Trump looking to put troops near Canadian border amid coronavirus fears

Will someone ask the OP author why Canada sucks so much??

That would be a bible, the Old Testament.

In short, you have a defended and honoured constitution which everyone respects, lawyers and organizations defend, media calls out, politicians cherish and, which your police abide by or they are fired.

We have a covert apparatus that laughs at our Charter of Right and Freedoms and which nobody questions, you're "on your own pal". Even lawyers become cucks for the RCMP.

When they destroy you, it goes well beyond just a stick to the knees (though that's another method), it goes to your career and dignity as a human being. These are the same people who would have joined the Gestapo and defended their decision as, "keeping the peace".

Of course, if they employ a few creeps or abusers, it's because that person "has had a rough life".

Oh, and of course, within such a system, CYA, power and their budget is far more important than the success of the nation. They are really stand up guy...
So what is the solution to Canada's problems?

I always thought Canada wasn't that bad because yall don't have as many darkies and foreign colored people there..

Is there too many there now and so Canada sucks or something?

I like our diversity to be honest. As long as people embrace Canadian values, liberty and whatnot, ones skin color, religion or lifestyle shouldn't concern anyone.

Our problem isn't this, it's the rampant abuses by a covert kakistocracy that answers to no one. It's outright creepy and pervasive. I'm not alone in knowing how it works, I just happen to be relatively able to express myself and through thick and thin I've been able to remain who I am. It's been very difficult and I've lost my way sometimes as the resentment eats me alive.

It's why I dislike communists so much. I hate those who abuse and try to control others. Cowards that destroy what is beautiful about life. Mainly liberty, expression and inividualism.

There will be a day the $1B ballooning police force budgets will be cut along with the massive bloated government family members they've set up in our government. Until then, we will slowly continue to be crushed by a competitive, innovative world as our fossils get what they can for themselves.
If Canada has a kakistocracy -- didn't Canadians vote for them? Why are Canadian voters so dumb that they vote for people who not competent?

What is your solution?

It's not leaders per se, it's the underlying government employees. I know people who I went to school with who couldn't do basic arithmetic and they are making $120k a year, with full benefits and a massive pension waiting and they drive a bus. Covert police making more than that with plenty of OT.

I also know that 3 of the 5 smartest people I ever knew, are not in the nation anymore. Including one guy who was literally the Valedictorian in my school, another salutatorian (or whatever it is called) in university. Both are in the U.S right now, doing quite well.

This doesn't happen in meritocracies. why is the education system so bad that all of the government people (Not the leaders of course) are dumb and don't know math??

Shouldn't the "leaders" make sure you guys have better government workers???

What are covert police officers?

And as for your friends who left Canada and came to the US and are doing pretty well...I could say that if those dumb government employees can make 120K in Canada for being dumb government employees, why cant your smart friends do well too??

It's not how talented you are in Canada it's whether your old man is a member of the kakistocracy, usually undercover.

The guys who are successful are making much more than $120k (in U.S currency too) and they don't have to put on a fake facade or ruin other peoples pursuits to get it. They contribute to the economy, they don't pillage the taxpayer.
Just when you thought Trumpist stupidity had plateaued comes this new super stupidity concerning militarization of the Canadian border. This border is the longest unsecured border in the world and has been so since the founding of the Republic. But Trump for some inane reason finds this unacceptable.

There are no words to describe just on how stupid this is.

Not to worry, if you try something crazy, we have the brave, honourable and strong Ontario Provincial Police and Toronto Police who will help defend our great land against any invader.

When you see the plain clothes in jeans running away as is their nature, let them go, they are the undercover unit. They only harm Canada.
Hell, the Trumpist fascination with walls and the military makes me wonder if they are not trying to keep anyone out but to keep us in.

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