Immigration/Invasion is War

Appealing to ignorance of the law like usual but blaming the less fortunate for being illegal?

How Right Wing of y'all.

We should be upgrading Angel and Ellis Islands.
People know if they entered the country, intending to live here, with the full knowledge and blessings of the government or if they came in like rats in the night, trying to avoid detection and our laws, setting up a long future living as outlaws and ignoring all laws.

What an example they set for their children and what a burden they place on them.
Appealing to ignorance of the law like usual but blaming the less fortunate for being illegal?

How Right Wing of y'all.

We should be upgrading Angel and Ellis Islands.
People know if they entered the country, intending to live here, with the full knowledge and blessings of the government or if they came in like rats in the night, trying to avoid detection and our laws, setting up a long future living as outlaws and ignoring all laws.

What an example they set for their children and what a burden they place on them.
lol. Still appealing to ignorance of the law but blaming the less fortunate. There is a Religious technical term for that. Job 34:30 applies.
I "blame the less fortunate" only to the degree they ignore the laws and homes of other people, i.e. this country, as they boldly and shamelessly move in to places they have no right to be.
They take what is not theirs through many loopholes in law, among other things.
Q: Does the IRS pay billions in tax refunds to workers who are in the U.S. illegally?

A: Yes. The Treasury Department’s Inspector General determined that $4.2 billion was paid in 2010, up from less than $1 billion in 2005. Leading Democrats are resisting a bill that would stop future payments.

You can shed your crocodile tears if you want. It's all bullshit.

Let these people blame their own ancestors who had every right to enter and reside in the new Texas territory and gain all the benefits, and responsibilities, of citizenship in the U.S. I would love to emigrate to New Zealand but cannot.

You are a whiny one issue loser who pumps out the same lies over and over again. With all due respect, fuck off with your monotonous drivel.
I "blame the less fortunate" only to the degree they ignore the laws and homes of other people, i.e. this country, as they boldly and shamelessly move in to places they have no right to be.
They take what is not theirs through many loopholes in law, among other things.
Q: Does the IRS pay billions in tax refunds to workers who are in the U.S. illegally?

A: Yes. The Treasury Department’s Inspector General determined that $4.2 billion was paid in 2010, up from less than $1 billion in 2005. Leading Democrats are resisting a bill that would stop future payments.

You can shed your crocodile tears if you want. It's all bullshit.

Let these people blame their own ancestors who had every right to enter and reside in the new Texas territory and gain all the benefits, and responsibilities, of citizenship in the U.S. I would love to emigrate to New Zealand but cannot.

You are a whiny one issue loser who pumps out the same lies over and over again. With all due respect, fuck off with your monotonous drivel.
You have nothing but appeals to bigotry and ignorance of express law. Only illegals don't care about the law. Show us the Express and Written social Power over the Whole and Entire concept of Immigration in our federal Constitution. Job 34:30 applies, right wingers. You all only the "hate on the Poor" because they are worth-less under our form of Capitalism.

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