CDZ "I’m The Scary Transgender Person The Media Warned You About"

For me the most disturbing aspect of this whole issue is the hormone treatments being given to children. I've watched medical folks asked what long term repercussions there could be to long term testosterone treatments being given to a female child or estrogen to a male. Universally they reply "we have no idea". It strikes me as an experiment being conducted on children. What could go wrong?
Exactly. It’s an experiment and they are being given carcinogenic drugs.
For me the most disturbing aspect of this whole issue is the hormone treatments being given to children. I've watched medical folks asked what long term repercussions there could be to long term testosterone treatments being given to a female child or estrogen to a male. Universally they reply "we have no idea". It strikes me as an experiment being conducted on children. What could go wrong?
Universally they reply "we have no idea". It strikes me as an experiment being conducted on children. What could go wrong?
Well, that remains to be seen.

I understand you're remarks derive from some sort of altruism; that you have some is commendable. By the same token, however, it's not my place, or anyone's IMO, to have strong direct-affect views on a very rarefied matter about which I have no first-person perspective and about which the affected people do have such a perspective.

If, say, a girl thinks she should have been born a boy, what am I to say about that? Hell, I don't know what it feels like to be a girl, let alone a girl who feels as though she's supposed to be a boy. I am equally challenged to understand what it feels like to be boy who thinks he should be a girl. I've spent my whole life as a male who's content with being so.

As goes the physiological risks, well, if a kid's parents become convinced it's the right thing for their kid to do, well it just is. It's not my place to tell someone how to manage the issues that confront their kids. I certainly wouldn't countenance someone's having inserting themselves into the decisions I made for my kids.

Lord knows, my parents briefly tried, and my wife and I had to "lay down the law" and let them know they could either butt out or not see their grandkids, for we were not going to let them exist as strong influencers in forming our kids' worldviews that contravened ours. You know as well as I that if I wasn't of a mind to forbear my own parents' inserting themselves that way, others whom I know cannot possibly have the extent of love and concern for my kids that I, my wife and my parents do for them most certainly will not be allowed to do so.
This is where I think this whole issue goes of the rail. For me this isn't about the parents or even the child themself, it's about the medical field. What are the repercussions of pumping children full of hormones? It strikes me that there is a lowering of standards for this one instance. I don't understand that. What happened to standards of care, the hippocratic oath?

In addition, I've watched a number of debates on the transgender issue. One question that arises is, why was transgenderism changed from a disorder to a dysphoria( I think, I'm in no way an expert)? Every time the answers are the same, is there new research? No.Is there a new school of thought backed up by observation? No. It's political. That's dangerous. In a population that has a lifetime suicide attempt rate of 40% making decisions based on politics is obscene and dangerous. And this is at the level of national governing bodies. That's worrisome, at the least.
I've watched a number of debates on the transgender issue....I'm in no way an expert
  1. I'm not sure where you watched such things. Researchers conduct their debates on matters of all sort in scholarly journals. One (or a group) of them does research, and publishes the findings. Other experts publish critiques of those findings and/or expand upon the findings by performing their own research into the matter or some dimension of it. Occasionally, a group of researchers organizes a project that expressly solicits multi-disciplinary contributions from researchers, and such things are thought of not as papers but rather as research projects. I know of one such project that pertained to transgender matters: Introduction to the Special Issue on “The Treatment of Gender Dysphoric/Gender Variant Children and Adolescents.” (See also: Instructions for Authors)

    Be it as a project or individually conceived research efforts, the process continues thus, and over time, a body of knowledge is developed based on all those findings there eventually forms among the community of experts a general consensus about the matter or key aspects of it.

    I suppose one can call reading those papers "watching" the debate, but it's odd that one would so describe the debate among researchers. Watching a debate among researchers at a professional symposium, conference, or seminar is surely a "watching" kind of thing. Is that the sort of debate to which you referred?
  2. To the extent that debates form the primary mode by which you've come to be informed about the matter may be part of what's confounding your comprehension of the matter.
    • A debater's rhetorical purpose is to argue a point of view more compellingly than one's debate opponent. A debater's rhetorical purpose is not that of comprehensively informing listeners to the debate of subject matter being debated, to say nothing of doing so disinterestedly, though some audience members may obtain information as a result of listening.
    • While debating the matter, duly qualified debaters will make remarks that derive from/rely upon a level of detailed subject matter comprehension that lay observers of the debate lack; however, as laymen, those observers almost certainly don't know they lack those pieces of information.
    • To the extent debates are conducted such that the general public are the primary consumers of the debate, a number of factors, not the least of which is time, confound the debaters' ability to deliver the topical background knowledge lay listeners need to comprehend fully the topic and, in turn, aptly evaluate the merit of the arguments presented by the debaters. That said, lay listeners will yet form an opinion on which debater's arguments struck them as more compelling.
  3. To get informed on a matter, one should consume content rhetorically purposed on informing rather than on persuading. Regrettably, too many people approach complex matters the other way round.
For me this isn't about the parents or even the child themself, it's about the medical field. What are the repercussions of pumping children full of hormones? It strikes me that there is a lowering of standards for this one instance. I don't understand that. What happened to standards of care, the hippocratic oath?
The Hippocratic Oath bids medical professionals to do no harm given what they know/what is known about a physical or mental status in which patients find themselves. It does not call doctors to refrain from taking action because something is unknown.

As goes transgenderism and the physiological procedures that transform one from male to female, yes, some of the long term effects are not known.
The same can be said of myriad nascent medical modalities, the maturity of such things being determined not by the passage of time, but by the incidence of occurrence and subsequent monitoring. Furthermore, discovery of the body of long term effects, particularly with regard to their being applied to minors, does not happen rapidly because there simply aren't that many kids who undergo the procedures.
Between 1998 and 2010, 97 children underwent the procedures; however, up to 10K children (of the millions on the planet) are estimated to suffer from gender dysphoria issues.

One question that arises is, why was transgenderism changed from a disorder to a dysphoria ( I think, I'm in no way an expert)?
AFAIK, no such change has occurred. It's my understanding that the two are, quite simply, different things: one, a disorder, is a behavior and the other is a state of mind/being. Laymen may conflate and/or equate the two, but clinicians do not.
  • What Is Gender Dysphoria?
  • According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), disorders are thought of as “a clinically significant behavior, psychologically syndrome, or a pattern that occurs in an individual typically associated with distress, painful symptomology, disability or impairment.” (Source)
  • Dysphoria, on the other hand, is a “psychological state that causes one to experience feelings of anxiety, restlessness and depression. It is not necessarily diagnosable, or something that would be identified in the DSM, but it is more a state of being, a feeling or unpleasantness or discomfort.” (Source)
As go dysphorias, if one attests to feeling a given way, who am I to say they don't feel the way they say they do? Though others may not be able to identify why the individual has his/her dysphoric feelings, clinicians are by their Hippocratic Oath required to, using the currently available information and research, try to help such individuals overcome their feelings. One of the ways used is helping the patient undergo the sex reassignment process; however, clinicians don't embark on that process lightly. They aren't nearly as acquiescent about doing that sort of thing as are, say, cosmetic dentists and surgeons are about installing crowns and doing rhinoplasty.

Every time the answers are the same, is there new research? No.Is there a new school of thought backed up by observation? No.
I have no way to remark upon this. What I can do is point you to the most recent literature review of which I'm aware.
It's political.
I'm sorry, but I find it very hard to believe that politics motivates any clinician to agree to and, in turn, help any patient through the process of transforming their overt sexual characteristics from male to female or vice versa. On the other hand, politicians absolutely consider, discuss and debate the matter and arrive at stances due to the political expediency of the stance(s) they take on it.

All that, and still you and no one else can definitively tell me why the APA changed transgenderism from a disorder to dysphoria. And even at a dysphoria, this warrants massive hormonal replacement? The results of which are entirely unknown? Some are even pushing for reassignment surgery? In children? As others have noted, of children that identify as the opposite sex 85 - 95% accept their birth sex by the time of puberty. What are the effects on a child, that had an 80 to 95% chance of accepting their birth sex, after being pumped full of hormones of the opposite sex? And all of this with the backdrop of no evidence whatsoever, that hormonal treatment or even reassignment surgery aids in the highest suicidal rate known. Psychiatry, it seems to me, has striven to be as empirically careful as the medical field, except in this one instance. Something is not right, and it's politics. And that truly is scary.
It’s outrageous child abuse.
I don't keep up with social media. I've heard that some people are posing pictures of themselves having sex and while I might not approve, I don't have to see it. My comment was not about this, however. I meant hysteria over fact-based sex education or a person's announcement that he or she is married (we sort of know what married people do), making lewd comments that people should put an aspirin between their knees, running around screeching like somebody is having sex at 12th and Main at high noon. Its creepy.

Without the public posting of a private matter via social media this thread would not have happened.

Fact-based sex education, in order to be factual, would include the fact that barring surgical removal of reproductive organs the only 100% effective form of birth control is to not have sex. That fact starts the discussion and dispels many birth control myths.

Since when is discussing biology and nature a form of hysteria? Where did you hear 'lewd comments' that 'people should put an aspirin between their knees'?

Being transgender is not exactly a "private matter."

the only 100% effective form of birth control is to not have sex. That fact starts the discussion and dispels many birth control myths.
While this may be a fact, why would it start the discussion given the millions of heterosexuals having sex during their lifetimes, both here and around the world? Discuss all the available forms of birth control and include their failure rates. No one should be kept ignorant of them. Birth control comes in quite handy both to prevent teen pregnancy and to allow heterosexual couples to delay having children and/or to space them.

Birth Control Methods & Options | Types of Birth Control

This is a good rundown on the various types of birth control available and their failure rates. Please note that it includes abstinence as an option.

What "myths" are there to be dispelled?

When do right-wingers actually discuss biology and nature. This is the problem, they don't.

Aspirin between your legs:

Foster Friess: In my day, 'gals' put aspirin 'between their knees' for contraception

I think this moronic statement has been repeated by legislators in several states.

More right-winger misogynist fun:
These 45 Horrible GOP Quotes Show Why No Woman Should Vote Republican — EVER
For me the most disturbing aspect of this whole issue is the hormone treatments being given to children. I've watched medical folks asked what long term repercussions there could be to long term testosterone treatments being given to a female child or estrogen to a male. Universally they reply "we have no idea". It strikes me as an experiment being conducted on children. What could go wrong?
Exactly. It’s an experiment and they are being given carcinogenic drugs.

I tend to be quite liberal when it comes to sexuality, but quite protective of childhood. I swear that some of the loonier portion of the far left actually sees it as some sort of status symbol to encourage children to question their sexuality, and by doing so, they are actually trying to influence it. There is a reason we have such a long childhood, and that is because we NEED it. Introducing sexual concepts to children before they are fully able to conceptualize it harms the children's development instead of helping it.

This current mania of virtue signaling one's tolerance has become downright competitive, and children are being made into little warriors for their parents ego gratification. I say let them be kids. Let them develop as kids should develop. Stop fucking with them by making them your little experiment to find out which of the 50 different genders your fellow moonbats insist they must be.
Being transgender is not exactly a "private matter."

Why not? Who made the video public?

While this may be a fact, why would it start the discussion given the millions of heterosexuals having sex during their lifetimes, both here and around the world? Discuss all the available forms of birth control and include their failure rates. No one should be kept ignorant of them. Birth control comes in quite handy both to prevent teen pregnancy and to allow heterosexual couples to delay having children and/or to space them.

Absolutely...though it's always important to begin at the beginning when teaching a sex ed class to teenagers.

When do right-wingers actually discuss biology and nature. This is the problem, they don't.

Actually 'they' do, this thread is an example - the real problem is - you don't want to discuss it.

Aspirin between your legs:

Foster Friess: In my day, 'gals' put aspirin 'between their knees' for contraception

I think this moronic statement has been repeated by legislators in several states.

Thank you for bringing this up.
One man, not a public figure nor running for office, repeats an oft heard piece of a sage 'old wives tale' in 'his day', (though in my day it was a penny) that even the 'old wives' knew was an analogy. One can certainly conceive while holding an aspirin, or a penny, between one's knees. The leftist's reaction is a fine example of prudish hysteria, along with a smattering of delusion and a pinch of dishonesty...such as the ability to distinguish the difference between would (past action)and should (suggested future action),

Oh, the horror! :ack-1:

However, I must vote the way my father, husband, brothers and sons tell me to - Hillary says so, and we all admire, not only her loyal defense of her man when he's accused of sexual abuse and harassment, but also her 'unique' sense of reality and self. ;)

Getting back to the topic of this thread - a video 'plea' made public by a young child who's trans gendering - humans cannot spontaneously change from female to male or vice versa. Belief in that denies the constancy of biology and ventures into the inconsistent realm of one's state of mind. And if you like we can expand the discussion to include cultural appropriation, racial appropriation along with gender appropriation and it's effect on women's athletics, as well as affirmative action.
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Being transgender is not exactly a "private matter."

Why not? Who made the video public?

While this may be a fact, why would it start the discussion given the millions of heterosexuals having sex during their lifetimes, both here and around the world? Discuss all the available forms of birth control and include their failure rates. No one should be kept ignorant of them. Birth control comes in quite handy both to prevent teen pregnancy and to allow heterosexual couples to delay having children and/or to space them.

Absolutely...though it's always important to begin at the beginning when teaching a sex ed class to teenagers.

When do right-wingers actually discuss biology and nature. This is the problem, they don't.

Actually 'they' do, this thread is an example - the real problem is - you don't want to discuss it.

Aspirin between your legs:

Foster Friess: In my day, 'gals' put aspirin 'between their knees' for contraception

I think this moronic statement has been repeated by legislators in several states.

Thank you for bringing this up.
One man, not a public figure nor running for office, repeats an oft heard piece of a sage 'old wives tale' in 'his day', (though in my day it was a penny) that even the 'old wives' knew was an analogy. One can certainly conceive while holding an aspirin, or a penny, between one's knees. The leftist's reaction is a fine example of prudish hysteria, along with a smattering of delusion and a pinch of dishonesty...such as the ability to distinguish the difference between would (past action)and should (suggested future action),

Oh, the horror! :ack-1:

However, I must vote the way my father, husband, brothers and sons tell me to - Hillary says so, and we all admire, not only her loyal defense of her man when he's accused of sexual abuse and harassment, but also her 'unique' sense of reality and self. ;)

Getting back to the topic of this thread - a video 'plea' made public by a young child who's trans gendering - humans cannot spontaneously change from female to male or vice versa. Belief in that denies the constancy of biology and ventures into the inconsistent realm of one's state of mind. And if you like we can expand the discussion to include cultural appropriation, racial appropriation along with gender appropriation and it's effect on women's athletics, as well as affirmative action.

Just took a look at the input of the AMA, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, WebMD, and other sites about gender dysphoria. What have you to add? Are the people, particularly kids, who experience gender dysphoria being protected from adults who would force them to do things that they don't want to do? For example, some "adult" guy screaming at a kid with gender dysphoria that he was going to "make a man out of him," (often mixed in with some perverted brand of religion), or some ignorant woman trying to force a girl to be her good little frothy "pageant beauty," mommy dressing up her little "dolly" or insisting that her dolly girl try out for the "cheerleading" squad so that she can wiggle her T&A before a football crowd. These cretins have been doing this shit for a long time in our culture. What are the safeguards. After all, these same morons cooked up "conversion therapy" to destroy LGBT kids.
Just took a look at the input of the AMA, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, WebMD, and other sites about gender dysphoria. What have you to add? Are the people, particularly kids, who experience gender dysphoria being protected from adults who would force them to do things that they don't want to do? For example, some "adult" guy screaming at a kid with gender dysphoria that he was going to "make a man out of him," (often mixed in with some perverted brand of religion), or some ignorant woman trying to force a girl to be her good little frothy "pageant beauty," mommy dressing up her little "dolly" or insisting that her dolly girl try out for the "cheerleading" squad so that she can wiggle her T&A before a football crowd. These cretins have been doing this shit for a long time in our culture. What are the safeguards. After all, these same morons cooked up "conversion therapy" to destroy LGBT kids.

What I have I to add? Gender dysphoria is the newest politically correct term given to gender identity disorder. No matter the term, a disorder it remains...a psychological condition.

You want to talk child abuse? Hormone therapy, 'de'constructive surgery (the ultimate 'conversion therapies'?) - those rank right up there with 'some adult guy screaming'...worse, even. That said, I don't approve of screaming at children unless they're running out into a busy street, or reaching for a pan of boiling water on the stove, etc.

You're very quick yourself to pass judgment on parents whose actions you disagree with. I am no fan of beauty pageants for young girls, or tackle football for young boys. That does not mean that parents whose children do participate are ignorant and/or simply means that I didn't encourage my children to participate in those activities. Instead, my daughter took tap and ballet for 8 years and competed in hunter/jumper events (horses), a dangerous activity, btw. My sons played baseball and soccer (also potentially dangerous activities), as well as participating in HS marching band. I would have supported my sons taking dance, or my daughter playing baseball if that's where their interests were. The rigors that child athletes endure to become Olympians, or win a scholarship might seem abusive to a casual observer.
Just took a look at the input of the AMA, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, WebMD, and other sites about gender dysphoria. What have you to add? Are the people, particularly kids, who experience gender dysphoria being protected from adults who would force them to do things that they don't want to do? For example, some "adult" guy screaming at a kid with gender dysphoria that he was going to "make a man out of him," (often mixed in with some perverted brand of religion), or some ignorant woman trying to force a girl to be her good little frothy "pageant beauty," mommy dressing up her little "dolly" or insisting that her dolly girl try out for the "cheerleading" squad so that she can wiggle her T&A before a football crowd. These cretins have been doing this shit for a long time in our culture. What are the safeguards. After all, these same morons cooked up "conversion therapy" to destroy LGBT kids.

What I have I to add? Gender dysphoria is the newest politically correct term given to gender identity disorder. No matter the term, a disorder it remains...a psychological condition.

You want to talk child abuse? Hormone therapy, 'de'constructive surgery (the ultimate 'conversion therapies'?) - those rank right up there with 'some adult guy screaming'...worse, even. That said, I don't approve of screaming at children unless they're running out into a busy street, or reaching for a pan of boiling water on the stove, etc.

You're very quick yourself to pass judgment on parents whose actions you disagree with. I am no fan of beauty pageants for young girls, or tackle football for young boys. That does not mean that parents whose children do participate are ignorant and/or simply means that I didn't encourage my children to participate in those activities. Instead, my daughter took tap and ballet for 8 years and competed in hunter/jumper events (horses), a dangerous activity, btw. My sons played baseball and soccer (also potentially dangerous activities), as well as participating in HS marching band. I would have supported my sons taking dance, or my daughter playing baseball if that's where their interests were. The rigors that child athletes endure to become Olympians, or win a scholarship might seem abusive to a casual observer.

It has nothing to do with the myth of ‘political correctness.’

This is a matter best left for parents to decide, absent government interference – this is not something for the authoritarian social right to contrive into one of their hot button ‘political issues.’
Just took a look at the input of the AMA, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, WebMD, and other sites about gender dysphoria. What have you to add? Are the people, particularly kids, who experience gender dysphoria being protected from adults who would force them to do things that they don't want to do? For example, some "adult" guy screaming at a kid with gender dysphoria that he was going to "make a man out of him," (often mixed in with some perverted brand of religion), or some ignorant woman trying to force a girl to be her good little frothy "pageant beauty," mommy dressing up her little "dolly" or insisting that her dolly girl try out for the "cheerleading" squad so that she can wiggle her T&A before a football crowd. These cretins have been doing this shit for a long time in our culture. What are the safeguards. After all, these same morons cooked up "conversion therapy" to destroy LGBT kids.

What I have I to add? Gender dysphoria is the newest politically correct term given to gender identity disorder. No matter the term, a disorder it remains...a psychological condition.

You want to talk child abuse? Hormone therapy, 'de'constructive surgery (the ultimate 'conversion therapies'?) - those rank right up there with 'some adult guy screaming'...worse, even. That said, I don't approve of screaming at children unless they're running out into a busy street, or reaching for a pan of boiling water on the stove, etc.

You're very quick yourself to pass judgment on parents whose actions you disagree with. I am no fan of beauty pageants for young girls, or tackle football for young boys. That does not mean that parents whose children do participate are ignorant and/or simply means that I didn't encourage my children to participate in those activities. Instead, my daughter took tap and ballet for 8 years and competed in hunter/jumper events (horses), a dangerous activity, btw. My sons played baseball and soccer (also potentially dangerous activities), as well as participating in HS marching band. I would have supported my sons taking dance, or my daughter playing baseball if that's where their interests were. The rigors that child athletes endure to become Olympians, or win a scholarship might seem abusive to a casual observer.

Parents who force their kids into these situations, even yelling and screaming at them, are cretins. The key word here is "force."

It has nothing to do with the myth of ‘political correctness.’

This is a matter best left for parents to decide, absent government interference – this is not something for the authoritarian social right to contrive into one of their hot button ‘political issues.’

Yep, have to agree - nonsense describes your post quite nicely. ;)

Really good video. I don't know what religion they are, beyond "Christian" (dad is wearing a collar) but they just seem very cool, smart, insightful and accepting.

And here we have Joseph Sciambra is author of Swallowed by Satan: How Our Lord Jesus Christ Saved Me from Pornography, Homosexuality, and the Occult.

For a long time, I tried to convince myself that I was born “gay.” That God made a mistake or just made me this way. But it never made sense. As much as I wanted my body to be receptive like that of a woman, it just never was. My body was designed in a certain way for a certain function. Modern man, through science, can change the appearance, but it doesn’t transform the fundamental structure. I was born male. And nothing I could do or imagine would change that. The way God made me was good. When I was touched by evil, that which God made as good became the cause of my unrest.

It’s easier to believe that someone is simply born “gay,” or somehow assigned the wrong gender at birth, but there is more to this story. In the Netherlands, a country with a long history of LGBT acceptance and tolerance, the levels of mental illness in “gay” men remain higher than among heterosexuals. In Sweden, even those in a same-sex marriage still experience higher rates of suicide than those in an opposite-sex marriage. And 46% of trans women attempt suicide. The rates of those who have not revealed their transgender identity remain largely unchanged. Adults and children with same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria need love, but they also need the truth. And they need our guidance.

You and your family will be in my prayers,

Well, he's already got a pretty tenuous grasp on reality (see book title,) so I'm not going to lend him much credence. Just sharing the perception of a lot of people who don't see this girl's reality, just what they filtered through their own life lens.

Has anybody else (besides me) changed what they believe about the sexuality spectrum and everybody on it? Because there are a whole lot of people who don't have their needle buried in either 'straight' or 'gay.'

You are certainly free to think that it is not creepy, but a lot of others do find it to be creepy. Yes, it is completely normal for humans to judge other humans that they let into their "circle" based on their own experiences. We like to be around people we have things in common with.

I don't really care. What they do with themselves is up to them (although I would say mangling your sex organs and making yourself basically sterile and unable to have a family in the future if you change your mind a HUGE mistake).

Otherwise, I don't want to be any part of it. If it was someone I knew, I would be polite but would avoid that person if at all possible. If you look like a man, I am certainly not going to call you a "she" for any other reason than I like you and respect you. I don't for a New York minute think a man is actually a woman and vice versa though. That is just a denial of reality and basic biology and science.
I would love to meet the parents of said trans, and slap the begeezus out of them, for not stepping up and being the adults in the room. Liberals cant deal with conflict resolution so step aside and allow their children to rule over them. Which is why we have 59 genders while science has us as only 2. Then when We the People voice out against the liberals and their bullshit immorality, they call US names or use children to give us the pity party. Marxism doesn't give a shit if people get hurt, it is all about the fight and the ends justify the means..

Parents who force their kids into these situations, even yelling and screaming at them, are cretins. The key word here is "force."

Do you see that a lot?

Force is not the key word - cajole, manipulate, bribe, shame - those are key words when it comes to ambitious parents living vicariously through their children.

When is parental "force" acceptable?...meal times?....bedtime?...homework time?...piano lessons?...bath time?...chores?
Parents see their 5 year old boy playing with dolls:

1960's Mom -- "Oh, honey, don't make a big deal about it. It's just a phase he's going through. Let's just ignore it and I'm sure everything will be fine"

2018 Mom -- "Honey, we've hit the jackpot!! We have ourselves a transgender! All of our friends will be SO envious. Why don't you arrange the hormone therapy with the doctor while I go out and shop for some pretty things for her to wear?"

Really good video. I don't know what religion they are, beyond "Christian" (dad is wearing a collar) but they just seem very cool, smart, insightful and accepting.

And here we have Joseph Sciambra is author of Swallowed by Satan: How Our Lord Jesus Christ Saved Me from Pornography, Homosexuality, and the Occult.

For a long time, I tried to convince myself that I was born “gay.” That God made a mistake or just made me this way. But it never made sense. As much as I wanted my body to be receptive like that of a woman, it just never was. My body was designed in a certain way for a certain function. Modern man, through science, can change the appearance, but it doesn’t transform the fundamental structure. I was born male. And nothing I could do or imagine would change that. The way God made me was good. When I was touched by evil, that which God made as good became the cause of my unrest.

It’s easier to believe that someone is simply born “gay,” or somehow assigned the wrong gender at birth, but there is more to this story. In the Netherlands, a country with a long history of LGBT acceptance and tolerance, the levels of mental illness in “gay” men remain higher than among heterosexuals. In Sweden, even those in a same-sex marriage still experience higher rates of suicide than those in an opposite-sex marriage. And 46% of trans women attempt suicide. The rates of those who have not revealed their transgender identity remain largely unchanged. Adults and children with same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria need love, but they also need the truth. And they need our guidance.

You and your family will be in my prayers,

Well, he's already got a pretty tenuous grasp on reality (see book title,) so I'm not going to lend him much credence. Just sharing the perception of a lot of people who don't see this girl's reality, just what they filtered through their own life lens.

Has anybody else (besides me) changed what they believe about the sexuality spectrum and everybody on it? Because there are a whole lot of people who don't have their needle buried in either 'straight' or 'gay.'

You are certainly free to think that it is not creepy, but a lot of others do find it to be creepy. Yes, it is completely normal for humans to judge other humans that they let into their "circle" based on their own experiences. We like to be around people we have things in common with.

I don't really care. What they do with themselves is up to them (although I would say mangling your sex organs and making yourself basically sterile and unable to have a family in the future if you change your mind a HUGE mistake).

Otherwise, I don't want to be any part of it. If it was someone I knew, I would be polite but would avoid that person if at all possible. If you look like a man, I am certainly not going to call you a "she" for any other reason than I like you and respect you. I don't for a New York minute think a man is actually a woman and vice versa though. That is just a denial of reality and basic biology and science.
I would love to meet the parents of said trans, and slap the begeezus out of them, for not stepping up and being the adults in the room. Liberals cant deal with conflict resolution so step aside and allow their children to rule over them. Which is why we have 59 genders while science has us as only 2. Then when We the People voice out against the liberals and their bullshit immorality, they call US names or use children to give us the pity party. Marxism doesn't give a shit if people get hurt, it is all about the fight and the ends justify the means..


We're all "We the People." It sounds like some of "We the People" have issues with other "We the People." I watched the video. It doesn't seem to involve marxism in any way. Violence is not the answer, in any event.

This kid is getting lots of help from parents and professionals. It is obvious that their version of morality is not your's and vice versa.

Really good video. I don't know what religion they are, beyond "Christian" (dad is wearing a collar) but they just seem very cool, smart, insightful and accepting.

And here we have Joseph Sciambra is author of Swallowed by Satan: How Our Lord Jesus Christ Saved Me from Pornography, Homosexuality, and the Occult.

For a long time, I tried to convince myself that I was born “gay.” That God made a mistake or just made me this way. But it never made sense. As much as I wanted my body to be receptive like that of a woman, it just never was. My body was designed in a certain way for a certain function. Modern man, through science, can change the appearance, but it doesn’t transform the fundamental structure. I was born male. And nothing I could do or imagine would change that. The way God made me was good. When I was touched by evil, that which God made as good became the cause of my unrest.

It’s easier to believe that someone is simply born “gay,” or somehow assigned the wrong gender at birth, but there is more to this story. In the Netherlands, a country with a long history of LGBT acceptance and tolerance, the levels of mental illness in “gay” men remain higher than among heterosexuals. In Sweden, even those in a same-sex marriage still experience higher rates of suicide than those in an opposite-sex marriage. And 46% of trans women attempt suicide. The rates of those who have not revealed their transgender identity remain largely unchanged. Adults and children with same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria need love, but they also need the truth. And they need our guidance.

You and your family will be in my prayers,

Well, he's already got a pretty tenuous grasp on reality (see book title,) so I'm not going to lend him much credence. Just sharing the perception of a lot of people who don't see this girl's reality, just what they filtered through their own life lens.

Has anybody else (besides me) changed what they believe about the sexuality spectrum and everybody on it? Because there are a whole lot of people who don't have their needle buried in either 'straight' or 'gay.'

You are certainly free to think that it is not creepy, but a lot of others do find it to be creepy. Yes, it is completely normal for humans to judge other humans that they let into their "circle" based on their own experiences. We like to be around people we have things in common with.

I don't really care. What they do with themselves is up to them (although I would say mangling your sex organs and making yourself basically sterile and unable to have a family in the future if you change your mind a HUGE mistake).

Otherwise, I don't want to be any part of it. If it was someone I knew, I would be polite but would avoid that person if at all possible. If you look like a man, I am certainly not going to call you a "she" for any other reason than I like you and respect you. I don't for a New York minute think a man is actually a woman and vice versa though. That is just a denial of reality and basic biology and science.
I would love to meet the parents of said trans, and slap the begeezus out of them, for not stepping up and being the adults in the room. Liberals cant deal with conflict resolution so step aside and allow their children to rule over them. Which is why we have 59 genders while science has us as only 2. Then when We the People voice out against the liberals and their bullshit immorality, they call US names or use children to give us the pity party. Marxism doesn't give a shit if people get hurt, it is all about the fight and the ends justify the means..


We're all "We the People." It sounds like some of "We the People" have issues with other "We the People." I watched the video. It doesn't seem to involve marxism in any way. Violence is not the answer, in any event.

This kid is getting lots of help from parents and professionals. It is obvious that their version of morality is not your's and vice versa.

We the people ended when you decided that the Constitution isn't good enough and want to change it with immorality... Sorry your rights end, when they infringe upon mine.

Really good video. I don't know what religion they are, beyond "Christian" (dad is wearing a collar) but they just seem very cool, smart, insightful and accepting.

And here we have Joseph Sciambra is author of Swallowed by Satan: How Our Lord Jesus Christ Saved Me from Pornography, Homosexuality, and the Occult.

For a long time, I tried to convince myself that I was born “gay.” That God made a mistake or just made me this way. But it never made sense. As much as I wanted my body to be receptive like that of a woman, it just never was. My body was designed in a certain way for a certain function. Modern man, through science, can change the appearance, but it doesn’t transform the fundamental structure. I was born male. And nothing I could do or imagine would change that. The way God made me was good. When I was touched by evil, that which God made as good became the cause of my unrest.

It’s easier to believe that someone is simply born “gay,” or somehow assigned the wrong gender at birth, but there is more to this story. In the Netherlands, a country with a long history of LGBT acceptance and tolerance, the levels of mental illness in “gay” men remain higher than among heterosexuals. In Sweden, even those in a same-sex marriage still experience higher rates of suicide than those in an opposite-sex marriage. And 46% of trans women attempt suicide. The rates of those who have not revealed their transgender identity remain largely unchanged. Adults and children with same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria need love, but they also need the truth. And they need our guidance.

You and your family will be in my prayers,

Well, he's already got a pretty tenuous grasp on reality (see book title,) so I'm not going to lend him much credence. Just sharing the perception of a lot of people who don't see this girl's reality, just what they filtered through their own life lens.

Has anybody else (besides me) changed what they believe about the sexuality spectrum and everybody on it? Because there are a whole lot of people who don't have their needle buried in either 'straight' or 'gay.'

You are certainly free to think that it is not creepy, but a lot of others do find it to be creepy. Yes, it is completely normal for humans to judge other humans that they let into their "circle" based on their own experiences. We like to be around people we have things in common with.

I don't really care. What they do with themselves is up to them (although I would say mangling your sex organs and making yourself basically sterile and unable to have a family in the future if you change your mind a HUGE mistake).

Otherwise, I don't want to be any part of it. If it was someone I knew, I would be polite but would avoid that person if at all possible. If you look like a man, I am certainly not going to call you a "she" for any other reason than I like you and respect you. I don't for a New York minute think a man is actually a woman and vice versa though. That is just a denial of reality and basic biology and science.
I would love to meet the parents of said trans, and slap the begeezus out of them, for not stepping up and being the adults in the room. Liberals cant deal with conflict resolution so step aside and allow their children to rule over them. Which is why we have 59 genders while science has us as only 2. Then when We the People voice out against the liberals and their bullshit immorality, they call US names or use children to give us the pity party. Marxism doesn't give a shit if people get hurt, it is all about the fight and the ends justify the means..


We're all "We the People." It sounds like some of "We the People" have issues with other "We the People." I watched the video. It doesn't seem to involve marxism in any way. Violence is not the answer, in any event.

This kid is getting lots of help from parents and professionals. It is obvious that their version of morality is not your's and vice versa.

Oh and I almost forgot. We the People stopped being We the People when people like you started with the Protected Class. Fuck you all...
The basic problem is that it's fraud. For a man to pretend he is a woman is quite a serious and upsetting fraud ("The Crying Game") and can facilitate criminal attacks in public restrooms and such, not to mention that these types are, after all, usually male prostitutes. It's a prostitution niche in L.A. as well as Thailand and Iran and other odd places.

Everyone has heard of the transvestite prostitution thing -- in the movies "Risky Business" and in the Crocodile Dundee movie, saying "a bloke pretending to be a Sheila??" As long as the weirdness stays in prostitution, who cares ---

It's when it moves into normal society and people expect or demand that you pretend the fraud is somehow real, when it plainly isn't. I wouldn't put up with it --- I think we all have to think it through and decide. I won't say "her" if it's a "him," and certainly I won't use bizarre pronouns: I speak English, and I intend to continue doing that. If someone successfully defrauds me pretending to be a woman when he isn't, that's completely unacceptable. Fraud is never acceptable.
Your Kid walks up to you one day and says he wants to have his arms cut off.......The kids NUTZ

Want's his wanker cut off.............He's PERFECTLY SANE!
For me the most disturbing aspect of this whole issue is the hormone treatments being given to children. I've watched medical folks asked what long term repercussions there could be to long term testosterone treatments being given to a female child or estrogen to a male. Universally they reply "we have no idea". It strikes me as an experiment being conducted on children. What could go wrong?
Exactly. It’s an experiment and they are being given carcinogenic drugs.

Actually, it appears parents, many anyway, don't care about putting their youth on dangerous drugs.

11% of our country's population, fros 12 years and up are on antidepressants (SSRI's), VERY DANGEROUS STUFF. Those are on SSRI's are 50% more likely to commit a violent crime. Then there are the ADHD drugs. Just read and article about 75% of Med students are on them, and many started in their early to middle teens, some even earlier. ADHD drugs are simply a legal form of Meth.

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