at about 315-325.

He is not 5'8, he's a tall guy. He weights more than 275.

Our metabolism slows down but often our lifestyle and eating habits do not. If I were advising him, try 16/8 fasting. It works wonders, especially if incorporated religiously.

If he also cuts out sugars and simple carbs, he could lose 60 pounds in the first 6 weeks. I bet you Pompeo employed one or two such strategies in his weight loss.
I was 305 and know what it looks like, then 285 after three months, 250 after a year, 225-230 now.
Not saying you are but there are many dweeb cuck beanpoles here ranging 5’6” to 5’9” weighing 145-175. That’s nearly a girls frame which may explain why they want to physically fight them, why they are such pearl clutching sissies, and why they hate strong and tall white males.
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I was 305 and know what it looks like, then 285 after three months, 250 after a year, 225-230 now.
Not saying you are but there are many dweeb cuck beanpoles here ranging 5’6”
To 5’9” weighing 145-175. That’s nearly a girls frame which may explain why they want to physically fight them, why they are such pearl clutching sissies, and why they hate strong and tall white males.

I would be very surprised if he were only 275.
Funny, I'm 6'2" myself, suit size is 48 to 50 Tall. I weigh in at 195 to 205lbs., and doctors tell me I need to lose another 10 lbs.

Doctors want tall guys stick thin
An excellently conditioned 25 -35 year old athlete 6’2” isnt even usually as light as 185-195.

Biden Camp Officially Refuses to Drug Test Joe Biden​

26 Jun 2024 ~~ By Cristina Laila

The Biden Camp officially refused to drug test Joe Biden ahead of Thursday night’s highly anticipated presidential debate.
Joe Biden is currently hiding at Camp David and doing “debate prep.”
President Trump and Joe Biden will face off in the first presidential debate next Thursday. The debate will be hosted by CNN in Atlanta.
The microphones will be muted except when it is the candidate’s ‘turn’ to speak.
The bar is set so low for feeble Biden that all he has to do is show up and not keel over and he will be applauded.


Every government job requires a drug test and background check.....Joe Biden couldn't pass either.
There is a pattern here, Democrat neo-Marxists won't release the recording of the interview, won't take a drug test. We are supposed to take the word of a pathetic fraud, plagiarist and liar.
Remember when the Quisling News Media insisted that President Trump's medical records be made public, claiming the President didn't have the right to personally privacy?
It's apparent that Democrats don't care about the stress on Biden's body from jacking him up with drugs.
They are trying to familiarize biden with a fake stage, hoping he will remember cues from his handlers on what to say and perfecting the drug cocktail Biden used while using the questions CNN already fed to the Biden team.
You can smell the odor of fear running through the Neo-Marxist Democrat ranks that they've backed the wrong horse in Biden, they are frantically scrambling to keep their power.

Good. Let the moron cultists and their orange pile of shit flail.
My guess is that Biden traditionally receives a similar weekly protocol as Mr. Burns on the Simpsons does in order to cheat death for another week.

They had to rearrange his schedule of medical treatments so he will be at his peak on Thursday, so he's being kept in the Presidential special housing unit at Camp Dave.


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