Im not playing around with this....i have serious evidence...SERIOUS

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
Well,as anyone knows,since 1993,that the state department forbids any company or bank,chartered in the UNITED STATES,cannot do business,or transact,on or with sanctioned countries,i.e.IRAN having been on the list.

In any event,i used to work for HOUSEHOLD BANK,which,in 2003,was purchased by HSBC holdings,inc.i am trained and certified in all lending practices,such as ECOA,FCRA,and fair debt collection.act,and Household was already violating the patriot act by having mexican applicants apply for credit without two forms of ID,which BEST BUY requested household to do to fatten their private label account portfolio,in violation. But,in any event,i was a credit underwriter,and an IT specialist,and fraud investigator in the HELP DESK. There were alot of anomalies i saw in the new HSBC websitr,amd low and behold,i obtained evidence that this bank.had headquarters in TEHRAN,in violation of US sanctions.

It has been proven that the scientist snuffed by the mossad for their nuclear program was working for IRAN PETROCHEMICAL.hows this relevant?

I have authentic,timestamped,dated document evidence,that#1-shows and proves HSBCS headquarters in tehran,and also,more damning....
HSBC CONTRACT ANNOUNCEMENT OF LOANS IN 2003,and future grant promises to IRAN PETROCHEMICAL,for further development and science of their chemical indystry,as the document states.o have these open,at this point,for public inspection for anyone to review.

HSBC has,with my evidence,a direct the continual funding of IRANS NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM.on the reasons i was released from HSBC is because,even with a 450% productivity ratio and 100% quality,thus was many coverups this sicialist,globalist bank tried to hide. Hsbc funded all shariah loans,in all these countries,including headquarters in syria.

I contacted,at the time,FOXNEWS,ABC,couple other media outlets all i was told was"too sensative"kinda gave me the bill clinton hot potato treatment.surprising enough,i submitted them to the.commerce dept under the bush admin,and nothing was done about it.

I have them to stick in the lefts craw,and evidence.There is a for real iranian ptogram,and i have the evidence of the direct funding of it.

Anyone calling me a tinhat,etc..should see the evidence first.
Dude, you've stated that your a fully operational general contractor, a sheriffs deputy and now this.

I'm having a few problems with creditably here.
No credibility issue. I worked at the bank,and ran fired from there seven years ago moved to MA because i git engaged until 09,then came down to GA got law enforcement certified,and maintan my contracting business daytime,law enforcement at third shift,which sucks balls cause its ends today,laid off,county lost funding. There are folks out there that do msny things,not just one.
But this is serious,anyone interested in seeing the proof i can email. Im not one of these types that stuck doing one career, very indutrious and reinvent myself and learn new things to survive,im not a drink orbparty on the weekend type,im always trying to do something,being that my business in dreadfully slow waiting for bids,and being relegated to property preservations waiting for pay on NET 30.
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No credibility issue. I worked at the bank,and ran fired from there seven years ago moved to MA because i git engaged until 09,then came down to GA got law enforcement certified,and maintan my contracting business daytime,law enforcement at third shift,which sucks balls cause its ends today,laid off,county lost funding. There are folks out there that do msny things,not just one.

Fair enough I guess. I guess I'm just used to knowing people like me that have done the same thing their entire lives.
HSBC is a British Bank. It's not headquartered in Tehran.... it's global HQ is London.

It's one of the biggest banks in the world.
Wanna really make your head spin?in 2002,i also ran two publications,local,plus i was a city councilperson.
Cali girl,they are headquartered in UK,but have a country regional headquarters in tehran,and damascus. I have proof,welcome to share with anyone. Having business locations in these countries is against sanctions,and the bank tried to cover it up,but with a backdoor program i acessed the fullsite.
Plus i have original grant notes from HSBC to fund IRAN PETROCHEMICAL.
Cali girl,they are headquartered in UK,but have a country regional headquarters in tehran,and damascus. I have proof,welcome to share with anyone. Having business locations in these countries is against sanctions,and the bank tried to cover it up,but with a backdoor program i acessed the fullsite.

You know that's a crime right? Being a sheriffs deputy and all......
Wanna really make your head spin?in 2002,i also ran two publications,local,plus i was a city councilperson.

Well then, you've got big time cred with REAL politicians, people who can get things done.

I'll ask again - why are you wasting your incredible talents here? (sarcasm off)

It was attempted to be hidden,i discovered it,and canned for it.

IOW, you're kinda like a Sly Stallone movie, where you're the only one who can save our planet fro destruction ...

Cali girl,they are headquartered in UK,but have a country regional headquarters in tehran,and damascus. I have proof,welcome to share with anyone. Having business locations in these countries is against sanctions,and the bank tried to cover it up,but with a backdoor program i acessed the fullsite.

They're one of the world's biggest banks, you fucking moron. They have branches in 87 countries - 7,500 branches globally.

Your hysteria is noted.

And dismissed.
Did that before i was in law enforcement,and one of the contacts of interest i established in 03'actually praised me for it. Only been uniformed less than 3 years,lose it as of funding. 8 others too.
Cali girl,they are headquartered in UK,but have a country regional headquarters in tehran,and damascus. I have proof,welcome to share with anyone. Having business locations in these countries is against sanctions,and the bank tried to cover it up,but with a backdoor program i acessed the fullsite.

They're one of the world's biggest banks, you fucking moron. They have branches in 87 countries - 7,500 branches globally.

Your hysteria is noted.

And dismissed.

Uhhh,you cant be chartered here in the USA,and do business,in sanctioned countries. Check the department of commerce.

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