I'm starting to sour on Trump

Not if the Democrats do the same. I think Democrats are far more likely to do so because that is exactly what they do in election after election with registration drives and get out the vote campaigns.

I don't think typical politicians are able to do what Trump can. Again... this whole thing is an anomaly in politics like we've not seen before. You are welcome to live in denial of that fact but it still remains a fact. I think Trump appeals to a certain demographic who would otherwise not even think about voting for a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or anything else in politics.

Only time is going to tell... we know NOTHING at this point.... Trump has received exactly ZERO votes as of now. So it's ALL speculation our both our parts. Just keep in mind what I've said and let's see who is right.
Do you know who these unregistered voter are? They are likely to be recent arrivals in the neighborhood with little interest in government but generally have a favorable view of government.. They are disproportionately low income people of color and Hispanics. The majority are on some form of government assistance. They have less education and are younger than register voters.

I think a voter registration program would be a totally waste of money for Trump. If these people vote at all, it will be for Democrats.

No... they are likely to be people who just don't get into politics. They don't really fit in any particular demographic, they are all over the board and from every walk of life. They can name more Kardashians than Supreme Court Justices. They know who Paris Hilton is dating but couldn't tell you who is the ruler of North Korea. These people know Trump from TV and entertainment... he is a pop culture icon. There is a real good chance that Trump can appeal to these people in ways that other politicians can't. Now... maybe not the full 50% of them... some will continue their habits of being disinterested and disassociated. But if Trump can tap in to 10~15% of them, it's game over baby, he will win the election with votes no one ever knew existed.
Not if the Democrats do the same. I think Democrats are far more likely to do so because that is exactly what they do in election after election with registration drives and get out the vote campaigns.
I fail to see how Trump with his anti-minority rhetoric and the Republican party with their on going battle to reduce federal spending in low income neighborhoods is going to inspire people to register and vote who have no interest in politics and don't give damn who is elected president.
I fail to see how Trump with his anti-minority rhetoric and the Republican party with their on going battle to reduce federal spending in low income neighborhoods is going to inspire people to register and vote who have no interest in politics and don't give damn who is elected president.

Well I've not heard Trump say a thing that is "anti-minority" and I think that is a bunch of hokey political rhetoric that simply turns off the kind of people I was talking about... it's the very reason they DON'T get involved in politics and you're not going to win them over with that kind of allegation.
I fail to see how Trump with his anti-minority rhetoric and the Republican party with their on going battle to reduce federal spending in low income neighborhoods is going to inspire people to register and vote who have no interest in politics and don't give damn who is elected president.

Well I've not heard Trump say a thing that is "anti-minority" and I think that is a bunch of hokey political rhetoric that simply turns off the kind of people I was talking about... it's the very reason they DON'T get involved in politics and you're not going to win them over with that kind of allegation.

What exactly did he say that was "anti-minority"?
I fail to see how Trump with his anti-minority rhetoric and the Republican party with their on going battle to reduce federal spending in low income neighborhoods is going to inspire people to register and vote who have no interest in politics and don't give damn who is elected president.

Well I've not heard Trump say a thing that is "anti-minority" and I think that is a bunch of hokey political rhetoric that simply turns off the kind of people I was talking about... it's the very reason they DON'T get involved in politics and you're not going to win them over with that kind of allegation.

What exactly did he say that was "anti-minority"?
"We have a problem in this country, Muslims"

And there's, Trump's tweet, claiming Blacks are responsible for 90% of white homicides which of course is a lie.

Trump doesn't just attack minorities, he will attack anyone or any group for a laugh or to get a headline masquerading it as bravery. Relying on personal attacks, racist comments, and religious bigotry is cowardly and certainly not presidential. As president, he would be a disgrace and an embarrassment to the nation.
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I fail to see how Trump with his anti-minority rhetoric and the Republican party with their on going battle to reduce federal spending in low income neighborhoods is going to inspire people to register and vote who have no interest in politics and don't give damn who is elected president.

Well I've not heard Trump say a thing that is "anti-minority" and I think that is a bunch of hokey political rhetoric that simply turns off the kind of people I was talking about... it's the very reason they DON'T get involved in politics and you're not going to win them over with that kind of allegation.

What exactly did he say that was "anti-minority"?
"We have a problem in this country, Muslims"

And there's, Trump's tweet, claiming Blacks are responsible for 90% of white homicides which of course is a lie.

Trump doesn't just attack minorities, he will attack anyone or any group for a laugh or to get a headline masquerading it as bravery. Relying on personal attacks, racist comments, and religious bigotry is cowardly and certainly not presidential. As president, he would be a disgrace and an embarrassment to the nation.

You know, I have no problem blaming people for what they said.... but you at LEAST HAVE TO POST SOMETHING THEY SAID.

"We have a problem in this country, Muslims" Donald Trump NEVER SAID THAT.

Period. PERIOD! So many liars on here.

As for the chart..... that's it? That's not anti-minority. In fact, it's not even trumps chart. It was re-tweeted from another source. And it was likely entirely wrong. We don't for certain, because 2015 statistics haven't been released. What we do know, is that they are not close to prior years statistics, and likely wrong.

Should Trump have retweeted the chart. No. Is that "anti-minority".... not in my book.

Now if he says we need to ban blacks... ok. You got a point.

And he might be an embarrassment to the nation, but we've had several... so he's par for the course. I'm not a trump fan.... I'll still vote for him if the other option is Hillary. If it's trump and Sanders, then I'll have to consider my options.
I fail to see how Trump with his anti-minority rhetoric and the Republican party with their on going battle to reduce federal spending in low income neighborhoods is going to inspire people to register and vote who have no interest in politics and don't give damn who is elected president.

Well I've not heard Trump say a thing that is "anti-minority" and I think that is a bunch of hokey political rhetoric that simply turns off the kind of people I was talking about... it's the very reason they DON'T get involved in politics and you're not going to win them over with that kind of allegation.

What exactly did he say that was "anti-minority"?
"We have a problem in this country, Muslims"

And there's, Trump's tweet, claiming Blacks are responsible for 90% of white homicides which of course is a lie.

Trump doesn't just attack minorities, he will attack anyone or any group for a laugh or to get a headline masquerading it as bravery. Relying on personal attacks, racist comments, and religious bigotry is cowardly and certainly not presidential. As president, he would be a disgrace and an embarrassment to the nation.

You know, I have no problem blaming people for what they said.... but you at LEAST HAVE TO POST SOMETHING THEY SAID.

"We have a problem in this country, Muslims" Donald Trump NEVER SAID THAT.

Period. PERIOD! So many liars on here.

As for the chart..... that's it? That's not anti-minority. In fact, it's not even trumps chart. It was re-tweeted from another source. And it was likely entirely wrong. We don't for certain, because 2015 statistics haven't been released. What we do know, is that they are not close to prior years statistics, and likely wrong.

Should Trump have retweeted the chart. No. Is that "anti-minority".... not in my book.

Now if he says we need to ban blacks... ok. You got a point.

And he might be an embarrassment to the nation, but we've had several... so he's par for the course. I'm not a trump fan.... I'll still vote for him if the other option is Hillary. If it's trump and Sanders, then I'll have to consider my options.

You're right, Trump didn't say
"We have a problem in this country, Muslims", one of his supporters did and the Donald did what he has done other times, he lets the statement stand saying, "Well, much more than that. That was part of the statement. He then went onto say other things.
Donald Trump defends his reaction to anti-Muslim statement

Another question to Trump at the Rally -
"We have training camps growing where they want to kill us. That's my question," the questioner continued. "When can we get rid of it?" Trump again refuses to counter his statement but instead, said, We're going to be looking at a lot of different things. And you know, a lot of people are saying that, and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there," said Trump. "We're going to be looking at that and plenty of others"

This is one of the oldest tactics in the book. Hell, Hitler used at rallies. Let someone else make the remark then refuse to contradict them issuing a statement that can be interpreted as approval by supporters but gives the candidate an out so he can claim, I never said that although he clearly didn't disagree.
Donald Trump declines to correct man who says President Obama is Muslim

And when Trump re-tweeted that chart, he did so because he won't to spread the lie. Why else would he re-tweet it? His discussing antics mocking the disable reporter is what Trump does best, personal attacking a person's disabilities, religion, race, sex, war record, anything except real issues. Trump claims he has no pacts which is probably true, because he has no need for them. He spreads the trash, lies, and personal attacks himself.

Jeesh... There's not anyone appointed by the president who is either confirmed or not confirmed who is free to make policy... dipshit.
The head of the EPA cannot impose new regulations? That is policy, jackass.
Nah.......they can't just use an old law to increase regulations..............Nope can't do it..................

Did CAP AND TAX PASS..............NOPE..............but many of it's provisions are just done anyway......

Thanks for playing.

Perhaps the GOP should use the pen and phone in the next cycle.........KARMA is a bitch.
Jeesh... There's not anyone appointed by the president who is either confirmed or not confirmed who is free to make policy... dipshit.
The head of the EPA cannot impose new regulations? That is policy, jackass.

The head of the EPA works for the president. Their policies are the president's.

Got another lame example, jackass?
The head of the EPA does not need the president to sign off on each and every regulation that they impose.

You're obviously one of those low information voters. If you even get off your couch to vote.
Jeesh... There's not anyone appointed by the president who is either confirmed or not confirmed who is free to make policy... dipshit.
The head of the EPA cannot impose new regulations? That is policy, jackass.

The head of the EPA works for the president. Their policies are the president's.

Got another lame example, jackass?
The head of the EPA does not need the president to sign off on each and every regulation that they impose.

You're obviously one of those low information voters. If you even get off your couch to vote.

That's like saying you don't need your boss to make policy decisions at work... uhm.. ya do.

I guarantee, when the EPA director needs to take a shit, they call the president to ensure it's okay with him. 95% of what the EPA does is already established policy by law. The remaining 5% is latitude they are given under the law. They do not get to set law.
So, Boss...are you still soured on Trump??
Personally, I love watching him thumb his nose at people and pissing everyone off. It's like reading the flame zone but visually! However...I don't want him as POTUS either.

Where you at with it since starting the OP?
I fail to see how Trump with his anti-minority rhetoric and the Republican party with their on going battle to reduce federal spending in low income neighborhoods is going to inspire people to register and vote who have no interest in politics and don't give damn who is elected president.

Well I've not heard Trump say a thing that is "anti-minority" and I think that is a bunch of hokey political rhetoric that simply turns off the kind of people I was talking about... it's the very reason they DON'T get involved in politics and you're not going to win them over with that kind of allegation.

What exactly did he say that was "anti-minority"?
"We have a problem in this country, Muslims"

And there's, Trump's tweet, claiming Blacks are responsible for 90% of white homicides which of course is a lie.

Trump doesn't just attack minorities, he will attack anyone or any group for a laugh or to get a headline masquerading it as bravery. Relying on personal attacks, racist comments, and religious bigotry is cowardly and certainly not presidential. As president, he would be a disgrace and an embarrassment to the nation.

You know, I have no problem blaming people for what they said.... but you at LEAST HAVE TO POST SOMETHING THEY SAID.

"We have a problem in this country, Muslims" Donald Trump NEVER SAID THAT.

Period. PERIOD! So many liars on here.

As for the chart..... that's it? That's not anti-minority. In fact, it's not even trumps chart. It was re-tweeted from another source. And it was likely entirely wrong. We don't for certain, because 2015 statistics haven't been released. What we do know, is that they are not close to prior years statistics, and likely wrong.

Should Trump have retweeted the chart. No. Is that "anti-minority".... not in my book.

Now if he says we need to ban blacks... ok. You got a point.

And he might be an embarrassment to the nation, but we've had several... so he's par for the course. I'm not a trump fan.... I'll still vote for him if the other option is Hillary. If it's trump and Sanders, then I'll have to consider my options.

You're right, Trump didn't say
"We have a problem in this country, Muslims", one of his supporters did and the Donald did what he has done other times, he lets the statement stand saying, "Well, much more than that. That was part of the statement. He then went onto say other things.
Donald Trump defends his reaction to anti-Muslim statement

Another question to Trump at the Rally -
"We have training camps growing where they want to kill us. That's my question," the questioner continued. "When can we get rid of it?" Trump again refuses to counter his statement but instead, said, We're going to be looking at a lot of different things. And you know, a lot of people are saying that, and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there," said Trump. "We're going to be looking at that and plenty of others"

This is one of the oldest tactics in the book. Hell, Hitler used at rallies. Let someone else make the remark then refuse to contradict them issuing a statement that can be interpreted as approval by supporters but gives the candidate an out so he can claim, I never said that although he clearly didn't disagree.
Donald Trump declines to correct man who says President Obama is Muslim

And when Trump re-tweeted that chart, he did so because he won't to spread the lie. Why else would he re-tweet it? His discussing antics mocking the disable reporter is what Trump does best, personal attacking a person's disabilities, religion, race, sex, war record, anything except real issues. Trump claims he has no pacts which is probably true, because he has no need for them. He spreads the trash, lies, and personal attacks himself.

Again... I remember in the 1990s, when a nut job in California told a Democrat nominee that the CIA was smuggling drugs in the California specifically to kill black kids.

No one corrected him either.

There was a nut case on this forum, who said that Dick Cheney gave information to terrorists, to set off bombs in Iraq, to prevent Obama from recalling troops.

Not one left-winger even attempted to correct him.

How many hundreds of times, have you people on the left negelected to correct the wacky left? Can't even begin to count. But you think Trump should run around the country, correcting every nut case, even though you people never do.... Whatever. Hypocrite.
Perhaps the GOP should use the pen and phone in the next cycle.........
Because Republicans are hypocrites?
How about poetic justice.........................perhaps we'll sick the IRS on any of your groups as well and say NO FOWL.............how about that shit...............

Works for you......how about some of it back your way......................
So, Boss...are you still soured on Trump??
Personally, I love watching him thumb his nose at people and pissing everyone off. It's like reading the flame zone but visually! However...I don't want him as POTUS either.

Where you at with it since starting the OP?

I don't know with Trump. Several ideas he has are things I agree with and I like that he doesn't take any guff from detractors. It's great seeing how he manages to turn controversy into political points to the befuddlement of his critics. I like that he's putting up his own money and not in the pocket of some special interest or lobby. I like that he represents a more independent type politician who isn't tied to either major party or even a clear ideology. I admire his business acumen and his "can do" attitude in light of those who say he can't. So...lots of things I do like about Trump...

But there is also a list of things I don't like. I don't like him trashing and bashing solid conservatives like Ben Carson and Ted Cruz and I think that is a grave political error on his part, should he win the nomination. He is alienating support he will need in the general and it seems to be for no other purpose than ego. While the fact that he speaks without a prepared speech or teleprompter is appealing to me, he often makes impromptu comments that make me cringe. I am uncomfortable with some of his positions that seem to fly in the face of conservative principles and I don't think he would make a lot of conservatives happy as president. I think he is going to "cut deals" with the establishment and the democrats and there will be people who are livid when he does it. He's not the best conservative choice.

Still... IF he wins the nomination, I can support him over any of the Democrats.
Thank you. You and I are on the same wavelength. But I sure wish O'Malley would have been more in-yer-face so people would have noticed him instead of bernbern and hiliary.

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