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Imagine What the USa Would Be Like Under a President Biden....

Antifa running the Department of Justus.

His VP running everything in background like Cheney did for Bush.

China having free reign across the USA, buying everything that isnt welded down and moving it to China.

The entire fossil fuel industry mothballed to comply with the re-entry of th eParis Accords.

Riots and unrest in every major urban center with people afraid to leave their homes due to a lack of police.

Confiscatory tax rates.

New Green Deal running the economy back into the 19th century.

Everything bleak, ugly, alien and hostile to the American people.

Imagine all the people, living life in fear and misery.

Wow, it sounds like you'd be pretty unhappy....just as you have been for the past 3 years.

I'd be happy with is VP running everything BTW. Biden has my support for one reason and one reason only; he's not your blob.
so we could get someone even worse ...but as long as it aint trump you are fine.....people with your mindset are part of the problem....

Biden would not be worse than the blob. He is a good, decent man. Trump is a pervert
so what?.....what does the guy stand for?.....outside of bad mouthing trump what the hell is he going to do about the virus and keeping the economy going?.....what about those assholes out there doing violence,what is he going to do about that?......what about the law enforcement situation?.....answer that candy because he sure as hell aint....
Bologna. Google it. Plus he answered these questions again 3 hours after your post. You miss everything on the GOP propaganda machine.
unlike you franco i dont listen to the GOP propaganda machine.....and i seen his talk....he did not answer the 3 questions i asked....
Bologna as usual....I think you just listen to people who just listen to the GOP propaganda machine LOL....
thats what you get for thinking franco....unlike you i dont need a political party to tell me whats what....
Antifa running the Department of Justus.

His VP running everything in background like Cheney did for Bush.

China having free reign across the USA, buying everything that isnt welded down and moving it to China.

The entire fossil fuel industry mothballed to comply with the re-entry of th eParis Accords.

Riots and unrest in every major urban center with people afraid to leave their homes due to a lack of police.

Confiscatory tax rates.

New Green Deal running the economy back into the 19th century.

Everything bleak, ugly, alien and hostile to the American people.

Imagine all the people, living life in fear and misery.

Wow, it sounds like you'd be pretty unhappy....just as you have been for the past 3 years.

I'd be happy with is VP running everything BTW. Biden has my support for one reason and one reason only; he's not your blob.
If you own a home and a mob loots and burns it and there is no police to protect you or your home. Who will you blame then?
well you know she wont blame those responsible....
Defunding the police doesn't mean that at all, it means reforming the police considering 95% of their calls are not criminal or violent. Everything you know is wrong crap hateful propaganda.

You may want to look up the definition of "defund", dumbass.
look up the defund police movement anywhere but your right wing crap propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. LOL

How's this one, you uninformed idiot.

Minneapolis Will Dismantle Its Police Force, Council Members Pledge
Yes and immediately replaced by another police force. With abilities to deal with non-crime nonviolence cases which are 95%..... How can you be dumb enough to believe your b*******? Everybody wants police they just want non-aggressive non assholes. Important wake up Important wake up call thank you

You really don't need to prove to me that you have no clue.
So you're saying 95% of cases are nonviolent, of that 95% nonviolent cases turn violent when an authority figure show up? As far as one police force being replace with another...you're dreaming.
95% of police calls are not about violence or crimes. the rest of your bologna is pure gibberish.
I can hardly wait until those social workers get their brains blown out. Pass the popcorn.
they will be trained for it. Sorry about your bad racist police.....
Imagine What the USa Would Be Like Under a President Biden

We don't have to imagine, just look at the countless FUBAR Dem run cities and states with sky high taxes, millions of illegals, thugs running wild in the streets burning, looting, and rioting.

And why haven't the Reps stood up and volunteer to run those Cities? I'll tell you why. For the last 40 years or more, the only Republican ran city over 100K is Wicheta Falls, Tx. Normally, the Reps aren't able to manage a large city. Wicheta Falls is the exception except it's actually a shared managed City, I spent a lot of time there and find it quite refreshing. You rtwingnutjobs would be shown the city limits.

Because Democrats have the elections rigged that's why. It's pure fantasy that the people elect anyone, the Dem party has pre-rigged who is going to win and hand selected the candidate which they own.

Q'Anon strikes again. Let the Conspiracies run rampant rather than fix the problem. And never, I repeat, NEVER admit your own shortcomings.
Imagine What the USa Would Be Like Under a President Biden

We don't have to imagine, just look at the countless FUBAR Dem run cities and states with sky high taxes, millions of illegals, thugs running wild in the streets burning, looting, and rioting.

And why haven't the Reps stood up and volunteer to run those Cities? I'll tell you why. For the last 40 years or more, the only Republican ran city over 100K is Wicheta Falls, Tx. Normally, the Reps aren't able to manage a large city. Wicheta Falls is the exception except it's actually a shared managed City, I spent a lot of time there and find it quite refreshing. You rtwingnutjobs would be shown the city limits.

Because Democrats have the elections rigged that's why. It's pure fantasy that the people elect anyone, the Dem party has pre-rigged who is going to win and hand selected the candidate which they own.

Q'Anon strikes again. Let the Conspiracies run rampant rather than fix the problem. And never, I repeat, NEVER admit your own shortcomings.

It's not a conspiracy I lived in one of those Dem shitholes for over a decade I KNOW.
As dangerous as Obama was with all his deep state shit, Biden is useful to the Democrats because he would do as bidden due to his demented reactions to just about everything he really can't face from his basement perspectives. Just reminding those who sleep.
Trump is the dangerous one. Huge deficits, riots, country closing down... disaster
The Demon Democrats made it happen, O naive one. And Nancy Pee. is a Naughty, naughty liar.
You have some imagination. Poor leadership made it happen . And the repubs have almost all the power. Your childish mentality is noted.
Ya think? Aw, thanks.

Poor leadership is when the Ima-the-most-powerful-worman-in-the-world House Speaker uses lies and hipocrisy to instate her Communist agenda on a free people who earned their way honestly, gave their all to community, church-sponsored antiproverty efforts, funded foster children in impoverished countries, established employee safety into the fabric of their businesses, saving life and limb of many, strengthened the market with saving a percentage of average incomes rather than hurting cops, beating up opposition with muggings, thefts, and false accusations against innocent persons, regardless of wealth or the lack of it.

Quite frankly, the American public is sick of the lying, lying, and more lying of a less and less forthright Democrat Party who uses trickery and every iota of chicanery to gain undeserved power.

You have a Democrat Financial Chairman who called her constituents into bullying another branch of government's employees using in-your-face public humiliation based on Democrat Party stinking cat litter box crap invented for the occasion, and not the truth either.

My childish mentality is my style so even the simpleton can understand it, sweetcakes. :muahaha:
Check out the polls. The public is sick of trump and his garbage policy. The country is a disaster and repubs control the presidency, senate, and Supreme Court. You still whining about dems is just pathetic.
Brain 357 sez: "The public is sick of trump and his garbage policy."

No hard feelings, O brainy one, but the Adults in the Room have a capacity for separating accomplishments from the lying liars of the Democrat p'wned press, thankyouverramuch.

President Trump the Republican Party choice, increased jobs for everybody including minorities into numbers that never once crossed Obama's gifts of several Aleutian Islands that were included in the Seward-led purchase of the great territory of Alaska that my family lived in the year my father's military service took us there. Obama promised Alaskan territory to the Russian President Putin, and Obama didn't even bother to ask the Alaskan State officials if they minded giving up some of the richest oil-bearing islands in the world.

Obama was bent on obeying the Russian whims and fantasies rather than fighting for jobs for poor blacks in America while calling Republican blacks Uncle Toms. In the meantime, Obama took a toilet paper wipe to swipe American allies in Great Britain by returning Queen Elizabeth, America's friend and ally of World War II, gift with a nasty note attached that wasn't very flattering to America's truest friend. Then he turned around and took a flight with Louie FaraKKKhan the America-hater to the Middle East to curry revenge on America by its enemies. He came back smiling with all the riches he earned for himself by kissing his fellow Jew-haters in the Middle East into ***boink*** giving Russian Middle-east influence wishers 20% of America's Uranium Reserves in Republican states ***boink, boink*** to assist the Russians regain influence among the rich oil reserves in states who proposed just months earlier to "wipe Israel off the face of the map!!!!" Oh, and while Obama was turning himself inside out to please Russia's Putin by getting him points with the radical Muslim 9/11 supporters, he wasn't still thinking a single thought about improving the lottery of his fellow blacks in the USA.

Not to worry, though. While Obama partied his damn butt off, President Trump DID bend over backward to improve the lives of millions of blacks by encouraging his fellow businessmen to give jobs to all Americans, jobless blacks in particular benefitted.

Go ahead. Yer seenowevil, hearnowevil, speak nowevil attitude as a clean-handed independent has been duly upstaged by a real man, President Donald Trump who put his money where his mouth was and improved the lottery of black and white alike, and every shade of working men and women in between. God bless President Trump, and he did all this too while the Demon rats were dreaming up more lies to tell than Hillary Clinton could all by herself with the slander she drug up about something that never happened anywere except in the Democrat National Party's news outlets who published for-sale lies she invented. Prostitutes and Trump peeing on the bed. What a glorious lie that people fell for after Clinton and Obama's thoughtless, careless, and downright bad presidencies for sixteen of the last 32 years, barff!!!
Trump policy has failed miserably. Tax cuts are going to pay for themselves and create 4-6% growth? Fail. We are getting the best healthcare and getting rid of obamacare? Fail. Tariffs are bringing back jobs? Fail. Mexico is paying for the wall? Fail. The pandemic is contained? Fail. The polls say people are done with this fraud. You live in fantasy land.
We are purchasing TV's from China for a hundred bucks. To get back to that growth we have to start somewhere. Trump was trying to start it. We have to remove some perks from the more privileged of the working class. And more stuff like that. Then we make the TV's. perhaps accept paying 200 dollars for them. Are you in?
Why would we do that? This isn’t the Soviet Union.
I would cheerfully buy American-made products if there were any that I needed, because Americans past loved working for their fellow Americans. It was the right thing to do, and it still is.
You sounds like a socialist. I’m a capitalist. If there was a market for such products they would be available.
I'm loyal to my fellow Americans. Period. Destroying American jobs came about when American companies trashed their establishments here, had them made in far Eastern Countries like Mr. Coffee, a former American-jobs provider. Now when you use a new Mr. Coffee, your carafe dribbles like Mr. Magoo, and your kitchen floor is a mess after 2 days from dribbles that attracted traffic dirt, and you had to go to your job to pay for having this article, where you now have somebody who hates Americans in another foreign country telling you in language you can barely understand that your questions about their boss's products are somehow irrelevant and hang up on you.

That's unamerican, in my book whether you are a still-here WWII bride, a Vietnam-era woman, a Beyonce fan or a College freshwoman. We all like good kitchen products, and if they displease us, we like someone who talks our talk and makes it right because they're not living on the opposite side of the world with an axe to grind about Americans they and their fellow countrymen hate due to badmouthing the wrong people and believing that you're bad if you hate their boss's deleterious manufacturing flops they pawn off on the American people because we do not matter much to them.

My portfolio's broker would disagree with you seriously about your opinion that I would tolerate the kind of Communism the alleged socialists that former card-carrying Communist Speaker Nancy Pelosi was but keeps it in the shadows of her elusive past. Had her evil against the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump succeeded, she'd be bragging about her pro-Communist past, aligning with Barack Obama/Joe Biden/Hillary Clinton illegal attempts to destroy the current President's self, family, supporters, personal friends, staff, and acquaintances, while still trying to hold the toilet lid down on the sewer the Democrat Party has made of itself in orchestrating hundreds of news seditionist pushers to do their highly unconstitutional will of malpractice against the conservatives of the nation who are innocent of most of their and your joint badmouthing of us.
I’ll take word soup for $100 Alex.

what inthe hell are you talking about?
Imagine What the USa Would Be Like Under a President Biden

We don't have to imagine, just look at the countless FUBAR Dem run cities and states with sky high taxes, millions of illegals, thugs running wild in the streets burning, looting, and rioting.

And why haven't the Reps stood up and volunteer to run those Cities? I'll tell you why. For the last 40 years or more, the only Republican ran city over 100K is Wicheta Falls, Tx. Normally, the Reps aren't able to manage a large city. Wicheta Falls is the exception except it's actually a shared managed City, I spent a lot of time there and find it quite refreshing. You rtwingnutjobs would be shown the city limits.

Because Democrats have the elections rigged that's why. It's pure fantasy that the people elect anyone, the Dem party has pre-rigged who is going to win and hand selected the candidate which they own.

Q'Anon strikes again. Let the Conspiracies run rampant rather than fix the problem. And never, I repeat, NEVER admit your own shortcomings.

It's not a conspiracy I lived in one of those Dem shitholes for over a decade I KNOW.

And what have you done to correct it? Nothing. You want a change, get off your dead ass and off your Keyboard. I have made changes around here by working with Lawmakers. Believe it or not, if it's a good idea, they will be willing to work with you. If they won't, get someone in there that will. We just had one hell of a shakeup around here (both good and bad) of our Lawmakers. Even the endorsement by Rump didn't get his pick in office. At some point, it's WE THE PEOPLE unless good people do nothing. And the changes aren't done yet.
as an American, i'm more worried than ever...but as a person who thrives off of comedy...Trump and Biden are a Godsend!
And what have you done to correct it?

LMAO wait for it...I packed up all my stuff and my money and left. Now I live in a state with no income tax and you mooching Dems get nothing. AHAHAHAHA! OH...SNAP!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Hate to break it to you, but even states with no income taxes have taxes to make up for it. There are no free lunches. If those were the only two reasons you moved there then you deserve to be a Rumpster.
as an American, i'm more worried than ever...but as a person who thrives off of comedy...Trump and Biden are a Godsend!

The only downside of kicking Rump out of office is that it will become boring on the Comedy Circuits. He's a lousy President but a fantastic source for comedians. Sorry, Biden will never be that entertaining. In fact, he's downright boring. And I think we need 4 years or so of boring for awhile.
And what have you done to correct it?

LMAO wait for it...I packed up all my stuff and my money and left. Now I live in a state with no income tax and you mooching Dems get nothing. AHAHAHAHA! OH...SNAP!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Hate to break it to you, but even states with no income taxes have taxes to make up for it. There are no free lunches. If those were the only two reasons you moved there then you deserve to be a Rumpster.

Unless you live next door to a state with no sales tax :eusa_whistle: OH SNAP again, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:
Imagine What the USa Would Be Like Under a President Biden

We don't have to imagine, just look at the countless FUBAR Dem run cities and states with sky high taxes, millions of illegals, thugs running wild in the streets burning, looting, and rioting.

And why haven't the Reps stood up and volunteer to run those Cities? I'll tell you why. For the last 40 years or more, the only Republican ran city over 100K is Wicheta Falls, Tx. Normally, the Reps aren't able to manage a large city. Wicheta Falls is the exception except it's actually a shared managed City, I spent a lot of time there and find it quite refreshing. You rtwingnutjobs would be shown the city limits.

Because Democrats have the elections rigged that's why. It's pure fantasy that the people elect anyone, the Dem party has pre-rigged who is going to win and hand selected the candidate which they own.

Q'Anon strikes again. Let the Conspiracies run rampant rather than fix the problem. And never, I repeat, NEVER admit your own shortcomings.

It's not a conspiracy I lived in one of those Dem shitholes for over a decade I KNOW.
Imagine What the USa Would Be Like Under a President Biden

We don't have to imagine, just look at the countless FUBAR Dem run cities and states with sky high taxes, millions of illegals, thugs running wild in the streets burning, looting, and rioting.

And why haven't the Reps stood up and volunteer to run those Cities? I'll tell you why. For the last 40 years or more, the only Republican ran city over 100K is Wicheta Falls, Tx. Normally, the Reps aren't able to manage a large city. Wicheta Falls is the exception except it's actually a shared managed City, I spent a lot of time there and find it quite refreshing. You rtwingnutjobs would be shown the city limits.

Because Democrats have the elections rigged that's why. It's pure fantasy that the people elect anyone, the Dem party has pre-rigged who is going to win and hand selected the candidate which they own.

Q'Anon strikes again. Let the Conspiracies run rampant rather than fix the problem. And never, I repeat, NEVER admit your own shortcomings.

It's not a conspiracy I lived in one of those Dem shitholes for over a decade I KNOW.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with GOP domination of tax rates and policy the last 40 years and their give away to the rich and screw job for every one else that has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere by far in the modern world. They have their reconciliation rule tocut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else while Democrats need 60 votes in the Senate to pass reform. You don't know that of course you know nothing basically factual. And of course the discriminated against blacks do the worst duh.
And what have you done to correct it?

LMAO wait for it...I packed up all my stuff and my money and left. Now I live in a state with no income tax and you mooching Dems get nothing. AHAHAHAHA! OH...SNAP!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Hate to break it to you, but even states with no income taxes have taxes to make up for it. There are no free lunches. If those were the only two reasons you moved there then you deserve to be a Rumpster.

Unless you live next door to a state with no sales tax :eusa_whistle: OH SNAP again, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

And someone still pays. Nothing is free.
Antifa running the Department of Justus.

His VP running everything in background like Cheney did for Bush.

China having free reign across the USA, buying everything that isnt welded down and moving it to China.

The entire fossil fuel industry mothballed to comply with the re-entry of th eParis Accords.

Riots and unrest in every major urban center with people afraid to leave their homes due to a lack of police.

Confiscatory tax rates.

New Green Deal running the economy back into the 19th century.

Everything bleak, ugly, alien and hostile to the American people.

Imagine all the people, living life in fear and misery.
What about open borders with 30 million new Americans !
Free speech cancelled!
Washington DC as a new state
Supreme Court packed with Marxists
AOC as Secretary of State
the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere by far in the modern world.

here's and idea: let's elect Democrats and raise corporate rates back to highest in world to drive more companies and jobs offshore, and, let's let in another 30 million illegals to takes our jobs at lowers wages and then complain there is no upward mobility for Americans!!! See what happens when liberal from HS tries to think?
23 candidates... and a braindead vegetable is the cream of the crop. The neo-marxist shitstains are in their death throes. Trump is virtually running unopposed.... blm fatigue and the antifa shitshow will turn this into a landslide for Trump.
Imagine What the USa Would Be Like Under a President Biden

We don't have to imagine, just look at the countless FUBAR Dem run cities and states with sky high taxes, millions of illegals, thugs running wild in the streets burning, looting, and rioting.

And why haven't the Reps stood up and volunteer to run those Cities? I'll tell you why. For the last 40 years or more, the only Republican ran city over 100K is Wicheta Falls, Tx. Normally, the Reps aren't able to manage a large city. Wicheta Falls is the exception except it's actually a shared managed City, I spent a lot of time there and find it quite refreshing. You rtwingnutjobs would be shown the city limits.

Because Democrats have the elections rigged that's why. It's pure fantasy that the people elect anyone, the Dem party has pre-rigged who is going to win and hand selected the candidate which they own.

Q'Anon strikes again. Let the Conspiracies run rampant rather than fix the problem. And never, I repeat, NEVER admit your own shortcomings.

It's not a conspiracy I lived in one of those Dem shitholes for over a decade I KNOW.
Imagine What the USa Would Be Like Under a President Biden

We don't have to imagine, just look at the countless FUBAR Dem run cities and states with sky high taxes, millions of illegals, thugs running wild in the streets burning, looting, and rioting.

And why haven't the Reps stood up and volunteer to run those Cities? I'll tell you why. For the last 40 years or more, the only Republican ran city over 100K is Wicheta Falls, Tx. Normally, the Reps aren't able to manage a large city. Wicheta Falls is the exception except it's actually a shared managed City, I spent a lot of time there and find it quite refreshing. You rtwingnutjobs would be shown the city limits.

Because Democrats have the elections rigged that's why. It's pure fantasy that the people elect anyone, the Dem party has pre-rigged who is going to win and hand selected the candidate which they own.

Q'Anon strikes again. Let the Conspiracies run rampant rather than fix the problem. And never, I repeat, NEVER admit your own shortcomings.

It's not a conspiracy I lived in one of those Dem shitholes for over a decade I KNOW.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with GOP domination of tax rates and policy the last 40 years and their give away to the rich and screw job for every one else that has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere by far in the modern world. They have their reconciliation rule tocut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else while Democrats need 60 votes in the Senate to pass reform. You don't know that of course you know nothing basically factual. And of course the discriminated against blacks do the worst duh.

Franco come on now Dems tell us every damn election they promise to RAISE our taxes.

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