Imagine if Gov. Barack Obama had bridgegate, and President Chris Christie had......

Imagine if Gov. Barack Obama had bridgegate

Don't worry. Give the GOP a little time. Somehow they will make this Obama's fault.

They already did it with Iraq and the Bush Tax Cuts. In fact, there are a significant number of Republicans who are convinced it was Obama who was slow to act after Katrina.

So is the far left capable of posting without all the far left overtones, talking points and propaganda?
Imagine if Gov. Barack Obama had bridgegate

Don't worry. Give the GOP a little time. Somehow they will make this Obama's fault.

They already did it with Iraq and the Bush Tax Cuts. In fact, there are a significant number of Republicans who are convinced it was Obama who was slow to act after Katrina.

So is the far left capable of posting without all the far left overtones, talking points and propaganda?
2370 trolling posts and 2000 of them squawking "far left propaganda!"
Easy to do

If Benghazi happened under a Republican President, the story would be over in two weeks. Just like all other embassy attacks in the last 30 years

If Obama were Governor during Bridgegate, he would have some explaining to do......just like Christie is now
Imagine if Gov. Barack Obama had bridgegate

Don't worry. Give the GOP a little time. Somehow they will make this Obama's fault.

They already did it with Iraq and the Bush Tax Cuts. In fact, there are a significant number of Republicans who are convinced it was Obama who was slow to act after Katrina.

So is the far left capable of posting without all the far left overtones, talking points and propaganda?

For the most part Republicans make up their talking points.

For the most part, Democrats get their talking points from Republican quotes.
People on the ground? You mean armed Muslims who hate America because right wingers just released a video mocking their prophet, their God and their religion?

you mock Christians here all the time Dean.....are any of them coming after you?...

You can't possibly be comparing the right wing "let him die" "Ayn Rand" "Feed the poor and they will breed" American Christians with the Christians in the middle east. Tell me you aren't.

i said plainly Christians HERE....not there...but it doesnt matter if they are in mock Christians no matter where they that we got that out of the way....are they coming for you for mocking their God and Religion?...
The hell he doesn't. Your perception of what he says is beyond comprehension.

Matthew =====>>> Also know as the one trick pony said:
Because you want to cut and slice government no matter how much damage it does to this nation. stupid but that's what you want to do.

We need educational reform
We need to maintain our roads and bridges
We need to fund our science and r@D edge

There's a reason we elect officals to do this...Our roads we drive on to have the best science programs the world over is what comes out of this.


There are many idiots in this world, you clearly are one of them. What separates you from the ordinary every day idiot is your idiocy brings a sense of awe to it, in that it is just beyond impressive someone can attain the level of idiocy you have. Every post of yours is the same. I'd venture to say the average parrot has a broader vocabulary and better cognitive skills than you do.

As for cutting government, I'm Libertarian, what do you expect?

At least he doesn't feel like a tragic victim of this cruel cruel world :cuckoo:
...the Benghazi scandal.

I am no fan of Chris Christie, actually I am truly enjoying seeing his political career being destroyed by this bridgegate scandal. I hope it costs him his political career.

But let's reverse the rolls here. Governor Barack Obama has the bridgegate scandal, and President Chris Christie has the Benghazi scandal. Anyone think the Democrat party's propaganda machine, also known as the mainstream media would be covering things the way they currently are?

Absolutely not. Anyone bringing up Obama's bridgegate scandal would be immediately labeled hard core racists trying to distract from the biggest presidential scandals of all time, the 4 Americans being killed in Benghazi. The Democrat party's mouthpieces, also known as the mainstream media would be relentlessly pursuing Benghazigate, and bridgegate would never be know to the American public.

Always remember, the media's job is to promote and advance the Democrat party's agenda, and in times of emergency, circle the wagons around and defend any Democrat in trouble. It is their job to attack and destroy any opposition to the Democrat party and to attack and destroy any candidate running against a Democrat.

The investigation into Benghazi would have been even more thorough than the investigation into Joe the Plumber. They would have actually interviewed the people on the ground instead of ignoring the fact that the survivors were taken away and not heard from.

It would have been so much bigger than Watergate because people died. Even now, with the media trying to minimize the story, it's been determined that it was preventable. That would have completed ruined the career of any Republican.

Bridgegate would have been even less of scandal than Watergate. Only a racist would accuse Obama of anything.

Yes, if things were the other way around, the liberals would have had a field day with Benghazi and the many other scandals.

1st comparison ever of Benghazi and Joe the Plumber :clap2:

Learn to read and you'll see I did not compare the two, just noted how the liberal media was able to investigate to protect Obama on one issue, yet refrained from investigation to protect him on a more serious matter. They have their priorities mixed up because they spent a lot of time and money on a guy who just asked a simple question. And they attacked him, not for the question, but because he tripped up Obama and got an honest answer about spreading the wealth around. Oops, so they blame Joe to get focus off the incredible admission from Obama. Yet, they hardly mentioned Benghazi, let alone do a real investigation. We know they are capable of doing some serious investigating and finding out everything there is to know, but only when it's politically advantageous to do so.
...the Benghazi scandal.

I am no fan of Chris Christie, actually I am truly enjoying seeing his political career being destroyed by this bridgegate scandal. I hope it costs him his political career.

But let's reverse the rolls here. Governor Barack Obama has the bridgegate scandal, and President Chris Christie has the Benghazi scandal. Anyone think the Democrat party's propaganda machine, also known as the mainstream media would be covering things the way they currently are?

Absolutely not. Anyone bringing up Obama's bridgegate scandal would be immediately labeled hard core racists trying to distract from the biggest presidential scandals of all time, the 4 Americans being killed in Benghazi. The Democrat party's mouthpieces, also known as the mainstream media would be relentlessly pursuing Benghazigate, and bridgegate would never be know to the American public.

Always remember, the media's job is to promote and advance the Democrat party's agenda, and in times of emergency, circle the wagons around and defend any Democrat in trouble. It is their job to attack and destroy any opposition to the Democrat party and to attack and destroy any candidate running against a Democrat.


(Turn off FOX News. Benghazi and IRS-Gate were manufactured to destroy the dude trying to raise taxes on the job shippers and funders of our elections)

Senate Select Committee On Intelligence: Committee Found No Evidence Of Intentional Delay Or Obstruction By The Chief Of Base Or Any Other Party. A Senate Committee on Intelligence review of the Benghazi attacks found no evidence of a "stand down" order given to responding units during the attack:

The Committee explored claims that there was a "stand down" order given to the security team at the Annex. Although some members of the security team expressed frustration that they were unable to respond more quickly to the Mission compound, 12 the Committee found no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other party. The Committee has reviewed the allegations that U.S. personnel, including in the IC (Intelligence Community) or DoD, prevented the mounting of any military relief effort during the attacks, but the Committee has not found any of these allegations to be substantiated.


The Committee has reviewed the allegations that U.S. personnel, including in the IC or DoD, prevented the mounting of any military relief effort during the attacks, but the Committee has not found any of these allegations to be substantiated. [Review Of The Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Facilities In Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012, U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1/15/14]

All Big Media is owned by roughly 10 mega corporations all want the same thing: lower taxes and fewer regulations. Guess what party they support? And yes, big business sponsors one small primetime block of center-Left programming because advertisers want access to the other half of the country. Your myth about liberal media control has long been a strategy by movement conservatism to move the goal posts so the owners of big media can drive content further to the right. Nixon actually invented the strategy in order to make it harder for the media to investigate his crimes.

Here's why your side needs to convince you that everyone but FOX is a lying liberal. Because when FOX (et al) parrots the Bush talking points about the interchangeability of Bin Laden and Hussein, they need to exercise total control over your media allegiances. Can you imagine what would happen to their house of cards if someone like you knew who removed Hussein's Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations in the 80s? Can you imagine what would happen to their house of cards if someone like you knew how much money and weapons Reagan poured into Hussein's regime so he could survive populist challenges to his brutal regime? There's a reason why you don't know any of this stuff. And it's the same reason why you believe the Benghazi story.

[ame=]Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism - YouTube[/ame]
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you mock Christians here all the time Dean.....are any of them coming after you?...

You can't possibly be comparing the right wing "let him die" "Ayn Rand" "Feed the poor and they will breed" American Christians with the Christians in the middle east. Tell me you aren't.

i said plainly Christians HERE....not there...but it doesnt matter if they are in mock Christians no matter where they that we got that out of the way....are they coming for you for mocking their God and Religion?...

I mock the " right wing "let him die" "Ayn Rand" "Feed the poor and they will breed" American Christians". Quit trying to put ALL Christians in the same group.
Matthew =====>>> Also know as the one trick pony said:
Because you want to cut and slice government no matter how much damage it does to this nation. stupid but that's what you want to do.

We need educational reform
We need to maintain our roads and bridges
We need to fund our science and r@D edge

There's a reason we elect officals to do this...Our roads we drive on to have the best science programs the world over is what comes out of this.


There are many idiots in this world, you clearly are one of them. What separates you from the ordinary every day idiot is your idiocy brings a sense of awe to it, in that it is just beyond impressive someone can attain the level of idiocy you have. Every post of yours is the same. I'd venture to say the average parrot has a broader vocabulary and better cognitive skills than you do.

As for cutting government, I'm Libertarian, what do you expect?

We need educational reform
We need to maintain our roads and bridges
We need to fund our science and r@D edge

At least he has a consistent message that actually supports what's good for the country.

The GOP's message starts with voter suppression and ends with screwing the middle class.
It would be covered as much as Rod Blagoavich was

Rod only tried to sell a Senate seat. The Crispie Administration put tens of thousands of Americans in danger. That's what the right wing either doesn't get or simply doesn't give a shit. After Iraq, holding the unemployed hostage to extend tax cuts for the rich and keeping millions from health care, I suspect it's the latter.
You can't possibly be comparing the right wing "let him die" "Ayn Rand" "Feed the poor and they will breed" American Christians with the Christians in the middle east. Tell me you aren't.

i said plainly Christians HERE....not there...but it doesnt matter if they are in mock Christians no matter where they that we got that out of the way....are they coming for you for mocking their God and Religion?...

I mock the " right wing "let him die" "Ayn Rand" "Feed the poor and they will breed" American Christians". Quit trying to put ALL Christians in the same group.

oh you mean like the way you put ALL Republicans in the same group?......
Matthew =====>>> Also know as the one trick pony said:
Because you want to cut and slice government no matter how much damage it does to this nation. stupid but that's what you want to do.

We need educational reform
We need to maintain our roads and bridges
We need to fund our science and r@D edge

There's a reason we elect officals to do this...Our roads we drive on to have the best science programs the world over is what comes out of this.


There are many idiots in this world, you clearly are one of them. What separates you from the ordinary every day idiot is your idiocy brings a sense of awe to it, in that it is just beyond impressive someone can attain the level of idiocy you have. Every post of yours is the same. I'd venture to say the average parrot has a broader vocabulary and better cognitive skills than you do.

As for cutting government, I'm Libertarian, what do you expect?

We need educational reform
We need to maintain our roads and bridges
We need to fund our science and r@D edge

At least he has a consistent message that actually supports what's good for the country.

The GOP's message starts with voter suppression and ends with screwing the middle class.

:cuckoo: You are a one trick pony just like Matt is.
So wrong on both of your assumptions. I bet you didn't do well in school, did you? :eusa_whistle:
Anyone that would use his office to punish someone for not voting for them = a disgrace.

Like Obama may have done with the IRS targeting tea party groups or putting ex-military, gun rights activists and other conservatives on the DHS watch list? And no one got fired.

If that is what he did = impeachable offense.

It was done by his administration but Obama's Teflon suit has so far protected him.

The IRS apologized for targeting conservative groups, which is the same as admitting it.

The DHS did indeed issue statements regarding ex-military and others and they feel they needed to be added to the watch list. Can anyone point out where these people have committed acts of terrorism? Can you point out instances where Muslims have committed acts of terrorism? Stands to reason that the ones responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks should be watched the closest. It's inexcusable that people who disagree with the current agenda are treated with less respect and less trust than countries that churn out the most terrorists. I do not like the fact that some radicals are involved with the way our government operates.

When people appointed to high positions in our government favor radical countries over ours, we have a serious problem. Liberal politicians constantly warned about tea party violence (that never happened) and tried to make people scared of them and then turned around and ignored the countless terrorist attacks by Muslims and demanded that people show them respect.

The media plays along with the current rhetoric coming out of Washington. They do their best to gin up fear of the right by exaggerating things or just repeating outright lies.

To make a huge deal out of the so-called 'bridgegate' while not even bothering to question a single witness on the ground at Benghazi is unforgiveable. One liberal puke stated that Ambassador Stevens was responsible for his own death. Some Hollywood idiots still believe that the Republicans cut security and that is why it happened. So many lies out there and the media will publish even the lamest excuse that Dems can come up with.

Does anyone think the incredible excuses given by Obama and Hillary are believable?

In essence, they said:

'Oh, we would have helped them, but there were these budget cut proposals and I think the Republicans shoved them through without the senate. We didn't even dream that anything could happen on the anniversary of 9/11. Who would have thought we should take the threats seriously just because they kept launching attacks in the area and threatened Stevens online? Those Junior Varsity terrorists pull pranks like that all the time. We didn't want to offend them by removing our people from Benghazi because that would have been a bigger insult than a video. Just because the video wasn't even translated in Arabic at the time of the attacks doesn't mean we can't blame the attack on the filmmaker. He'll rot in jail for that. Those killers shouldn't get blamed as they were only reacting the only way they knew how. Muslims will be Muslims. I just don't know what we could have done. We thought it would be over before we could send help, so we had personnel stand down. Each hour it went on, we wondered if there was still time and who knew it would keep going for seven hours. By the time it was over, we realized there would have been time to save a few people, but too late now. It's not our fault. It's probably Steven's fault for not leaving on his own. Plus, he was gay and Muslims are offended by that, so Stevens should never have come out of the closet. We took the survivors away to a secluded place for their protection. And we had them sign non-disclosure agreements because we don't want to offend more Muslims by having people talk bad about them.'

Now the media is in full-investigation mode hoping to find some dirt on Christie. They'll dig and dig until they find something, anything, to take him down.

The media should have taken those shovels to Benghazi and done some digging. I don't think they would have had to dig near as deep to find the truth, but they didn't want to offend their messiah. I hear there is hell to pay for doing that.
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