I'm not here to bridge the divide between whites and blacks

I'm neither white nor black, but I can see both sides of the argument. Like whites, I find blacks very disagreeable and impossible to talk to or work with. Like blacks, I find whites to be insane in their own way, such as the police state, the wars, the materialism, etc.

But my role here is not to be some "magic" brown person, some "model" minority who somehow heals this divide. Fuck that. I'm my own person. I don't give a shit, live your life and I'll live mine.

By the way, that's the real reason you hate Obama. You hate him because he was a mixed man who was supposed to solve all of this, and he didn't, he said, fuck you, I'm the President and I'll do whatever I want. And more power to him.
Get outta here with you're fence sitting, middle ground, tryna act like your the voice of reason nonsense. What ? Has your honorary white card expired ? And now Trump is in the big house, your starting to realize that the white supremacist starts with us then works there way down to the other non-white groups?

Even though deep down you can't stand black people after all how much disgust and disdain you can show for black society is the number one trait non-black groups must show to the white supremacist to get favors because the white supremacist warns you "Hey !! Behave. You've seen how we treat black people. You want some of that ? Behave !!"

But you also know black people are the main group of people who have gone toe to toe with the white supremacist and have done for 100's years


and because your groups is too cowardly to stand up to the white supremacist. You want black people to do the hard work for you. Or in truth, you want your group to be the supremacist. You want your group to be the shot callers. You want to your group to be the ones stomping on everyone.

I know how you think.
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To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.

If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.

How ironic that people in general(except for the lunatic fringe) look back now and feel that he was much better than the current "pussy grabber" in office.

THe constant lying propaganda from the media has certainly pumped up Obama's numbers while depressing Trump's.

Obama was a race baiting piece of shit.

What a joke. You have yet to provide a single example of exactly "why" Obama was a "race baiter".

As far as any "media conspiracy" against #45, he does not need any help from them to make him look like the corrupt horses ass that he is.

#45 is the worst downgrade that the office has ever seen, and he can't get out of his own way.

He is an embarrasment and generally looked upon with disdain by leaders of other countries.

You radical right wingers despised Obama and still can't leave him alone even though he is finally gone, can you?

1. No one asked. I first noticed it when he falsely accused McCain of appealing to racist fears of voters.

2. The vile media has lost nearly all pretense of being anything more than the propaganda arm of the lefties.

3. The world is going to hell, and the rest of the world leaders are mostly part of the problem.

4. I wasn't the one that brought Obama up. The lefty OP did.

You stated that Obama is a "racist piece if shit". So yes, you mentioned Obama. As far as McCain goes I will have to look up what you think Obama said, but fast forward to the present, and Trump did exactly what you claim Obama did.

So what makes him any better?

Thd world is not "going to hell" for those who are not alarmists. Trump ran a campaign on fear mongering and scapegoating as well as misinformed ignorance. It appears that millions including you bought into it. As far as the rest of the worlds political leaders, he is definately a part of the bottom rung.

His non presidential skill set is not the fault of the media.

Conservative pundits as well as those on the "left" generally regard Trump with disdain.
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If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.

How ironic that people in general(except for the lunatic fringe) look back now and feel that he was much better than the current "pussy grabber" in office.

THe constant lying propaganda from the media has certainly pumped up Obama's numbers while depressing Trump's.

Obama was a race baiting piece of shit.

What a joke. You have yet to provide a single example of exactly "why" Obama was a "race baiter".

As far as any "media conspiracy" against #45, he does not need any help from them to make him look like the corrupt horses ass that he is.

#45 is the worst downgrade that the office has ever seen, and he can't get out of his own way.

He is an embarrasment and generally looked upon with disdain by leaders of other countries.

You radical right wingers despised Obama and still can't leave him alone even though he is finally gone, can you?

1. No one asked. I first noticed it when he falsely accused McCain of appealing to racist fears of voters.

2. The vile media has lost nearly all pretense of being anything more than the propaganda arm of the lefties.

3. The world is going to hell, and the rest of the world leaders are mostly part of the problem.

4. I wasn't the one that brought Obama up. The lefty OP did.

You stated that Obama is a "racist piece if shit". So yes, you mentioned Obama. As far as McCain goes I will have to look up what you think Obama said, but fast forward to the present, and Trump did exactly what you claim Obama did.

So what makes him any better?

Thd world is not "going to hell" for those who are not alarmists. Trump ran a campaign on fear mongering and scapegoating as well as misinformed ignorance. It appears that millions including you bought into it. As far as the rest of the worlds political leaders, he is definately a part of the bottom rung.

1. The OP brought up Obama, and I responded to that, as part of my response to the op as a whole. What part of that seems weird to you?

2. Trump did not falsely accuse the other side of using race.

3. The World is going to hell.

4. It if funny to hear a lefty accuse us of fear mongering when you remember the fear mongering about Trump being unstable and starting a war, or massive repression or what other crazy shit that lefties are already pretending they never said.

5. And Trump, by at least trying to buck the negative trends in the world, is Top Rung.
THe constant lying propaganda from the media has certainly pumped up Obama's numbers while depressing Trump's.

Obama was a race baiting piece of shit.

What a joke. You have yet to provide a single example of exactly "why" Obama was a "race baiter".

As far as any "media conspiracy" against #45, he does not need any help from them to make him look like the corrupt horses ass that he is.

#45 is the worst downgrade that the office has ever seen, and he can't get out of his own way.

He is an embarrasment and generally looked upon with disdain by leaders of other countries.

You radical right wingers despised Obama and still can't leave him alone even though he is finally gone, can you?

1. No one asked. I first noticed it when he falsely accused McCain of appealing to racist fears of voters.

2. The vile media has lost nearly all pretense of being anything more than the propaganda arm of the lefties.

3. The world is going to hell, and the rest of the world leaders are mostly part of the problem.

4. I wasn't the one that brought Obama up. The lefty OP did.

You stated that Obama is a "racist piece if shit". So yes, you mentioned Obama. As far as McCain goes I will have to look up what you think Obama said, but fast forward to the present, and Trump did exactly what you claim Obama did.

So what makes him any better?

Thd world is not "going to hell" for those who are not alarmists. Trump ran a campaign on fear mongering and scapegoating as well as misinformed ignorance. It appears that millions including you bought into it. As far as the rest of the worlds political leaders, he is definately a part of the bottom rung.

1. The OP brought up Obama, and I responded to that, as part of my response to the op as a whole. What part of that seems weird to you?

2. Trump did not falsely accuse the other side of using race.

3. The World is going to hell.

4. It if funny to hear a lefty accuse us of fear mongering when you remember the fear mongering about Trump being unstable and starting a war, or massive repression or what other crazy shit that lefties are already pretending they never said.

5. And Trump, by at least trying to buck the negative trends in the world, is Top Rung.

How is "the world going to hell?

And what, if anything do you perceive #45 ad doing?

Most that I hear speaking about Trump, including Republucan, unless they are blindly loyal in the face of utter stupidity would not vote for him again.

Simply because he IS on the BOTTOM RUNG due to the complete absence of his leadership ability.

1. SO, you're dropping the bit about it being odd that I responded on Obama. Good.

2. Many issues causing the world to go to hell, all of which our Political Classes, mired in the modern Liberals Consensus, cannot see any solution too.

3. Trump's policies on Immigration and Trade are a good start to the problems of Third World Immigration and Globalization (as part of The World Going to Hell).

4. Possibly. Propaganda, like the media has been just pouring out, does work. It could be that TRump is doomed to be a one termer. That would be very bad.

5. No, the Political Class and it's reps, like HIllary, or Merkel, are the worst.
How ironic that people in general(except for the lunatic fringe) look back now and feel that he was much better than the current "pussy grabber" in office.

THe constant lying propaganda from the media has certainly pumped up Obama's numbers while depressing Trump's.

Obama was a race baiting piece of shit.

What a joke. You have yet to provide a single example of exactly "why" Obama was a "race baiter".

As far as any "media conspiracy" against #45, he does not need any help from them to make him look like the corrupt horses ass that he is.

#45 is the worst downgrade that the office has ever seen, and he can't get out of his own way.

He is an embarrasment and generally looked upon with disdain by leaders of other countries.

You radical right wingers despised Obama and still can't leave him alone even though he is finally gone, can you?

1. No one asked. I first noticed it when he falsely accused McCain of appealing to racist fears of voters.

2. The vile media has lost nearly all pretense of being anything more than the propaganda arm of the lefties.

3. The world is going to hell, and the rest of the world leaders are mostly part of the problem.

4. I wasn't the one that brought Obama up. The lefty OP did.

You stated that Obama is a "racist piece if shit". So yes, you mentioned Obama. As far as McCain goes I will have to look up what you think Obama said, but fast forward to the present, and Trump did exactly what you claim Obama did.

So what makes him any better?

Thd world is not "going to hell" for those who are not alarmists. Trump ran a campaign on fear mongering and scapegoating as well as misinformed ignorance. It appears that millions including you bought into it. As far as the rest of the worlds political leaders, he is definately a part of the bottom rung.

1. The OP brought up Obama, and I responded to that, as part of my response to the op as a whole. What part of that seems weird to you?

2. Trump did not falsely accuse the other side of using race.

3. The World is going to hell.

4. It if funny to hear a lefty accuse us of fear mongering when you remember the fear mongering about Trump being unstable and starting a war, or massive repression or what other crazy shit that lefties are already pretending they never said.

5. And Trump, by at least trying to buck the negative trends in the world, is Top Rung.
And how exactly is the "world going to hell"?

And what is #45 doing to "buck the trend" ad you allege.

Most that I have spoken to from all walks of life regard him as "bottom rung" in most cases based on hid misogynistic, chauvinist and often hyperbolic tendencies. His rants on Twitter, engaging in verbal wars that resemble childlike tantrums....bottom rung in every sense.
THe constant lying propaganda from the media has certainly pumped up Obama's numbers while depressing Trump's.

Obama was a race baiting piece of shit.

What a joke. You have yet to provide a single example of exactly "why" Obama was a "race baiter".

As far as any "media conspiracy" against #45, he does not need any help from them to make him look like the corrupt horses ass that he is.

#45 is the worst downgrade that the office has ever seen, and he can't get out of his own way.

He is an embarrasment and generally looked upon with disdain by leaders of other countries.

You radical right wingers despised Obama and still can't leave him alone even though he is finally gone, can you?

1. No one asked. I first noticed it when he falsely accused McCain of appealing to racist fears of voters.

2. The vile media has lost nearly all pretense of being anything more than the propaganda arm of the lefties.

3. The world is going to hell, and the rest of the world leaders are mostly part of the problem.

4. I wasn't the one that brought Obama up. The lefty OP did.

You stated that Obama is a "racist piece if shit". So yes, you mentioned Obama. As far as McCain goes I will have to look up what you think Obama said, but fast forward to the present, and Trump did exactly what you claim Obama did.

So what makes him any better?

Thd world is not "going to hell" for those who are not alarmists. Trump ran a campaign on fear mongering and scapegoating as well as misinformed ignorance. It appears that millions including you bought into it. As far as the rest of the worlds political leaders, he is definately a part of the bottom rung.

1. The OP brought up Obama, and I responded to that, as part of my response to the op as a whole. What part of that seems weird to you?

2. Trump did not falsely accuse the other side of using race.

3. The World is going to hell.

4. It if funny to hear a lefty accuse us of fear mongering when you remember the fear mongering about Trump being unstable and starting a war, or massive repression or what other crazy shit that lefties are already pretending they never said.

5. And Trump, by at least trying to buck the negative trends in the world, is Top Rung.
And how exactly is the "world going to hell"?

And what is #45 doing to "buck the trend" ad you allege.

Most that I have spoken to from all walks of life regard him as "bottom rung" in most cases based on hid misogynistic, chauvinist and often hyperbolic tendencies. His rants on Twitter, engaging in verbal wars that resemble childlike tantrums....bottom rung in every sense.

1. SO, you're dropping the bit about it being odd that I responded on Obama. Good.

2. Many issues causing the world to go to hell, all of which our Political Classes, mired in the modern Liberals Consensus, cannot see any solution too.

3. Trump's policies on Immigration and Trade are a good start to the problems of Third World Immigration and Globalization (as part of The World Going to Hell).

4. Possibly. Propaganda, like the media has been just pouring out, does work. It could be that TRump is doomed to be a one termer. That would be very bad.

5. No, the Political Class and it's reps, like HIllary, or Merkel, are the worst.
What a joke. You have yet to provide a single example of exactly "why" Obama was a "race baiter".

As far as any "media conspiracy" against #45, he does not need any help from them to make him look like the corrupt horses ass that he is.

#45 is the worst downgrade that the office has ever seen, and he can't get out of his own way.

He is an embarrasment and generally looked upon with disdain by leaders of other countries.

You radical right wingers despised Obama and still can't leave him alone even though he is finally gone, can you?

1. No one asked. I first noticed it when he falsely accused McCain of appealing to racist fears of voters.

2. The vile media has lost nearly all pretense of being anything more than the propaganda arm of the lefties.

3. The world is going to hell, and the rest of the world leaders are mostly part of the problem.

4. I wasn't the one that brought Obama up. The lefty OP did.

You stated that Obama is a "racist piece if shit". So yes, you mentioned Obama. As far as McCain goes I will have to look up what you think Obama said, but fast forward to the present, and Trump did exactly what you claim Obama did.

So what makes him any better?

Thd world is not "going to hell" for those who are not alarmists. Trump ran a campaign on fear mongering and scapegoating as well as misinformed ignorance. It appears that millions including you bought into it. As far as the rest of the worlds political leaders, he is definately a part of the bottom rung.

1. The OP brought up Obama, and I responded to that, as part of my response to the op as a whole. What part of that seems weird to you?

2. Trump did not falsely accuse the other side of using race.

3. The World is going to hell.

4. It if funny to hear a lefty accuse us of fear mongering when you remember the fear mongering about Trump being unstable and starting a war, or massive repression or what other crazy shit that lefties are already pretending they never said.

5. And Trump, by at least trying to buck the negative trends in the world, is Top Rung.
And how exactly is the "world going to hell"?

And what is #45 doing to "buck the trend" ad you allege.

Most that I have spoken to from all walks of life regard him as "bottom rung" in most cases based on hid misogynistic, chauvinist and often hyperbolic tendencies. His rants on Twitter, engaging in verbal wars that resemble childlike tantrums....bottom rung in every sense.

1. SO, you're dropping the bit about it being odd that I responded on Obama. Good.

2. Many issues causing the world to go to hell, all of which our Political Classes, mired in the modern Liberals Consensus, cannot see any solution too.

3. Trump's policies on Immigration and Trade are a good start to the problems of Third World Immigration and Globalization (as part of The World Going to Hell).

4. Possibly. Propaganda, like the media has been just pouring out, does work. It could be that TRump is doomed to be a one termer. That would be very bad.

5. No, the Political Class and it's reps, like HIllary, or Merkel, are the worst.
After you made the comment about Obama, I stated that I would research for myself exactly what you allege that he said. Besides that, I dont have much to say about him except that #45's ineptitude will enhance his legacy.

Everything that you describe about the current world situation is not new. What is new is that in spite of Republicans controlling the house AND senate, they are still not accomplishing anyrhing except ongoing government shutdowns and threats of more to come.

Immigration? Tough talk and no results. And the rubes who believe that Trumps proposed "wall" will make a difference are mindless sheep.

Trump likely will be a one term president. On that I agree. He is an empty suit that should get coaching in public speaking and get a therapist to ween him off of Twitter.
1. No one asked. I first noticed it when he falsely accused McCain of appealing to racist fears of voters.

2. The vile media has lost nearly all pretense of being anything more than the propaganda arm of the lefties.

3. The world is going to hell, and the rest of the world leaders are mostly part of the problem.

4. I wasn't the one that brought Obama up. The lefty OP did.

You stated that Obama is a "racist piece if shit". So yes, you mentioned Obama. As far as McCain goes I will have to look up what you think Obama said, but fast forward to the present, and Trump did exactly what you claim Obama did.

So what makes him any better?

Thd world is not "going to hell" for those who are not alarmists. Trump ran a campaign on fear mongering and scapegoating as well as misinformed ignorance. It appears that millions including you bought into it. As far as the rest of the worlds political leaders, he is definately a part of the bottom rung.

1. The OP brought up Obama, and I responded to that, as part of my response to the op as a whole. What part of that seems weird to you?

2. Trump did not falsely accuse the other side of using race.

3. The World is going to hell.

4. It if funny to hear a lefty accuse us of fear mongering when you remember the fear mongering about Trump being unstable and starting a war, or massive repression or what other crazy shit that lefties are already pretending they never said.

5. And Trump, by at least trying to buck the negative trends in the world, is Top Rung.
And how exactly is the "world going to hell"?

And what is #45 doing to "buck the trend" ad you allege.

Most that I have spoken to from all walks of life regard him as "bottom rung" in most cases based on hid misogynistic, chauvinist and often hyperbolic tendencies. His rants on Twitter, engaging in verbal wars that resemble childlike tantrums....bottom rung in every sense.

1. SO, you're dropping the bit about it being odd that I responded on Obama. Good.

2. Many issues causing the world to go to hell, all of which our Political Classes, mired in the modern Liberals Consensus, cannot see any solution too.

3. Trump's policies on Immigration and Trade are a good start to the problems of Third World Immigration and Globalization (as part of The World Going to Hell).

4. Possibly. Propaganda, like the media has been just pouring out, does work. It could be that TRump is doomed to be a one termer. That would be very bad.

5. No, the Political Class and it's reps, like HIllary, or Merkel, are the worst.
After you made the comment about Obama, I stated that I would research for myself exactly what you allege that he said. Besides that, I dont have much to say about him except that #45's ineptitude will enhance his legacy.

Everything that you describe about the current world situation is not new. What is new is that in spite of Republicans controlling the house AND senate, they are still not accomplishing anyrhing except ongoing government shutdowns and threats of more to come.

Immigration? Tough talk and no results. And the rubes who believe that Trumps proposed "wall" will make a difference are mindless sheep.

Trump likely will be a one term president. On that I agree. He is an empty suit that should get coaching in public speaking and get a therapist to ween him off of Twitter.

1. You were referring to my comments, in response to the OP. And I'm glad you've dropped the claim that that was odd.

2. Google the speech where he discussed how he did not look like the other presidents on the bills. That's the one where I was referring to Obama being a race baiting piece of shit.

3. I'm not claiming that the World Going to Hell is new.

4. Illegal immigration is down. Deportations are up. But yes, he needs to do far more, or he will have no lasting impact.

5. It will be very bad if he is. It will be a victory of anti-democratic forces over the democratic system. And likely the death of the last chance of our two party system surviving.
You stated that Obama is a "racist piece if shit". So yes, you mentioned Obama. As far as McCain goes I will have to look up what you think Obama said, but fast forward to the present, and Trump did exactly what you claim Obama did.

So what makes him any better?

Thd world is not "going to hell" for those who are not alarmists. Trump ran a campaign on fear mongering and scapegoating as well as misinformed ignorance. It appears that millions including you bought into it. As far as the rest of the worlds political leaders, he is definately a part of the bottom rung.

1. The OP brought up Obama, and I responded to that, as part of my response to the op as a whole. What part of that seems weird to you?

2. Trump did not falsely accuse the other side of using race.

3. The World is going to hell.

4. It if funny to hear a lefty accuse us of fear mongering when you remember the fear mongering about Trump being unstable and starting a war, or massive repression or what other crazy shit that lefties are already pretending they never said.

5. And Trump, by at least trying to buck the negative trends in the world, is Top Rung.
And how exactly is the "world going to hell"?

And what is #45 doing to "buck the trend" ad you allege.

Most that I have spoken to from all walks of life regard him as "bottom rung" in most cases based on hid misogynistic, chauvinist and often hyperbolic tendencies. His rants on Twitter, engaging in verbal wars that resemble childlike tantrums....bottom rung in every sense.

1. SO, you're dropping the bit about it being odd that I responded on Obama. Good.

2. Many issues causing the world to go to hell, all of which our Political Classes, mired in the modern Liberals Consensus, cannot see any solution too.

3. Trump's policies on Immigration and Trade are a good start to the problems of Third World Immigration and Globalization (as part of The World

4. Possibly. Propaganda, like the media has been just pouring out, does work. It could be that TRump is doomed to be a one termer. That would be very bad.

5. No, the Political Class and it's reps, like HIllary, or Merkel, are the worst.
After you made the comment about Obama, I stated that I would research for myself exactly what you allege that he said. Besides that, I dont have much to say about him except that #45's ineptitude will enhance his legacy.

Everything that you describe about the current world situation is not new. What is new is that in spite of Republicans controlling the house AND senate, they are still not accomplishing anyrhing except ongoing government shutdowns and threats of more to come.

Immigration? Tough talk and no results. And the rubes who believe that Trumps proposed "wall" will make a difference are mindless sheep.

Trump likely will be a one term president. On that I agree. He is an empty suit that should get coaching in public speaking and get a therapist to ween him off of Twitter.

1. You were referring to my comments, in response to the OP. And I'm glad you've dropped the claim that that was odd.

2. Google the speech where he discussed how he did not look like the other presidents on the bills. That's the one where I was referring to Obama being a race baiting piece of shit.

So he acknowledged the truth. He did NOT in fact "look like previous presidents". That's a fact It was not "race baiting".

3. I'm not claiming that the World Going to Hell is new.

Good. The world is NOT going to hell.

4. Illegal immigration is down. Deportations are up. But yes, he needs to do far more, or he will have no lasting impact.

Trump makes false claim about illegal immigration

5. It will be very bad if he is. It will be a victory of anti-democratic forces over the democratic system. And likely the death of the last chance of our two party system surviving.
Not likely.
1. The OP brought up Obama, and I responded to that, as part of my response to the op as a whole. What part of that seems weird to you?

2. Trump did not falsely accuse the other side of using race.

3. The World is going to hell.

4. It if funny to hear a lefty accuse us of fear mongering when you remember the fear mongering about Trump being unstable and starting a war, or massive repression or what other crazy shit that lefties are already pretending they never said.

5. And Trump, by at least trying to buck the negative trends in the world, is Top Rung.
And how exactly is the "world going to hell"?

And what is #45 doing to "buck the trend" ad you allege.

Most that I have spoken to from all walks of life regard him as "bottom rung" in most cases based on hid misogynistic, chauvinist and often hyperbolic tendencies. His rants on Twitter, engaging in verbal wars that resemble childlike tantrums....bottom rung in every sense.

1. SO, you're dropping the bit about it being odd that I responded on Obama. Good.

2. Many issues causing the world to go to hell, all of which our Political Classes, mired in the modern Liberals Consensus, cannot see any solution too.

3. Trump's policies on Immigration and Trade are a good start to the problems of Third World Immigration and Globalization (as part of The World

4. Possibly. Propaganda, like the media has been just pouring out, does work. It could be that TRump is doomed to be a one termer. That would be very bad.

5. No, the Political Class and it's reps, like HIllary, or Merkel, are the worst.
After you made the comment about Obama, I stated that I would research for myself exactly what you allege that he said. Besides that, I dont have much to say about him except that #45's ineptitude will enhance his legacy.

Everything that you describe about the current world situation is not new. What is new is that in spite of Republicans controlling the house AND senate, they are still not accomplishing anyrhing except ongoing government shutdowns and threats of more to come.

Immigration? Tough talk and no results. And the rubes who believe that Trumps proposed "wall" will make a difference are mindless sheep.

Trump likely will be a one term president. On that I agree. He is an empty suit that should get coaching in public speaking and get a therapist to ween him off of Twitter.

1. You were referring to my comments, in response to the OP. And I'm glad you've dropped the claim that that was odd.

2. Google the speech where he discussed how he did not look like the other presidents on the bills. That's the one where I was referring to Obama being a race baiting piece of shit.

So he acknowledged the truth. He did NOT in fact "look like previous presidents". That's a fact It was not "race baiting".

3. I'm not claiming that the World Going to Hell is new.

Good. The world is NOT going to hell.

4. Illegal immigration is down. Deportations are up. But yes, he needs to do far more, or he will have no lasting impact.

Trump makes false claim about illegal immigration

5. It will be very bad if he is. It will be a victory of anti-democratic forces over the democratic system. And likely the death of the last chance of our two party system surviving.
Not likely.

1. Obama claimed that McCain's campaign would use the fact that he did not look like them to scare the voters. McCain was not doing that, and did not. Obama was falsely accusing McCain of using race. Obama is a race baiting piece of shit.

2. The world is certainly going to hell.

3. Illegal immigration is down, deportations are up. But yes, he needs to do more or he will have no lasting impat.

4. I agree, at this point, that it is unlikely our democratic system will survive.
I'm neither white nor black, but I can see both sides of the argument. Like whites, I find blacks very disagreeable and impossible to talk to or work with. Like blacks, I find whites to be insane in their own way, such as the police state, the wars, the materialism, etc.

But my role here is not to be some "magic" brown person, some "model" minority who somehow heals this divide. Fuck that. I'm my own person. I don't give a shit, live your life and I'll live mine.

By the way, that's the real reason you hate Obama. You hate him because he was a mixed man who was supposed to solve all of this, and he didn't, he said, fuck you, I'm the President and I'll do whatever I want. And more power to him.
Get outta here with you're fence sitting, middle ground, tryna act like your the voice of reason nonsense. What ? Has your honorary white card expired ? And now Trump is in the big house, your starting to realize that the white supremacist starts with us then works there way down to the other non-white groups?

Even though deep down you can't stand black people after all how much disgust and disdain you can show for black society is the number one trait non-black groups must show to the white supremacist to get favors because the white supremacist warns you "Hey !! Behave. You've seen how we treat black people. You want some of that ? Behave !!"

But you also know black people are the main group of people who have gone toe to toe with the white supremacist and have done for 100's years


and because your groups is too cowardly to stand up to the white supremacist. You want black people to do the hard work for you. Or in truth, you want your group to be the supremacist. You want your group to be the shot callers. You want to your group to be the ones stomping on everyone.

I know how you think.

Preach it! We blacks have always manned/womaned up. That's why whites don't call us the model minority. Because to them the model minority is to just shut up, take it and don't fight back. That's why in places like this most of the threads at anti black racist troll threads because these weasels are mad because we don't stop fighting back. They know that dfens and some of these Asians will do what whitey tells them.
I'm neither white nor black, but I can see both sides of the argument. Like whites, I find blacks very disagreeable and impossible to talk to or work with. Like blacks, I find whites to be insane in their own way, such as the police state, the wars, the materialism, etc.

But my role here is not to be some "magic" brown person, some "model" minority who somehow heals this divide. Fuck that. I'm my own person. I don't give a shit, live your life and I'll live mine.

By the way, that's the real reason you hate Obama. You hate him because he was a mixed man who was supposed to solve all of this, and he didn't, he said, fuck you, I'm the President and I'll do whatever I want. And more power to him.

Don't worry. I've never relied on you "brown" people to do anything. I know you fear whites and hide behind the Black people to do the real work. You dont have the stamina or the courage to enter the fray until its obvious that some success is about to be realized. I know that due to your brainwashing you look down on Blacks as well because it benefits your social standing.

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