NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight RUSSIA: Alliance prepares for rapid deployment of American soldiers amid fears

NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight RUSSIA: Alliance prepares for rapid deployment of American soldiers amid fears Moscow is plotting major war with Europe​

the old fear playbook. Don't forget the fear of trump is mixed into this also

pray for America and world peace and prosperity
Lying to Russia since the 90s and ignoring its demands - US Senator on the causes of the conflict in Ukraine
To ensure our safety we need to return NATO's military infrastructure to, at least, borders of 1997. Poland have a choice - to disarm themselves (and live in peace with all their neighbors) or be disarmed by Russian Federation. But, if there is a war between Russia and Poland, we simply can't just destroy their country and leave it (as Americans usually do). It's the question of responsibility and our further safety. We'll at least, establish there Russian-friendly government, or, more likely, will grant to all survivors Russian citizenship and include Poland in Russian Federation.
So is this about turf, resources, or both Zav?

No he didn’t “attack” Ukraine. He is just part of the Deep State that destabilized it by overthrowing their democratically elected government in 2014 and installing a puppet regime, which then started a civil war and got Russia involved….which was their goal to begin with.

The same “think tanks” in DC pushed for every stupid war in the Middle East in order to “help” Israel. Turns out it had the exact opposite effect.

It’s amazing how all these “experts” have been wrong on nearly everything for decades when it comes to foreign policy and wars yet idiots like you keep supporting them no matter what.
Yes, American supported the change for good in Ukraine in 2014.
There is a very interesting scenario , if and when Russia crosses the Dneiper , when the whole of southern and west Ukraine is open for Moscow to take .
Namely , that west Ukraine is of arguable value to Russia ---- adds very little to GP , and will not be really wanted .
However , Odessa and that strip of southern coast to the Romanian border is of extreme importance .

Therefore , if Russia moves west it could do a deal with Poland and let it administer lands which it once owned ( Galicia) but be under some sort of Russian Military Governor operating in Kyiv but allowing a small Kyiv enclave almost full autonomy .

Interesting and appealing . From Moscow's perspective it could keep the Poles happy and broadly co-operative .

NATO would doubtless blow angry bubbles but could do little if anything to prevent it .
So is this about turf, resources, or both Zav?

First of all its about finishing NATO expansion and ending European security crisis on our terms. Second - it's about human (especially Russian) rights. And only third - about natural resources and their consumption in the EU.
And one more. If you wish, Sparky, you can call me Zeb. This version is more common in English-speaking countries.
Russia's needs and rights, since it is an aggressor nation, come very very distant to that of NATO and the US.

Russia is close to being a third world nation, and it will conduct itself as such if it wants to exist.
Russia's needs and rights, since it is an aggressor nation, come very very distant to that of NATO and the US.

Russia is close to being a third world nation, and it will conduct itself as such if it wants to exist.
As for me, I see the situation in the quite opposite way, if I may. Russia is the most powerful state on the planet (if we count in total megatonnage) and we are not going to tolerate the threats to our very existence.
If you just want to take Crimea and Novorussia - you will lose Alaska and California. If you join the EU demands of "decolonisation of Russia", we are going to "decolonize the North America". If you want to genocide Russians - we'll genocide you.
It's that simple.
Russia's needs and rights, since it is an aggressor nation, come very very distant to that of NATO and the US.

Russia is close to being a third world nation, and it will conduct itself as such if it wants to exist.
And no, Russia didn't fight any aggressive war in, at least, the last thousand years.
No, Russia's total megatonnage is offset by its third and four rate delivery systems.

Your weapons will be destroyed on the ground in Russia.
And no, Russia didn't fight any aggressive war in, at least, the last thousand years.
That's not so, and it does not matter.
No, Russia's total megatonnage is offset by its third and four rate delivery systems.
Actually, Russia have the best delivery systems in the world.

Your weapons will be destroyed on the ground in Russia.
You wish. You have no credible first strike capability and to do not allow you to achieve this capability, we are fighting now. And that's why we'll attack first in the tension situation.

That's not so, and it does not matter.
You said that Russia is aggressor and it's simply not true.
No, Russia's total megatonnage is offset by its third and four rate delivery systems.

Your weapons will be destroyed on the ground in Russia.

That's not so, and it does not matter.

Horsey Horse just making random assertions as usual .

Has no inkling that he is uninformed and a rather simple Denier
Really? Even wishful-thinking and overoptimistic nuclear atomic bulletin can't agree with you.


And no. It's not the question how many nukes the USA have during peace. The real questions are how many of them will survive our nuclear attack, how many of them will be able to overwhelm our ABD and how effective will be our measures of civil defense.
And the answers for those questions allow us to discuss another question - what will you prefer - to leave your ally or to fight a nuclear war. And practice clearly demonstrate what are you actually doing in the tension situation.
The G7 is going to use the profits from frozen Russian accounts to fund the Ukranian war effort. This makes a lot of sense.

G7 leaders agree to loan Ukraine money backed by profits from frozen Russian investments as Biden pledges US support​

Story by Betsy Klein and Michael Williams, CNN
Group of Seven leaders have reached an agreement to loan money to Ukraine backed by the profits from frozen Russian investments, a senior administration official confirmed Thursday.

The United States and its G7 contemporaries have placed a high value on showing their support for Ukraine during this year’s summit, which is taking place in Italy. While Ukraine is not a G7 member, its president, Volodymyr Zelensky, attended the summit and participated in a Thursday evening joint news conference with Biden.

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