I’m Sure It’s a Racist Hand Gesture!!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

No way anyone could comfortably rest their hand like that, try it!

CNN of all people called her out on it after informing her she is half Jew half Mexican.

Hilarity ensued after the notification:

"Let's refocus": Amy Siskind totally backtracks, deletes tweet about white power hand sign at Kavanaugh hearing
EVIL---look at that--just look at IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
definitely disqualifies him

...many Freudian Slips/inadvertent dumbshit/etc by the blacks show THEY are racist
...of course they believe themselves superior to whites--because they CAN'T be racist--they think they are inhuman
....they are so stupid that they blatantly make themselves out to be racist without ''knowing'' it -----------sometimes
I wonder why she deleted her tweet when she continues to make other tweets on Zina Bash hand position.
In one tweet Amy comments on Bash being apart of TRUMP's "muslim" ban, and her husband involved with separating families.

I wonder if she knows who Rosenstein's wife is and sees any valid conspiracy connections there...
I wasn't aware that white power hand signs existed, I'm curious how Amy did or why she recognized them.

But more fundamental, even if it's true, why would her secret hand signals disqualify him in any way?
I wasn't aware that white power hand signs existed, I'm curious how Amy did or why she recognized them.

But more fundamental, even if it's true, why would her secret hand signals disqualify him in any way?
They just make up all kinds of outlandish lies. It’s hilarious watching the Left humiliate themselves.
Oh come on! Everything conservatives do is racist, even breathing. Also notice that not ONE democrat in the hate fest yesterday asked anything about his judicial qualifications. Not one.
It's not a white power sign. She just showing her general approval of her boss with the universally recognized sign for "wanker".
I wasn't aware that white power hand signs existed, I'm curious how Amy did or why she recognized them.

But more fundamental, even if it's true, why would her secret hand signals disqualify him in any way?
They just make up all kinds of outlandish lies. It’s hilarious watching the Left humiliate themselves.

when this one failed, they started accusing him of purposely snubbing a Parkland victims father because he didn't want to deal with victims of gun violence.

apparently one of the fathers went to the hearing to stop his confirmation. After the hearing, he rushed Kavanaugh from behind extending his hand out to shake his. The judge sees him and turns back toward him, which is when a picture was taken that is being sent around.

they claim the picture is of Kavanaugh turning away from him because he can't handle dealing with him violence victims.

The big problem? There is a video that clearly shows Kavanaugh turning toward him until security swooped in.

The second big problem? The man was a complete stranger. Unless Judge Kavanaugh has some super power that allows him to know intimate details of a man's life by looking at him there is no way he could have known this man's tragic experiences to run away from him.

The lies and desperation behind this are just sad. They are banking on people not watching the short video, relying on the picture they can manipulate, and people not using their brain.

unfortunately they will get a lot of people doing that
Just to point out ... you can't be half Jewish. You're either Jewish, or you're not.

It is possible, however, to be 100% Jewish while simultaneously being 100% anything else. They're not mutually exclusive.


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