NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight RUSSIA: Alliance prepares for rapid deployment of American soldiers amid fears

The G7 is going to use the profits from frozen Russian accounts to fund the Ukranian war effort. This makes a lot of sense.

G7 leaders agree to loan Ukraine money backed by profits from frozen Russian investments as Biden pledges US support​

Story by Betsy Klein and Michael Williams, CNN
Group of Seven leaders have reached an agreement to loan money to Ukraine backed by the profits from frozen Russian investments, a senior administration official confirmed Thursday.

The United States and its G7 contemporaries have placed a high value on showing their support for Ukraine during this year’s summit, which is taking place in Italy. While Ukraine is not a G7 member, its president, Volodymyr Zelensky, attended the summit and participated in a Thursday evening joint news conference with Biden.
Really? What a jesture of desperation... First of all, those virtual zeroes and ones in bank computers do nothing with the actual capability of weapon production. Second, if you are injecting additional money in the market, without increasing quantity of goods - you are just raising inflation. Third - you guys are destroying the very basis of your financial system, for who needs a banker who can just stole his money at any moment. And fourth - there definitely will be retaliation.
  • Waste trillions US dollars to pay Ukraine to fight Russia in a hopeless effort.
  • Get US troops involved (create enemy with Russia & China).
  • Stretch thin resources further (allowing China to run willy-nilly).
  • Finally, Waste trillions more dollars to "rebuild Ukraine" from the damage (as they have no money left from the Trillions sent, but for the midgets real extate and hidden Gold bars).
Does this seem like a good idea to anyone? if it does? you might be a lock-step commee fruitcake lunatic.
The US and its citizens will always defend the victims of Russian aggression.
Yes. As they defended them in Korea, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan and many other places.
What is even more important, if you actually ask those "victims" do ther really want be defended the way America usually "defend" their allies... Well, the most polite of them just spit in your face.
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Underlines the terrible mess the US is in along with its proxy hotch potch of EU clowns .

Unlikely the US will do much other than bluster, because it knows how badly it would fare with yet another certain humiliation .
Their Troops are not of a high enough experienced calibre and they will be dwarfed by a bigger and much better equipped Russian military .

Lose -Lose for NATO
As much as it pains me, you are likely correct. The Russians will be loading their guns while Americans are still putting their lipstick on.
Yes. As they defended them in Korea, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan and many other places.
What is even more important, if you actually ask those "victims" do ther really want be defended the way America usually "defend" their allies... Well, the most polite of them just spit in your face.
Not at all, but they do spit in Russia's. The 'grasping and thieving Ivans' they call you.

NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight RUSSIA: Alliance prepares for rapid deployment of American soldiers amid fears Moscow is plotting major war with Europe​

the old fear playbook. Don't forget the fear of trump is mixed into this also

Democrats require WW3, November is around the corner
Your friend's are not Ukrainians if they are not pro-Ukraine.
They live on the territory of Ukraine and Kievan regime consider them as citizens of Ukraine. Two of them, actually, registered are ethnic Ukrainians. You see - there are different things - to consider oneself as an Ukrainian (or, say, Californian), to support independence of Ukraine (or California), to support the current government of Ukraine (or California), or to support pro-NATO course of Ukraine (or pro-Chinese course of California).

There are plenty of people who believe that Californians are Americans, and there are plenty of people who believe that Ukrainians are Russians. And no, being pro-suicidal doesn't make someone being pro-Ukrainian. Quite contrary. Kievan regime is anti-Ukrainian because it sell Ukrainians as a cannon fodder. They exchange Ukrainian blood for American (and European) money. It doesn't seems to me as being "pro-Ukrainian".

Anyway. Who are you to lecture anybody who is true Ukrainian and who is not?
The thing is, Zavu, if they live in Ukraine they don't get to effect change by violence. End of story. Then can emigrate east if they want.
The thing is, Zavu, if they live in Ukraine they don't get to effect change by violence. End of story. Then can emigrate east if they want.
Really? The pro-western coup on Maidan was exactly the "change by violence", wasn't it? And NATO countries do support violence, by sending to pro-western Ukrainians money, weapons and soldiers. And no, my friends don't want to leave their houses. And even if they were ready to leave the country, Kievan regime don't allow them. And, of course, we can suggest to pro-western Ukrainians emigrate in Canada or Argentina. The thing they usually do, after being beaten by the Russians. Anyway, to feel safe I need to see military infrastructure of NATO returned at least to the borders of 1997. You can do it by yourself or we can use violence to remove it by force.
Ukrainian pilots in Russia will be paid a million dollars for stolen NATO F-16 fighter Telegram channel Fighterbomber says the aircraft must be airworthy
Pilots who hijacked F-16s are guaranteed anonymity, a safe flight corridor, and new residence permit documents to choose from.
Really? What a jesture of desperation... First of all, those virtual zeroes and ones in bank computers do nothing with the actual capability of weapon production. Second, if you are injecting additional money in the market, without increasing quantity of goods - you are just raising inflation. Third - you guys are destroying the very basis of your financial system, for who needs a banker who can just stole his money at any moment. And fourth - there definitely will be retaliation.
It's the way of the Empire, theft and looting.
Really? The pro-western coup on Maidan was exactly the "change by violence", wasn't it? And NATO countries do support violence, by sending to pro-western Ukrainians money, weapons and soldiers. And no, my friends don't want to leave their houses. And even if they were ready to leave the country, Kievan regime don't allow them. And, of course, we can suggest to pro-western Ukrainians emigrate in Canada or Argentina. The thing they usually do, after being beaten by the Russians. Anyway, to feel safe I need to see military infrastructure of NATO returned at least to the borders of 1997. You can do it by yourself or we can use violence to remove it by force.
The Ukis rule Ukraine, not the mindless Muscovy rats.

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