Immigrants to U.S. From China Top Those From Mexico


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
I find this interesting. India I can understand but China? I thought that the left wing was telling us how much the US sucked and how great China was becoming. Interesting indeed.

Immigrants to U.S. From China Top Those From Mexico - WSJ

SAN DIEGO—Move over, Mexico. When it comes to sending immigrants to the U.S., China and India have taken the lead.

China was the country of origin for 147,000 recent U.S. immigrants in 2013, while Mexico sent just 125,000, according to a Census Bureau study by researcher Eric Jensen and others. India, with 129,000 immigrants, also topped Mexico, though the two countries’ results weren’t statistically different from each other.
It's been a free for all under this administration

THEY are coming from all the world in droves and being ALLOWED IN...How else was he going to TRANSFORM the country?
I find this interesting. India I can understand but China? I thought that the left wing was telling us how much the US sucked and how great China was becoming. Interesting indeed.

Immigrants to U.S. From China Top Those From Mexico - WSJ

SAN DIEGO—Move over, Mexico. When it comes to sending immigrants to the U.S., China and India have taken the lead.

China was the country of origin for 147,000 recent U.S. immigrants in 2013, while Mexico sent just 125,000, according to a Census Bureau study by researcher Eric Jensen and others. India, with 129,000 immigrants, also topped Mexico, though the two countries’ results weren’t statistically different from each other.
Well, I guess they figure we have plenty of jobs, our economy is booming, plenty of government assistance to hand out, and that we're the land of golden opportunities and great riches. The face of America is rapidly changing. Little do they know that we have a dysfunctional government, a rapidly declining economy, multiple social issues, a deteriorating infrastructure, sub-par education, unaffordable health care, injustice, and wealth accumulation at the very top of the echelon.

Economically, we can't provide for our own, and immigration adds to the miseries. With government debt being the only catalyst presently keeping us afloat, it's difficult to imagine how increasing the already swollen population will help matters. I can foresee a multitude of problems if we continue down this same path for an extended period, without first making provisions for immigration in ways that wont further burden social and economic issues presently being felt by many, including the government.
I find this interesting. India I can understand but China? I thought that the left wing was telling us how much the US sucked and how great China was becoming. Interesting indeed.

Immigrants to U.S. From China Top Those From Mexico - WSJ

SAN DIEGO—Move over, Mexico. When it comes to sending immigrants to the U.S., China and India have taken the lead.

China was the country of origin for 147,000 recent U.S. immigrants in 2013, while Mexico sent just 125,000, according to a Census Bureau study by researcher Eric Jensen and others. India, with 129,000 immigrants, also topped Mexico, though the two countries’ results weren’t statistically different from each other.
Since when has "the left" been promoting Chinese capitalism? I must have missed that one.
I find this interesting. India I can understand but China? I thought that the left wing was telling us how much the US sucked and how great China was becoming. Interesting indeed.

Immigrants to U.S. From China Top Those From Mexico - WSJ

SAN DIEGO—Move over, Mexico. When it comes to sending immigrants to the U.S., China and India have taken the lead.

China was the country of origin for 147,000 recent U.S. immigrants in 2013, while Mexico sent just 125,000, according to a Census Bureau study by researcher Eric Jensen and others. India, with 129,000 immigrants, also topped Mexico, though the two countries’ results weren’t statistically different from each other.
Since when has "the left" been promoting Chinese capitalism? I must have missed that one.

take your pick


obama- why cant we be more like china...why --LOL

President of China The Weekly Standard

or down to elizabeth warren --LOL

"We've got bridges and roads in need of repair and thousands of people in need of work. Why aren't we rebuilding America?" asks Warren, a professor at Harvard Law School who served in the Obama administration. "Our competitors are putting people to work, building a future. China invests 9% of its GDP in infrastructure. America? We're at just 2.4%. We can do better."

Elizabeth Warren Wants U.S. to Be More Like China RealClearPolitics

and that was only in a couple of seconds google

who can forget the once obama white house communications director anita dunn

who famous declared that mao zedong as her favorite political philosopher
I find this interesting. India I can understand but China? I thought that the left wing was telling us how much the US sucked and how great China was becoming. Interesting indeed.

Immigrants to U.S. From China Top Those From Mexico - WSJ

SAN DIEGO—Move over, Mexico. When it comes to sending immigrants to the U.S., China and India have taken the lead.

China was the country of origin for 147,000 recent U.S. immigrants in 2013, while Mexico sent just 125,000, according to a Census Bureau study by researcher Eric Jensen and others. India, with 129,000 immigrants, also topped Mexico, though the two countries’ results weren’t statistically different from each other.
Since when has "the left" been promoting Chinese capitalism? I must have missed that one.

take your pick


obama- why cant we be more like china...why --LOL

President of China The Weekly Standard

or down to elizabeth warren --LOL

"We've got bridges and roads in need of repair and thousands of people in need of work. Why aren't we rebuilding America?" asks Warren, a professor at Harvard Law School who served in the Obama administration. "Our competitors are putting people to work, building a future. China invests 9% of its GDP in infrastructure. America? We're at just 2.4%. We can do better."

Elizabeth Warren Wants U.S. to Be More Like China RealClearPolitics

and that was only in a couple of seconds google

These Democrats/(progressives, which is a petty word for Socialist/commies) have an Agenda and they want us to be JUST LIKE CHINA. Then they will put all you little people (SLAVES to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) and they of course will be your MASTER S on jobs fixing all that Infrastructure........

How people don't see this Democrat party for what they are: well it will probably be too LATE by the time they do
mao is so beloved in the current white house

they even adorn their Christmas tree

with a mao decorations


cant make this stuff up

And once all you "little people" votes in THE Lizzy Warren (who wants us to be more like China), and she'll appoint Hillary and all her Democrat buds to lord over all of you..... Obama will probably be appointed, Head slave master, and be put in charge of all you (slaves) on Jobs to fix OUR, Infrastructure, etc
they will GIVE you wonderful FREE housing IF you do a good enough job fixing all OUR infrastructure and they will look LIKE THIS:

and there will be NO COMPLAINING because the shit is FREE after all

we are so screwed

obama- why cant we be more like china...why --LOL

President of China The Weekly Standard

or down to elizabeth warren --LOL

"We've got bridges and roads in need of repair and thousands of people in need of work. Why aren't we rebuilding America?" asks Warren, a professor at Harvard Law School who served in the Obama administration. "Our competitors are putting people to work, building a future. China invests 9% of its GDP in infrastructure. America? We're at just 2.4%. We can do better."

Elizabeth Warren Wants U.S. to Be More Like China RealClearPolitics
China was the country of origin for 147,000 recent U.S. immigrants in 2013, while Mexico sent just 125,000
Mexico also sent more than a million illegal aliens across our border, a fact that the OP conveniently neglected to mention.

How many illegals came here from China?

This looks like just another thread designed to pretend that legal immigrants are the problem when they aren't, and divert attention from the real problem: illegal aliens flooding our country.
It's been a free for all under this administration

THEY are coming from all the world in droves and being ALLOWED IN...How else was he going to TRANSFORM the country?

Chinese has been migrating to US since the 40s. Chinese has a very large population in this country and the 147k that op talking about are immigrants that went through legal petition immigration process. This has been going on for decades not because of Obama.
How in the world you always come up with these BS? Do you even research? So every time you read or hear something you blame Obama. Im not an Obama fan either but good lord be real. There was an earthquake last weekend in San Francisco area that's also Obama fault.
You guys are nuts.

100% nuts. They don't even understand what the heck they are talking about but uniformly blame on Democrat. This is what disgust me as a republican.

ALL OF YOU NUTS want to debate with me about this topic?
Just a simple question, if you don't mind. "What has either the Democrats or Republicans done for this once great nation, over the past 50 plus years, that's been long-lasting and beneficial to every U.S. Citizen?"
I find this interesting. India I can understand but China? I thought that the left wing was telling us how much the US sucked and how great China was becoming. Interesting indeed.

Immigrants to U.S. From China Top Those From Mexico - WSJ

SAN DIEGO—Move over, Mexico. When it comes to sending immigrants to the U.S., China and India have taken the lead.

China was the country of origin for 147,000 recent U.S. immigrants in 2013, while Mexico sent just 125,000, according to a Census Bureau study by researcher Eric Jensen and others. India, with 129,000 immigrants, also topped Mexico, though the two countries’ results weren’t statistically different from each other.

China should not be a surprise for you. India will be a surprise for me. The link provided a clear information where these 147k come about. Chinese has a very large population here in US. The 147k was petitioned by their families through legal immigration process. It even mentioned unite families. This process takes about at a very minimum of 7 to 12 years sometimes longer. It's NOT because of Obama or Democrat...You AAAALLL make it sound that they just open the ports. Note that Chinese has been migrating to US since 40s that is why they have a very large populations here in US. Almost every large cities here in US from coast to coast has China Town you do not see others that has this kind of venue. Indian town there are some but few. Chinese has been migrating to all parts of the world since the beginning of dawn. Except some part of Middle East not sure why. Chinese are the only people in this world where they are visible in every continent in this planet. Like Africa, central and North America, Asia, most of Middle East countries, Europe, Russia etc.
In most part of Asia the Chinese are considered like the mexicans here in US. They are illegal aliens take over jobs with lower pay and low quality of workers. Bad breathe with black teeth.
You guys are nuts.

100% nuts. They don't even understand what the heck they are talking about but uniformly blame on Democrat. This is what disgust me as a republican.

ALL OF YOU NUTS want to debate with me about this topic?
Just a simple question, if you don't mind. "What has either the Democrats or Republicans done for this once great nation, over the past 50 plus years, that's been long-lasting and beneficial to every U.S. Citizen?"
No I don't mind at all. Are you asking me about immigration or other topic?
I find this interesting. India I can understand but China? I thought that the left wing was telling us how much the US sucked and how great China was becoming. Interesting indeed.

Immigrants to U.S. From China Top Those From Mexico - WSJ

SAN DIEGO—Move over, Mexico. When it comes to sending immigrants to the U.S., China and India have taken the lead.

China was the country of origin for 147,000 recent U.S. immigrants in 2013, while Mexico sent just 125,000, according to a Census Bureau study by researcher Eric Jensen and others. India, with 129,000 immigrants, also topped Mexico, though the two countries’ results weren’t statistically different from each other.
Since when has "the left" been promoting Chinese capitalism? I must have missed that one.

take your pick


obama- why cant we be more like china...why --LOL

President of China The Weekly Standard

or down to elizabeth warren --LOL

"We've got bridges and roads in need of repair and thousands of people in need of work. Why aren't we rebuilding America?" asks Warren, a professor at Harvard Law School who served in the Obama administration. "Our competitors are putting people to work, building a future. China invests 9% of its GDP in infrastructure. America? We're at just 2.4%. We can do better."

Elizabeth Warren Wants U.S. to Be More Like China RealClearPolitics

and that was only in a couple of seconds google

These Democrats/(progressives, which is a petty word for Socialist/commies) have an Agenda and they want us to be JUST LIKE CHINA. Then they will put all you little people (SLAVES to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) and they of course will be your MASTER S on jobs fixing all that Infrastructure........

How people don't see this Democrat party for what they are: well it will probably be too LATE by the time they do
We just no can trust those slant eyes....never could....

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