I'm not American, but...

this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:
Welcome to the USMB Gambling Casino for the Insane. :thup:

Who are you call'in a Casino?
Hedley Lamarr.........
That's Heddy.
If you are not a communist I'm friendly.

If you are a communist I pledge eternal hostility towards you, you are my mortal enemy and I seek to completely eradicate your DNA from the face of the planet.

Otherwise enjoy the forum.
If they think it is a friendly forum, it is doubtful that they are of USMB's hated & crucified Commies.
this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:

What's gawn awn.

You look like Brian Cox.

Who's that? :eusa_think:
this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:
Welcome to the USMB Gambling Casino for the Insane. :thup:

Who are you call'in a Casino?
Hedley Lamarr.........
That's Heddy.
Leave it to you to get the two confused...... :eusa_whistle:
this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:

Welcome, stranger.

Here is your personal moderator.

this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:
Just remember we as Americans love our guns.

Europeans and Canadians and Auzzies cannot fathom that.

But we are the arsenal of democracy. Always have been. Always will be.

If you absolutely need to have something or someone destroyed overnight you call Americans to do the job.
this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:
Your opinion is welcome whether I agree with it or not:
this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:
Your opinion is welcome whether I agree with it or not:

No big deal. I do wheelies on my John Deere mower.

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