Imagine this when you get to work

Yeah, I remember that line.

I'm a sucker for special effect and those movies had the best. If they make another, I'll watch them over and over.
Yeah, I remember that line.

I'm a sucker for special effect and those movies had the best. If they make another, I'll watch them over and over.

good news for you
Jurassic World (2015) - IMDb

Yeah, I remember hearing that.

Let's hope they do it well but, like I said, I'm a sucker for special effects.

Even so, I don't like movies that seem to be saying "We got some really good effects here, let's build a ho-hum movie around them".
How's any of what you've quoted me on bigoted? Do you even know what a pikey is?


Nasty, bigoted slang for Travellers.

So when a White person (me) casts a negative light on other White people (tinkers), that's bigoted? Do you realise how stupid you're making yourself look right now?

Oh for crying out loud.

Look up and learn the difference between "racism" and "bigotry" cuz sonny boy, you're the one who looks stupid.
If only they had a few raptors handy when they evicted all those filthy gypos from Dale Farm pikey camp a couple of years back.

Wow racist much?

Aside from that, I haven't heard a Brit use those terms since [MENTION=1322]007[/MENTION] used them.

Are you his sock? Or are you just an island ape like him?
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If only they had a few raptors handy when they evicted all those filthy gypos from Dale Farm pikey camp a couple of years back.

Wow racist much?

Aside from that, I haven't heard a Brit use those terms since [MENTION=1322]007[/MENTION] used them.

Are you his sock? Or are you just an island ape like him?

'cept, as he points out, Gypsy Travelers are white and so is he. That makes him a bigot.

But, from his past posts, he's also racist.

Not to mention that he's also a troll for hijacking a fun and harmless thread with his hate. Now he's continuing here
If only they had a few raptors handy when they evicted all those filthy gypos from Dale Farm pikey camp a couple of years back.

Wow racist much?

Aside from that, I haven't heard a Brit use those terms since [MENTION=1322]007[/MENTION] used them.

Are you his sock? Or are you just an island ape like him?

'cept, as he points out, Gypsy Travelers are white and so is he. That makes him a bigot.

But, from his past posts, he's also racist.

Not to mention that he's also a troll for hijacking a fun and harmless thread with his hate. Now he's continuing here

Bigots, racists, and homophobes all thrive through ignorance. They're not intelligent enough to differentiate between the three.

All they know is hate.

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