Imagery created by AI


Nov 14, 2012
Dina Knauff doesn´t exist. The backgrounds also don´t exist. It is the work of an AI.


No boys, no dicks, no fags, this is certainly not political correct:
How long will it be till AI can generate a feature length film from a book?

I mean it’s not like the people adapting novels into screenplays are all that bright to begin with.

Start off with something easy like the World War Z book. It would have to be better than that turkey of a movie that even Brad Pitt could not overcome.
lol the AI fad is highly over-rated. They can be programed to say anything programmers want it to, same as any other search engine or bot. Why anybody thinks this is an 'advance' is just weird. There are already plans to program 'conservatie' AI responses to combat the left wing AI responses. It's all silly. At best they can handle math and other rote tasks much quicker, like accounting and dictionary type stuff. Now they throw out nonsense answers and crappy 'research' 2.6% faster per year than humans alone. lol

Of course, the porn industry will make big use out of it.
I mean it’s not like the people adapting novels into screenplays are all that bright to begin with.

Well, if they wrote intelligent stuff, they wouldn't sell nearly as much product. It takes stupid morons to write for other stupid morons; bright people can never relate to dumbasses as effectively as other dumbasses can. Same with predicting what fashions to design that will sell well.
lol the AI fad is highly over-rated. They can be programed to say anything programmers want it to, same as any other search engine or bot. Why anybody thinks this is an 'advance' is just weird. There are already plans to program 'conservatie' AI responses to combat the left wing AI responses. It's all silly. At best they can handle math and other rote tasks much quicker, like accounting and dictionary type stuff. Now they throw out nonsense answers and crappy 'research' 2.6% faster per year than humans alone. lol

Of course, the porn industry will make big use out of it.
It is not that simple. I wonder if Dina has been created by chatGPT or another AI. The images are all new as far as I can see.
How long will it be till AI can generate a feature length film from a book?

I mean it’s not like the people adapting novels into screenplays are all that bright to begin with.

Start off with something easy like the World War Z book. It would have to be better than that turkey of a movie that even Brad Pitt could not overcome.

Now, this was back in the 70's when a teacher proposed this idea...................and look how far it's progressed.

He told us that technology will become so advanced, so quickly, that by the year 2050, AI will be able to create movies with lifelike people, and the need for actors will become null and void.

And so far, he has not been wrong.
I just learned we have a tool that creates images from descriptions.

I created some images:

My new avatar: "Fallout 4 ghul grins in space":

Or "giant tank on the battlefield":
Dina Knauff doesn´t exist. The backgrounds also don´t exist. It is the work of an AI.


No boys, no dicks, no fags, this is certainly not political correct:
If AI uses algorithms on data, then it's not creative. So Dina will have been developed using filters etc.. on preconceived images.
How long will it be till AI can generate a feature length film from a book?

I mean it’s not like the people adapting novels into screenplays are all that bright to begin with.

Start off with something easy like the World War Z book. It would have to be better than that turkey of a movie that even Brad Pitt could not overcome.
It has already happened, sort of.
I saw where someone asked GPT to write a script off of a book.
It did so in about 4 seconds. With parameters, like the script needs to be able to produce a movie less than 2 hours etc. Folks in the business read the script and were stunned how workable and well the script was written.

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