Imagine how Hillary must feel...

Yet you have no proof of her so-called corruption. Funny...

But there is all kinds of proof about her being a LOSER...

Yeah, even though she got 3 million more votes than Trump - even after she was sabotaged with conspiracy theories, lies, fake news, Russians - and Comey. Funny...

she lost. I know you want to spin it to pretend otherwise, but she was not elected president. She is a horrible human being. And you know it.

My religion teaches me not to judge people - especially without proof.

NOW THAT'S FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little wonder, you're ignorant, reading crap like that.
But there is all kinds of proof about her being a LOSER...

Yeah, even though she got 3 million more votes than Trump - even after she was sabotaged with conspiracy theories, lies, fake news, Russians - and Comey. Funny...

she lost. I know you want to spin it to pretend otherwise, but she was not elected president. She is a horrible human being. And you know it.

My religion teaches me not to judge people - especially without proof.

NOW THAT'S FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little wonder, you're ignorant, reading crap like that.

I think you're being a bit generous about the OPs posts, you should apologize to crap.


History will prove that she was cheated out of the presidency - the first female president. Never has a woman been so unfairly and viciously attacked in U.S. history based on fake news, lies, conspiracy theories, Russians - and Comey. She has been investigated and persecuted beyond belief - and has never been indicted for any crimes. She survived Whitewater, Benghazi, Emails, and more. Whether you love or hate her - she didn't deserve this. Imagine how she must feel...

What do you think?

Hillary Clinton: Fact checking some of the outrageous accusations

Conspiracy theories, not facts, driving Clinton haters

Who is Seth Rich - and was his death really connected to Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton Uranium One Conspiracy Theory

Hillary Clinton Pizzagate conspiracy theory

Hillary Clinton addresses the bogus pizzagate conspiracy that lead a gunman to open fire in a Washington, DC pizza parlor. Secretary Clinton further elaborates on the rise of fake news, its dangers, and the role of Russian operatives in spreading it.

Well, it's unfortunate that's for certain. I think everyone knows now that the goal posts were moved on her side of the field by FBI director James Comey who broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions to interfere into the election, and of course Russian intervention.

But there is also a silver lining around this cloud. Just think about it. "If Hillary Clinton would have won."

1. We would have had to listen to "I am going to repeal & replace Obamacare for the next 4 to 8 years.":auiqs.jpg:
2. We would have suffered through another 20 or so investigations into Benghazi, and would have had endless talks & hearings about emails.
3. Ted Cruz and his midget minions in the house would have continually threatened to shut down the government over Obamacare. Demanding that funding was cut off, thereby leaving millions that were forced onto this plan without insurance overnight.
4. The Conspiracy stories would have NEVER stopped.
5. Republicans would have voted NO on everything just like they did with Obama.
6. The Republican dog & pony shows would have been endless. The accusations and threats would have been have been a constant.


Now we are enthralled with the most serious scandal in American history. Mueller has accumulated 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, that are certain to produce more, and another 90 + Federal Grand Jury criminal charges to date. For more on this go to this link on this board and scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia


My favorite video

We are also watching this "yuuuge blue Tsunami" assemble in the Atlantic ocean that is going to hit Republican seats all across this country in November. For much more on this wave go to this link on this board.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

So if you want to look at the bright side to all of this. By Hillary Clinton (not winning) she has actually killed the Republican party!


Vote for DEMOCRATS this coming November. Make it happen!
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History will prove that she was cheated out of the presidency - the first female president.

Hillary Clinton - the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people, who had every imaginable thing tilted her way, TWICE, first could not beat an unknown senator that never did anything, then skipped half the states campaigning in 2016 because she thought she was such a shoe in against a real-estate tycoon, a woman who has gotten away with the lightest possible consequences imaginable for actions and crimes that for anyone else in toto would amount to fifteen life sentences for treason, felony and high crimes against the United States of America.

Hillary Clinton - an abuser and destroyer of other women to protect her gravy train hubby into high office.
Hillary Clinton - a totally crooked lawyer.
Hillary Clinton - a horrible, vile First Lady.
Hillary Clinton - the carpetbagger do-nothing senator who couldn't get elected in her own state so ran in New York.
Hillary Clinton - a laughing stock of a Sec. of State for sale to the highest bidder who ran quid pro quo out of the trunk of her federally-paid limousine.
Hillary Clinton - an overreaching, grasping, never gonna-be non-president way in over her head.
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In all honesty, anyone who supports Crooked Hillary after all the revelations the past few years of her attack on our democracy is severely mentally ill and butthurt, a butthurt troll, or a paid Crooked Hillary BOT. :p
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...Whether you love or hate her - she didn't deserve this. Imagine how she must feel...

Indeed, after all those years of staying with Bill, his cigars and interns, being a loyal servant to Obama, faithfully doing the wishes of the deep state by organizing regime changes, supporting dictators and jihadis, keeping wall street happy, making sure that commie Bernie didn't have a chance and all the endless MSM propaganda that said she was the chosen one..... the ridiculous orange pussy grabber in chief still beat her....

It was her turn dammit

I think about how Hillary feels every day ... and I love it ...

I think about how Hillary feels every day ... and I love it ...

I still find it amazing that the most qualified psycho princess in history managed to lose the selections when she had the support of wall street, almost the entire MSM cheering for her, $millions from the Clinton Foundation scheme, the DNC in her pocket, all the 'progressive liberals' really wanting a women pretzeldent..... and the alternative was Trump ffs...

I really can't understand what happened, maybe someone should write a book about it..... oh, wait.....

I can imagine how she felt the night she conceded..

worked presidential campaigns for nearly 50 years, and lost because she didn't know she needed the electoral vote instead of the popular.

(says a lot about her qualifications)

Fake news, lies, conspiracy theories, Russians - and Comey stole the EC votes from her. If Comey had also mentioned right before the election that Trump had been under investigation since July 2016 - we would now have President Hillary Clinton.

I listened carefully to Comey's interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC. Comey is a pompous, self-serving asshole! He needlessly cost Hillary the presidency. He negated the millions of voters who voted for Hillary - 3 million more than Trump. Why didn't he also mention right before the election that Trump had also been under FBI investigation since July 2016? He didn't tell us that fact until March 20, 2017 - after Trump had been president for 2 months. Comey's Daffy Duck stupidity has set America back decades.

March 20, 2017: Comey Confirms FBI Investigation of Trump

Then why don't you make threads on why Mueller should investigate comey?
I swear liberal guys must have periods, one day they love comey, the next day they don't.

Make up your fucking mind already.
History will prove that she was cheated out of the presidency - the first female president. Never has a woman been so unfairly and viciously attacked in U.S. history based on fake news, lies, conspiracy theories, Russians - and Comey. She has been investigated and persecuted beyond belief - and has never been indicted for any crimes. She survived Whitewater, Benghazi, Emails, and more. Whether you love or hate her - she didn't deserve this. Imagine how she must feel...

What do you think?
I think you're certifiable.

Palin was totally savaged by the media.

Hillary cheated Bernie

Palin wasn't savaged by the media. All they had to do was let her speak, and roll the cameras.

Yes, the stupid bitch thought she had the right to think differently than you do, Archie Bunker. You showed her, didn't you?
Yep. Most qualified, proven to be the most honest and all we get are lies from the right.

Funny thing is, RWNJs are obsessed with her.

View attachment 194585
She's the most DIShonest, and has been notorious for that since long before she ever ran for the presidency. Her lies are legendary.
Which ones were she indicted for?

Funny how when we flip to W, you flip sides on that ...

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