NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight RUSSIA: Alliance prepares for rapid deployment of American soldiers amid fears

The UAF is losing up 2000 men a day whereas quite recently and for some time it was only around 700 to 1000 a day .
It is a slaughter house .

The only reason there is talk of increasing NATO troops is that the UAF has run out of men and the few reserves are untrained and near useless .
You should have known this when they started putting women into the front line .
Quite unbelievable .

Horsey Horse is demented . He has no clue about anything happening and just posts garbage because he is probably lonely and depressed .
He is still lost in Bakhmut and still recounting stories of the UAF capturing abandoned villages and then being slaughtered by Russians from higher and better defended positions .
America's contender for the Turdy Tithead Challenge Cup for foreigners.
I enjoyed the use of your words. Thank you.
The pleasure is all mine.
But anyway. You Americans are so obsessed with the role of institutions over the personality in your country, and, simultaneously deny that role in the foreign countries, why? Yes, America have it's "deep state", but Russia do have "deep nation".
The President of Finland has said that Russia "invaded" his country during World War II.
Before assuming the presidency, it would be a good idea to take a high school history course. Just for the record. So as not to embarrass yourself.
By the way, for some reason he forgot to mention the siege of Leningrad and the participation of the Finns in it.
The President of Finland has said that Russia "invaded" his country during World War II.
Before assuming the presidency, it would be a good idea to take a high school history course. Just for the record. So as not to embarrass yourself.
By the way, for some reason he forgot to mention the siege of Leningrad and the participation of the Finns in it.

Nazism is the ideology of hate and lie. No surprise.
The pleasure is all mine.
But anyway. You Americans are so obsessed with the role of institutions over the personality in your country, and, simultaneously deny that role in the foreign countries, why? Yes, America have it's "deep state", but Russia do have "deep nation".
Go do as the Russians do, we do as the Americans do. And, oh, yes, from Mongols to Normas, Russia is a deep nation.
The President of Finland has said that Russia "invaded" his country during World War II.
Before assuming the presidency, it would be a good idea to take a high school history course. Just for the record. So as not to embarrass yourself.
By the way, for some reason he forgot to mention the siege of Leningrad and the participation of the Finns in it.

Russia did invade Finland in 1939 (Nov) to March 1940.
Russia did invade Finland in 1939 (Nov) to March 1940.
First of all, Winter war was a self-defense for the Russians. Second, Winter war was not a part of WWII. Finns themselves many times emphasised that their war was independent from German's as if they were not "allies" with the Krauts, but merely "cooperated with them". That's why Finland was not occupied by the Soviets after WWII.
Anyway, if they now rewrite the history in this way, it means that Finns in pre-WWIII period are even more stupid than they were in pre-WWII period. And this means, that there will be no independent Finland in post-WWIII world order.
First of all, Winter war was a self-defense for the Russians. Second, Winter war was not a part of WWII. Finns themselves many times emphasised that their war was independent from German's as if they were not "allies" with the Krauts, but merely "cooperated with them". That's why Finland was not occupied by the Soviets after WWII.
Anyway, if they now rewrite the history in this way, it means that Finns in pre-WWIII period are even more stupid than they were in pre-WWII period. And this means, that there will be no independent Finland in post-WWIII world order.
Russia allowed Finland to exist after WW2 as long as they were neutral, that went well didn't it?
First of all, Winter war was a self-defense for the Russians. Second, Winter war was not a part of WWII. Finns themselves many times emphasised that their war was independent from German's as if they were not "allies" with the Krauts, but merely "cooperated with them". That's why Finland was not occupied by the Soviets after WWII.
Anyway, if they now rewrite the history in this way, it means that Finns in pre-WWIII period are even more stupid than they were in pre-WWII period. And this means, that there will be no independent Finland in post-WWIII world order.
It happened during WWII, yes, and, no, there was no "self-defense" for tiny Russia against gigantic Finland.

You Muscovyites will not be allowed to revise WWII history. You will subside and abide by what the West wants.
It happened during WWII, yes, and, no, there was no "self-defense" for tiny Russia against gigantic Finland.
Of course it was self-defense. As well as Ukraine now, Finland was a proxy for Western countries. And it was Finland, who started shooting at the border (including Mainila incident).
And no, it happened during WWII, but this conflict was not a part of WWII. At least officially.

You Muscovyites will not be allowed to revise WWII history. You will subside and abide by what the West wants.
Is it really what do you want? That's why we shouldn't lose that war. Not only for ourselves, but for the whole world, including the USA. Otherwise, the resurrection of Nazism will destroy not only Europe, Asia and Africa, but America, too.

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