I'm pretty sure Putin is right this time.

It's true that for the time being, Syria is probably better off with Assad at the helm for strictly pragmatic reasons. That doesn't mean we should all get down on our knees and fellate Putin as some here have been doing.

Putin is not there "because ISIS" as the dumbshits bleeved. He is there "because Assad". HUGE difference.

Assad is an evil, evil man. He is butchering innocent civilians, and Putin is helping him do so.

But a Syria without Assad would quickly devolve into Somalia.
Russia will not be in any quagmire. Assad will put an end to Isis in Syria.


ISIS will retreat into the shadows and pick off Russians one at a time. Terrorists will still be terrorists

Nope, Russia will be around for a long time in the region.
Russia will have to send a lot more men and equipment than they have to date. So far they are only providing enough to protect a relatively small area. The government in Moscow is already complaining. The mess in Ukraine has not been cleaned up, there is a large Muslim population in Russia that could provide terrorist to the ISIS cause and bring suffering to the motherland, the economy is in shambles, they had to pass a law just a few weeks ago that allows the military to hide casualty numbers and the leader is making boast and promises he may not be able to back up. The Russian forces will be dependent on Iranian troops to accomplish what Putin is promising. Russia can not accomplish this goal on it's own with a combat brigade and a few thousand support units and air squadrons.

They can accomplish their objective without iranian support. They're doing it in ukraine.
Guess you don't know what has been going on in Ukraine. If you did you would not be calling that situation a positive one for Russia. It has turned into a huge Russian failure. A costly one. Check out some Russian propaganda objective news once in awhile. You will have to ignore American right wing stuff as well. They distribute Russian propaganda.

For the Kremlin, it means restoring enough stability to Syria to win acceptance of an expanded role for Russia in the Middle East — not to speak of its expanded military presence. Such a development, in the Kremlin’s view, would also validate Mr. Putin’s contention that toppling authoritarian governments in the Middle East has led only to chaos and sanctuaries for terrorists.


He's right. Look at what his soul mate, Bush did in Iraq.


For the White House, this has meant accepting a Russian role in the region but hoping that Moscow will appreciate the risk of becoming bogged down. That, they hope, will raise the costs of backing Mr. Assad and force Russia to work sincerely on a political transition that will lead to the Syrian leader’s departure.


So what? Let Russia become bogged down. Better them than us. Besides, with other countries developing their oil and energy resources, it's not like Middle East oil is the only game in town.


Mr. Putin, who was making his first appearance at the United NationsGeneral Assembly in 10 years, was openly dismissive of the United States’ interventions in the Middle East. The United States-led effort to oust Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in Libya, he said, had made each country a haven for terrorists.

And the Obama administration’s attempts to train and equip a moderate Syrian opposition would end up swelling the ranks of Islamic radicals, Mr. Putin insisted. The Kremlin says about 2,000 of the extremists who have joined the Islamic State have come from Russia, fueling concern that they may return and carry out terrorist attacks. Russia has fought two wars against Islamist separatists in Chechnya.


What can you say? The Middle East is a mess. Let Russia spend their money. They are right next door. They have a vested interest in stopping the violence. Better it's stopped anyway possible than continue with what's going on now.
Funny...you forgot to mention Jimma. Why?
Oh, I'm sorry. Which country did he invade?
I love it

Let Russia go into Syria to shore up their buddy Assad
Let Russia leave troops to defend him and put up with attacks from ISIS
Let Russia watch as ISIS beheads a captured Russian soldier

Better than having the US do it
What else can you do? The entire region has been in religious wars for a thousand years. We are only there because of oil. Let's leave. When they finish, we can deal with whoever is left over.

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