Immigration Control: Myanmar Laying Landmines Near Bangladesh Border


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
And you leftards whine about world opinion of America.

Myanmar has been laying landmines across a section of its border with Bangladesh, said two government sources in Dhaka, adding that the purpose may have been to prevent the return of Rohingya Muslims fleeing violence.

Bangladesh will on Wednesday formally lodge a protest against the laying of land mines so close to the border, said the sources, who had direct knowledge of the situation but asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the matter.

An army crackdown triggered by an attack on Aug. 25 by Rohingya insurgents on Myanmar security forces has led to the killing of at least 400 people and the exodus of nearly 125,000 Rohingya to neighbouring Bangladesh, leading to a major humanitarian crisis.

“They are putting the landmines in their territory along the barbed-wire fence” between a series of border pillars, said one of the sources.

Exclusive - Myanmar laying landmines near Bangladesh border: government sources in Dhaka
The current Rohingya can blame their current and the previous violent predecessors.

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