Immigration Reform And Control Act Of 1986 Is Law Of The Land


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

The illegal "Hiring" of Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals is a huge problem in America that is only getting worse, as unscrupulous employers pick around American Workers to increase the bottom line. I read most every Topic in this USMB Illegal Immigration Forum and quite frankly am appalled at the obvious Open Border Lobby Disinformation Propaganda coming from many members. Here are the facts about the Illegal Alien Invasion as they appear today:

The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Wiki) is the Law of the Land. Congress passsed tough measures against aiding and abetting and harboring and hiring Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals in order to give away Illegal Amnesty to more than a million Illegal Aliens 'and' under the strict condition that we NEVER do this again. In fact, the Law says that anyone assisting an Illegal Alien obtain the appearance of legal working status is guilty of a 5-year felony 'and' that includes your elected officials in Washington, D.C..

Anyone in America that is 'aiding and abetting' Illegal Aliens is committing A CRIME right now, under the provisions of The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Simply harboring Illegal Aliens right now in the USA is A CRIME. Hiring Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals goes FAR beyond Immigration Reform, which comes under the heading of "Employment Laws" that limit the activities of American EMPLOYERS. Renting out property or ANYTHING to Illegal Aliens is aiding and harboring, which is A CRIME right now under current Federal Law. Giving away driver's licenses and ANY benefits to Illegal Aliens is aiding Illegal Aliens and giving them the appearance of legal working status, which is a CRIME right now under Federal Law.

The new Arizona Law mirrors Federal Law, even though the Obama Administration is turning a blind eye and refusing to ENFORCE perfectly good Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws already on the books. Arizona Lawmakers should have brought suit against the Federal Government for refusing to enforce our Laws, before ever signing the new Arizona Bill into Law. That would force the out-of-control Obama Administration into using resources to defend the 'non-enforcement policy,' which justifies State Level Enforcement of 'those same Laws' already on the books. Jan Brewer appears to have the cart in front of the horse on this issue, but we shall see ...

Here is where the rubber meets the road on this Illegal Immigration Topic and all of the Illegal HIRING of Illegal Aliens that is going on:

1. Congress and the corrupt Obama Administration have no credibility in the 'enforcement' department concerning our perfectly good Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws.

2. There is NOTHING that the Open Border Lobby Idiots in Washington D.C. can give us in exchange for Illegal Amnesty of 20 MILLION Illegal Aliens that we do not already have in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986!!!

3. When you hear the Open Border Lobby catch phrase "Comprehensive Immigration Reform," then translate that Disinformation Propaganda into "Comprehensive Enforcement Of The Rule Of Law."

Congress was willing to give away comprehensive amnesty to more than a million Illegal Aliens in 1986 with the understanding that the same Congress would give Congressional Oversight to any and all Federal Administrations responsible for ENFORCING THOSE LAWS. However, your corrupt Congress has an 11 percent approval rating, because they are all in the pocket of the Open Border Lobby and Corporate Elites using their 20 Million Illegal Aliens as a 20-Million-Man Illegal Alien Labor Pool.

We The People must force the corrupt Congress into seeing our perfectly good Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws ENFORCED for many years, before they ever have the chance to regain their credibility.


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List of United States immigration legislation

The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 granted amnesty to illegal immigrants who had been in the United States before 1982 but made it a crime to hire an illegal immigrant.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (or Hart-Cellar Act) discontinued quotas based on national origin, while preference given to those who have U.S. relatives. For the first time Mexican immigration was restricted.

List of United States immigration legislation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There never should have been uncontrolled unlimited mass illegal immigration of Mexicans.
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Station troops along the entire length of the border. Period.

If it was only that easy IndependentBear... Unfortunately, our military is already spread too thin because they're stationed all over the rest of the world policing other countries borders in the interest of our Federal Government's twisted agenda(whatever the hell that may be... maybe global domination).
Station troops along the entire length of the border. Period.

If it was only that easy IndependentBear... Unfortunately, our military is already spread too thin because they're stationed all over the rest of the world policing other countries borders in the interest of our Federal Government's twisted agenda(whatever the hell that may be... maybe global domination).

Hire the Mexican drug cartels to thin out the population of Mexico. They're doing a pretty good job of it now!
Station troops along the entire length of the border. Period.

If it was only that easy IndependentBear... Unfortunately, our military is already spread too thin because they're stationed all over the rest of the world policing other countries borders in the interest of our Federal Government's twisted agenda(whatever the hell that may be... maybe global domination).

Hire the Mexican drug cartels to thin out the population of Mexico. They're doing a pretty good job of it now!

Well I'd say those that purchase narcotics in our country are already paying them for the bloodshed down there.
Hi Bear:

Station troops along the entire length of the border. Period.

Bear is a victim of too much Open Border Lobby Disinformation Propaganda! The USA needs 'no' Comprehensive Immigration Reform and we need 'no' more people on the border!!! The USA desperately needs someone to start 'enforcing' our perfectly good Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws already on the books. Enforcement of our laws begin AT THE WORKPLACE and not at the border.

About 40 percent of all Illegal Aliens in the USA came here 'legally' using one kind of visa or another (students, guest workers, etc.). There is no sense in putting more people on the border, when you allow Illegal Aliens to continue working 'illegally' inside our borders. You must enforced our laws against 'Americans HIRING the Illegals' and they will find their own way back home ...


Hi Bear:

Station troops along the entire length of the border. Period.

Bear is a victim of too much Open Border Lobby Disinformation Propaganda! The USA needs 'no' Comprehensive Immigration Reform and we need 'no' more people on the border!!! The USA desperately needs someone to start 'enforcing' our perfectly good Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws already on the books. Enforcement of our laws begin AT THE WORKPLACE and not at the border.

About 40 percent of all Illegal Aliens in the USA came here 'legally' using one kind of visa or another (students, guest workers, etc.). There is no sense in putting more people on the border, when you allow Illegal Aliens to continue working 'illegally' inside our borders. You must enforced our laws against 'Americans HIRING the Illegals' and they will find their own way back home ...


Wow! I'm actually agreeing with Terral! :lol:

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