I'm watching a speech by Wayne LaPierre, head of NRA and Dana Loesch, spokesperson

I could not get past the title of the thread, in which the OP said that he was watching LaPierre speak. I find myself wondering how anyone can do that without being overwhelmed by a creepy feeling, combined with nausea and revulsion.
So...blame the victim?
Huh? The victims are the ones getting shot with weapons stupid and negligent gun owners are not locking up.

People who have their guns stolen are victims of theft. The majority of gun thefts happen in high-crime areas, handguns stolen from vehicles. When used to commit crimes, the thief is usually a black person against other black people. Not the sort of perpetrator or victim that makes international headlines.
"Guns are the only issue that we allow those that make money off of them to set the narrative in the debate. Why should we give a damn what Wayne LaPierre thinks?" - Crazy Bernie Sanders
So...blame the victim?
Huh? The victims are the ones getting shot with weapons stupid and negligent gun owners are not locking up.

People who have their guns stolen are victims of theft. The majority of gun thefts happen in high-crime areas, handguns stolen from vehicles. When used to commit crimes, the thief is usually a black person against other black people. Not the sort of perpetrator or victim that makes international headlines.

That's interesting. I live in a retirement community in Arizona that has less than 2% blacks, and maybe 4% Latino. Somebody systematically broke into over 50 cars over 2 nights, and stole 12 handguns. They caught the guy. he was a 22 year old white guy. Maybe he did not get your racist memo.
I could not get past the title of the thread, in which the OP said that he was watching LaPierre speak. I find myself wondering how anyone can do that without being overwhelmed by a creepy feeling, combined with nausea and revulsion.

I'm not mentally ill, so I don't get creepy feelings or get sick when someone is speaking.
So...blame the victim?
Huh? The victims are the ones getting shot with weapons stupid and negligent gun owners are not locking up.

People who have their guns stolen are victims of theft. The majority of gun thefts happen in high-crime areas, handguns stolen from vehicles. When used to commit crimes, the thief is usually a black person against other black people. Not the sort of perpetrator or victim that makes international headlines.

That's interesting. I live in a retirement community in Arizona that has less than 2% blacks, and maybe 4% Latino. Somebody systematically broke into over 50 cars over 2 nights, and stole 12 handguns. They caught the guy. he was a 22 year old white guy. Maybe he did not get your racist memo.

12 guns stolen by your white thief equals 0.002% of the estimated 600,000 stolen anually.
I have no objections to laws that will restrict who may purchase a gun. But that isn't the real problem, this is; Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute. Negligent gun owners are.

So...blame the victim?
Not all victims are innocent. If one is negligent and the gun is swiped, the owner should be fined, heavily.

Which would only discourage them from reporting it stolen.
Dana Loesch says the media loves mass shooting. You know who really loves them Dana? Gun companies and the people you Represent
12 guns stolen by your white thief equals 0.002% of the estimated 600,000 stolen anually.
If you actually read my link, you'll find race is never mentioned. All you are doing is giving your opinion. which is cool.

It's not my opinion, it's fact. The majority of gun violence is perpetrated by black folks, as is the majority of robbery. Of course the lefty rag the guardian wouldn't mention that.
I have no objections to laws that will restrict who may purchase a gun. But that isn't the real problem, this is; Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute. Negligent gun owners are.

So...blame the victim?
Not all victims are innocent. If one is negligent and the gun is swiped, the owner should be fined, heavily.

Which would only discourage them from reporting it stolen.
Fine. They get no insurance. And when it is used in a crime, it comes up in homey's name.
NRA's Wayne LaPierre hits Democrats, socialism in speech that goes beyond gun fight - CNNPolitics

He called Obama "Demographically symbolic", before that, Dana said we aren't white nationalists but we believe in Anglo Saxon values. Huh?

Dana was just the day before talking to the Florida school advisers. She said they want to get rid of all guns when what they actually said was military assault rifles. Why did she lie?

"Don't you think our kids deserve the same protections as our celebrities?"

"Don't you all think that our kids deserve the same protections as our athletes?"

So what is she talking about? Individual bodyguards for every child?

These are some crazy people. Sad they attack dead children, the FBI, the police, everyone but Military assault weapons.

She didn't lie. We all know that the goal is to confiscate all guns. From what YOU say, from white people.

No military assault weapon ever killed anyone. Not any more than an axe or knife has.

And, the FBI is ultimately at fault in this shooting just as it was at fault in the Boston Bombing.

Heller proved our system of checks and balances would never let "confiscation" happen.

If you don't believe in the Constitution, Article III - go live somewhere else.

And don't even try to cry "activist judges" when the highest court, the backstop to it all is right-leaning.

Either you believe in the constitution or you're ...

So what is the answer, keep your gun on you at all times, work, in a restaurant, everywhere, church etc.
The very first thing I learned about gun safety is, when not in use, keep them securely locked up. This is common sense. I live in the boonies. Nearest neighbor is miles away. I still lock up my guns.

If in a car they are to be locked up in MI. That does not stop someone from stealing a car or breaking in to it.
Yes they should be locked up in a home, but handy if needed.

I know a lot of Dems that have a pistols, the only one with rifles are hunters. I don't blame you for having a gun for protection, not a slew of semi automatic rifles and with mega cartridges.
It's not my opinion, it's fact. The majority of gun violence is perpetrated by black folks, as is the majority of robbery. Of course the lefty rag the guardian wouldn't mention that.
If it's a fact, then prove it. You have the burden of proof.
But for Uncle Vlad saving the Republic, Hillary would be President and her SCOTUS pick would have already declared the Second Amendment outdated.

Praise be to Uncle Vlad!
I have no objections to laws that will restrict who may purchase a gun. But that isn't the real problem, this is; Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute. Negligent gun owners are.

So...blame the victim?
Not all victims are innocent. If one is negligent and the gun is swiped, the owner should be fined, heavily.

Which would only discourage them from reporting it stolen.
Fine. They get no insurance. And when it is used in a crime, it comes up in homey's name.

The hood is a dangerous place and I don't blame people for wanting to defend themselves from random street violence. What good is a gun locked up in a cabinet at home when the real danger is on the street?
White wingernutz are so funny.

They need these guns to protect themselves from the government.

Only, if the government decided they were a danger, they would send a drone.

These fools wouldn't even see it coming.


Sick fuck

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