Imagine if Gov. Barack Obama had bridgegate, and President Chris Christie had......


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
...the Benghazi scandal.

I am no fan of Chris Christie, actually I am truly enjoying seeing his political career being destroyed by this bridgegate scandal. I hope it costs him his political career.

But let's reverse the rolls here. Governor Barack Obama has the bridgegate scandal, and President Chris Christie has the Benghazi scandal. Anyone think the Democrat party's propaganda machine, also known as the mainstream media would be covering things the way they currently are?

Absolutely not. Anyone bringing up Obama's bridgegate scandal would be immediately labeled hard core racists trying to distract from the biggest presidential scandals of all time, the 4 Americans being killed in Benghazi. The Democrat party's mouthpieces, also known as the mainstream media would be relentlessly pursuing Benghazigate, and bridgegate would never be know to the American public.

Always remember, the media's job is to promote and advance the Democrat party's agenda, and in times of emergency, circle the wagons around and defend any Democrat in trouble. It is their job to attack and destroy any opposition to the Democrat party and to attack and destroy any candidate running against a Democrat.
Because you want to cut and slice government no matter how much damage it does to this nation. stupid but that's what you want to do.

We need educational reform
We need to maintain our roads and bridges
We need to fund our science and r@D edge

There's a reason we elect officals to do this...Our roads we drive on to have the best science programs the world over is what comes out of this.
Lets ask this question then if Benghazi had happened under President McCain do you think it would have gotten more media coverage or the same as it's gotten under Obama? Try and be honest.
Lets ask this question then if Benghazi had happened under President McCain do you think it would have gotten more media coverage or the same as it's gotten under Obama? Try and be honest.

I imagine it would've gotten years worth of media coverage.

As it has under Obama.

Now I have a question for YOU! What if McCain had won and birthers claims were aimed at HIM? Would Fox News have given a damn?
Matthew =====>>> Also know as the one trick pony said:
Because you want to cut and slice government no matter how much damage it does to this nation. stupid but that's what you want to do.

We need educational reform
We need to maintain our roads and bridges
We need to fund our science and r@D edge

There's a reason we elect officals to do this...Our roads we drive on to have the best science programs the world over is what comes out of this.


There are many idiots in this world, you clearly are one of them. What separates you from the ordinary every day idiot is your idiocy brings a sense of awe to it, in that it is just beyond impressive someone can attain the level of idiocy you have. Every post of yours is the same. I'd venture to say the average parrot has a broader vocabulary and better cognitive skills than you do.

As for cutting government, I'm Libertarian, what do you expect?
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Matthew =====>>> Also know as the one trick pony said:
Because you want to cut and slice government no matter how much damage it does to this nation. stupid but that's what you want to do.

We need educational reform
We need to maintain our roads and bridges
We need to fund our science and r@D edge

There's a reason we elect officals to do this...Our roads we drive on to have the best science programs the world over is what comes out of this.


There are many idiots in this world, you clearly are one of them. What separates you from the ordinary every day idiot is your idiocy brings a sense of awe to it, in that it is just beyond impressive someone can attain the level of idiocy you have. Every post of yours is the same. I'd venture to say the average parrot has a broader vocabulary and better cognitive skills than you do.

As for cutting government, I'm Libertarian, what do you expect?

At least he doesn't feel like a tragic victim of this cruel cruel world :cuckoo:
Lets ask this question then if Benghazi had happened under President McCain do you think it would have gotten more media coverage or the same as it's gotten under Obama? Try and be honest.

I imagine it would've gotten years worth of media coverage.

As it has under Obama.

Now I have a question for YOU! What if McCain had won and birthers claims were aimed at HIM? Would Fox News have given a damn?

Who outside of FOX and a couple of other media outlets has given Benghazi years of attention? They barely covered the findings of the Senate's bipartisan intelligence committee that was released just this week. As for your birther question no they wouldn't and now a birther question for you in return would MSNBC have spent all that time ridiculing them?
Lets ask this question then if Benghazi had happened under President McCain do you think it would have gotten more media coverage or the same as it's gotten under Obama? Try and be honest.

I imagine it would've gotten years worth of media coverage.

As it has under Obama.

Now I have a question for YOU! What if McCain had won and birthers claims were aimed at HIM? Would Fox News have given a damn?

Who outside of FOX and a couple of other media outlets has given Benghazi years of attention? They barely covered the findings of the Senate's bipartisan intelligence committee that was released just this week. As for your birther question no they wouldn't and now a birther question for you in return would MSNBC have spent all that time ridiculing them?

MSNBC is nonsense. But touche by that reasoning I need to take back my Fox question :thup:

Everyone has covered Benghazi. The only thing Fox does differently is cover it with opinions.
Because you want to cut and slice government no matter how much damage it does to this nation. stupid but that's what you want to do.

We need educational reform
We need to maintain our roads and bridges
We need to fund our science and r@D edge

There's a reason we elect officals to do this...Our roads we drive on to have the best science programs the world over is what comes out of this.

You sound more like rdean with every post. In other words you're starting to sound like a broken record. Time for some new material, especially when you have to admit that it was BHO who cut NASA's budget.
I imagine it would've gotten years worth of media coverage.

As it has under Obama.

Now I have a question for YOU! What if McCain had won and birthers claims were aimed at HIM? Would Fox News have given a damn?

Who outside of FOX and a couple of other media outlets has given Benghazi years of attention? They barely covered the findings of the Senate's bipartisan intelligence committee that was released just this week. As for your birther question no they wouldn't and now a birther question for you in return would MSNBC have spent all that time ridiculing them?

MSNBC is nonsense. But touche by that reasoning I need to take back my Fox question :thup:

Everyone has covered Benghazi. The only thing Fox does differently is cover it with opinions.

Again who has really covered Benghazi? As I stated outside of FOX the other's basically ignored the Senate intelligence committee findings this week yeah FOX has opinion people talk about Benghazi all networks do but the hard reporting on Benghazi from FOX comes from either Jennifer Griffin, James Rosen, or Catherine Herridge real journalist not commentators.
The media would of trashed McCain and McCain would of been impeached.

The media supports liberalism and the system we enjoy now ;)

The enjoyment you speak of is only as permanent as the eye of the hurricane in your avi.

That "system" is causing death and destruction but you live in the eye of the monster and are oblivious to the damage being done.

You exemplify the adage: "Ignorance is Bliss."
The media would of trashed McCain and McCain would of been impeached.

The media supports liberalism and the system we enjoy now ;)

The enjoyment you speak of is only as permanent as the eye of the hurricane in your avi.

That "system" is causing death and destruction but you live in the eye of the monster and are oblivious to the damage being done.

You exemplify the adage: "Ignorance is Bliss."

Yea wtf Matthew. I defended you on the other thing but what the hell convinced you to post this?

Come on man
Because you want to cut and slice government no matter how much damage it does to this nation. stupid but that's what you want to do.

We need educational reform
We need to maintain our roads and bridges
We need to fund our science and r@D edge

There's a reason we elect officals to do this...Our roads we drive on to have the best science programs the world over is what comes out of this.

Education reform? Just get rid of the teachers unions who protect the inadequate teachers, and pay the exceptional teachers better wages.

Roads and bridges? We have gas taxes that should go to roads and bridges that's being raided by our politicians.

Science and R&D? If there is a profit to be made, the private sector would be all over it.
You're being very vague when you throw out words like science and r&d.
The media would of trashed McCain and McCain would of been impeached.

The media supports liberalism and the system we enjoy now ;)

The enjoyment you speak of is only as permanent as the eye of the hurricane in your avi.

That "system" is causing death and destruction but you live in the eye of the monster and are oblivious to the damage being done.

You exemplify the adage: "Ignorance is Bliss."

Yea wtf Matthew. I defended you on the other thing but what the hell convinced you to post this?

Come on man

How embarrassing it must be for an idiot to be more intelligent than you.
Lets ask this question then if Benghazi had happened under President McCain do you think it would have gotten more media coverage or the same as it's gotten under Obama? Try and be honest.

I imagine it would've gotten years worth of media coverage.

As it has under Obama.

Now I have a question for YOU! What if McCain had won and birthers claims were aimed at HIM? Would Fox News have given a damn?

TheOldSchool, you must be the old school dunce.

Whereas, McCain has been vetted every which way and six ways from Sunday, and he welcomed even more scrutiny, Obama wasn't fully vetted, not thoroughly enough to dispel any remaining questions or doubts about his past!

And what unknown people, groups or ideologies might be influencing him to this day, unbeknownst to anyone but himself because he refused to allow any further investigation into his past?

We don't know. He cut off access to records. He counseled past associates and friends to keep everything quiet. He refused to divulge anything voluntarily about his past.

And the media went along with his stonewalling them.

Soo, to this very day, we STILL don't know everything we should about him.

That means he STILL may be executing an alien agenda that is hostile to America's interests.

What a low information poster you have shown yourself to be with a statement like that!

If you loved America you wouldn't have allowed what may very well prove to be a Trojan Horse into the heart of our government. You'd be screaming like the RW'ers here about his perfidy.

And if he screwed us all by getting past our negligent media gatekeepers, he is shagging folks like you ESPECIALLY well, deeply and with great passion because he knows that by keeping you satisfied he has the key to finishing his devil's work uninterrupted.

You are a failure as a an American.

But I'm sure you'll take comfort in knowing you weren't the only one.

Yeah, right!

Go home old man.

Stop leading your fellow blind Americans over the cliff.

Your kind sickens me.
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Lets ask this question then if Benghazi had happened under President McCain do you think it would have gotten more media coverage or the same as it's gotten under Obama? Try and be honest.

I imagine it would've gotten years worth of media coverage.

As it has under Obama.

Now I have a question for YOU! What if McCain had won and birthers claims were aimed at HIM? Would Fox News have given a damn?

TheOldSchool, you must be the old school dunce.

Whereas, McCain has been vetted every which way and six ways from Sunday, and he welcomed even more scrutiny, Obama wasn't fully vetted, not thoroughly enough to dispel any remaining questions or doubts about his past!

And what unknown people, groups or ideologies might be influencing him to this day, unbeknownst to anyone but himself because he refused to allow any further investigation into his past?

We don't know. He cut off access to records. He counseled past associates and friends to keep everything quiet. He refused to divulge anything voluntarily about his past.

And the media went along with his stonewalling them.

Soo, to this very day, we STILL don't know everything we should about him.

That means he STILL may be executing an alien agenda that is hostile to America's interests.

What a low information poster you have shown yourself to be with a statement like that!

If you loved America you wouldn't have allowed what may very well prove to be a Trojan Horse into the heart of our government. You'd be screaming like the RW'ers here about his perfidy.

And if he screwed us all by getting past our negligent media gatekeepers, he is shagging folks like you ESPECIALLY well, deeply and with great passion because he knows that by keeping you satisfied he has the key to finishing his devil's work uninterrupted.

You are a failure as a an American.

But I'm sure you'll take comfort in knowing you weren't the only one.

Yeah, right!

Go home old man.

Stop leading your fellow blind Americans over the cliff.

Your kind sickens me.

Wow completely over your head. I'd offer a rebuttal but you didn't actually address my point so...
The media would of trashed McCain and McCain would of been impeached.

The media supports liberalism and the system we enjoy now ;)

The enjoyment you speak of is only as permanent as the eye of the hurricane in your avi.

That "system" is causing death and destruction but you live in the eye of the monster and are oblivious to the damage being done.

You exemplify the adage: "Ignorance is Bliss."

love hurricanes:cool:

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