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Immigration Policies



How can we ever have homeland security with our current immigration, or lack of thereof, policy.

When my parents can here from Europe in the early 50's, first of all there was a quota on the number of people from different countries who could come here, and by the way you could not be pregnant. Then you needed a sponser, who was responsible for you, till you became a citizen. You were required to take a test and report to the post office every two weeks. If you did not comply they came and deported you. Compare this to todays joke of a system, where we do not even know who is here.

While I'm on a role, let me not stop here. My parents learned english in a very short time, which they taught me, not their native languages. The schools I went to did not have teach in different languages, just plain old english ! Mom & Dad were working within 3 days, and paying taxes, after they arrived here. They found a way to overcome obstacles, like language in the begining, they did not go on welfare, have 20 kids, send their money back to Europe, and become a fly on the american taxpayers a??. I have been working since I was 17 years old, paying taxes, and hopefully being a productive citizen. I resent having to foot the bill for some mexican who walks across the boarder broke, pregnant, and ready for some good old American welfare. Let me say I have nothing against helping Americans who need help, in fact I think we should give more to the people who truely need it, like the elderly, disabled, our vets, etc . Most of these people who played it straight live a substandard existence because the monies are spread so thin, feeding the illegals, cheaters, and the just plain old LAZY.

By the way did you guys read or see that the families of some of the mexicans crossing our lovely southern boarder, are suing the US govt. because their loved ones died of dehydration crossing our deserts. They claim the govt. should have installing drinking fountains to prevent this. Maybe I'm a little hard core but I think we should have installed 50 caliber machine guns instead. I also saw on Fox News a congressman who described an incident where the mexican army escorted illegals across the boarder and when confronted by boarder patrol fired weapons at them. HOW is this tolerated? How is this Homeland security?

Whew! Thats enough to ge you worked UP, better take a valium. Only kidding.
hahahahah, great post eric - I don't think anyone here is against this post. We all think this way. In NJ, there is a town called Perth Amboy, you might know it. They now have schools strictly for Pureto Ricans, no need to learn English, they only speak Spanish. My Son's school teaches them spanish starting at 2nd grade, and it's mandatory. Maybe good to have a 2nd language, but I think 2nd grade is tough being they are still learning the correct English way. We all had to learn ENGLISH. Today it's just too easy. What bothers me more, let an immigrant come here, and we pay for it, they pay no taxes, we do, they get right on line at the unemployment line, and we pay for this too! Everything handed to them. Kids are lined up in hospitals that have been here, americans, in hopes for a new kidney, heart, liver, etc.. and they wait and wait, then you have one poor little mexican girl who comes here and snags that away from a kid that has been waiting, doesn't take to her, so useless organ that might have been good for another kid, so she dies, and probably so does the kid that has been waiting here. How can this Country allow OUR children to suffer and yet cater to another Country??? and water fountains! hahahaha! what a joke. They want to illegally cross, then if you can't make it, tough! suffer from no water. How dare they ask this. Behind you 100% on this eric. Makes me sick!!!!!!
I agree completely.

More stuff that will nauseate you : Did you know that in California an Illegal Alien can acquire a driver's license? The voters voted to make that illegal, but a judge blocked it.

Also, in NY, authorities are prohibited from contacting the Immigration authorities when they become aware that someone is here illegally. The angle behind this, of course, is to gain support in the respective ethnic groups.

That's enough to piss off the Pope.
Eric..very nice post. These are the things that truly make me want to run for office. I know...but I think I would be a damn good president. Start taking this country back!! You guys can be my advisors. Janeen, you can be my Monica!! LOL
We all came from another country...but our ancestors came here to work and live a productive life.
Shockingly, I think we're all in agreement here, there is certainly an American culture and way of life and if you don't like that way of life, don't come here.

But, NT...

That's enough to piss off the Pope.
I dunno about that. Kiddie-rape wasn't enough to piss off the Pope. I'm pretty sure advanced senility pretty much negates getting pissed off about anything, save for the little "surprises" between changings. :D
and I decided to give it a shot. IMO, illegal immigration is another corporate subsidy. You think they actually care for these people? They don't care for you or I, why would they care for illegal aliens?

They only care about the corporations funding their campaigns.

After being ignored by my congressman in the ONLY time I have ever(in 41 years) approached any elected official I decided to run for office.

In short, 20 of us Americans in the IT department were ordered to train our foreign replacement workers, Tata Consulting India employees, holders of congressionally sanctioned H-1b and L-1 work visas.

After 5 months of "honorable this" and honorable that, I came to the conclusion that Rep. John Mica was the enemy.

I used the facts and the truth to rip him a new one. For months, virtually every night I'd email media telling our story and his utter neglect. And I'd BLINDCC his chief of staff. That got notice in DC. :D

His chief of staff wrote me stating what I had done was "unprecendented". Maybe so, but what they have done is status quo and I don't like it one bit.

Email addresses for staff workers work like this:

For the house it's FirstName DOT LastName @ mail.house.gov

For the Senate it's FirstName UnderScore LastName @senatorname.senate.gov

Congress.org lists staff worker names.

My goal is to make it to Oct 2004. I just want to sit next to Mica in a debate. If I make it there, that will be another unprecedented event.
Great post, Eric.

My sister-in-law teaches ESL for extra $$$ and does classes during for workers at local hospitals, during their working hours .

So they get a job without speaking the language, and then get paid for learning the language instead of working ... and the classes are FREE to the workers.

Also ... I heard on the news today that Social Security benefit payments are being sent to Mexico ? Sorry ... didn't hear the whole story ... but is that the first step in the new SS reform ? :lol:

Whattacrock !

Edited To Add: A link to a news article that explains this new perqu for illegal immigration:

echoecho, i also heard on the news yesterday that SS was being sent south. But what shocked me the most yesterday was that the DoD was giving amnesty to illegals.

Oh well, just more continuation of our screwed up immigration system. As I recall, one of the 9/11 hijackers received his papers to make him a citizen in the mail after he had crashed a plane into the WTC!!!!
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
Oh well, just more continuation of our screwed up immigration system. As I recall, one of the 9/11 hijackers received his papers to make him a citizen in the mail after he had crashed a plane into the WTC!!!!

Wow, is that true? I seriously hope they learned from these incidents. And I agree, our immigration policy is royally screwed up.
Originally posted by echoecho
Great post, Eric.

Also ... I heard on the news today that Social Security benefit payments are being sent to Mexico ? Sorry ... didn't hear the whole story ... but is that the first step in the new SS reform ? :lol:

Whattacrock !

Edited To Add: A link to a news article that explains this new perqu for illegal immigration:

This law is perhaps the most ridiculous and frightening piece of legislation I have ever seen. What kind of failed logic could possibly think this one up? And who in their right mind would think even illegal immigrants should get one red cent from our coffers.

If this law is enacted I sure hope it requires Mexico/Mexicans and their ex pats to refund all the money we spend on illegal immigrants and defending illegal immigration because I am positive that will outweight any benefit they could get this way.
what happened with the post 9/11 thing was that supposedly a hijacker had received an extension on a visa.

yeah that was what it was. It was definitely real too. It was all over MSNBC, FOX, CNN, and throughout all of the newspapers.
How can we ever have homeland security with our current immigration, or lack of thereof, policy.

When my parents can here from Europe in the early 50's, first of all there was a quota on the number of people from different countries who could come here, and by the way you could not be pregnant. Then you needed a sponser, who was responsible for you, till you became a citizen. You were required to take a test and report to the post office every two weeks. If you did not comply they came and deported you. Compare this to todays joke of a system, where we do not even know who is here.

While I'm on a role, let me not stop here. My parents learned english in a very short time, which they taught me, not their native languages. The schools I went to did not have teach in different languages, just plain old english ! Mom & Dad were working within 3 days, and paying taxes, after they arrived here. They found a way to overcome obstacles, like language in the begining, they did not go on welfare, have 20 kids, send their money back to Europe, and become a fly on the american taxpayers a??. I have been working since I was 17 years old, paying taxes, and hopefully being a productive citizen. I resent having to foot the bill for some mexican who walks across the boarder broke, pregnant, and ready for some good old American welfare. Let me say I have nothing against helping Americans who need help, in fact I think we should give more to the people who truely need it, like the elderly, disabled, our vets, etc . Most of these people who played it straight live a substandard existence because the monies are spread so thin, feeding the illegals, cheaters, and the just plain old LAZY.

By the way did you guys read or see that the families of some of the mexicans crossing our lovely southern boarder, are suing the US govt. because their loved ones died of dehydration crossing our deserts. They claim the govt. should have installing drinking fountains to prevent this. Maybe I'm a little hard core but I think we should have installed 50 caliber machine guns instead. I also saw on Fox News a congressman who described an incident where the mexican army escorted illegals across the boarder and when confronted by boarder patrol fired weapons at them. HOW is this tolerated? How is this Homeland security?

Whew! Thats enough to ge you worked UP, better take a valium. Only kidding.

I rated your post "WINNER" because almost everything you said I experienced myself.

Left Hungary in 1957, after it was clear that because I bore arms against the communists I HAD NO OTHER RECOURSE.
My greatest wish was to go to America, alas, the quota for Hungarians was filled by those who were lucky enough to get in the line ahead of me. I was seventeen years old at the time and I was without the support of parents.

I ended up in Canada, and in retrospect I have no regret not waiting on refugee camp in Austria until such time as America would accept a young foot soldier who put his life on the line fighting communists. Now I know that if President Eisenhower had been as "pen and phone" happy as Obama, he would/could/should have issued an executive order to accommodate and make possible my immigration into America.

I learned English. I worked in bush cutting lumber, worked in the mines and never had a day off work until I enrolled in high school as an adult student to earn my high school diploma. I worked my way up from the factory floor to be a self-taught computer programmer to such degree that the company's head office in Akron invited me to work there, with apartment, vehicle and food paid for. I resisted to immigrate to America at this time because by then I was a relatively happy Canadian with a Canadian wife and two Canadian children, so I just commuted weekly, crossing the border about 300 times in six years.

The border I crossed from Hungary to Austria in 1956 had no wall, but it had had mine fields, barbed wire, watch towers every 200 yards manned with soldiers ordered to shoot and ask question later, before - due to international pressure and changes in politics - the mine fields had been cleared and the barbed wire fence removed but the soldiers were still there, albeit with less enthusiasm to shoot. If you remember that border I am referring to was known as the Iron Curtain, with extremely few people crossing it either way.
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