Immigration Reform Fuzzy Math.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Immigration Reform Fuzzy Math.

MSNBC, amnesty supporter, ran an ad this morning claiming fixing our broken immigration system will grow the economy. How is granting amnesty to 11 million low wage earners and the welfare dependent Americans born children and chain migration of their families, especially the elderly and disabled who will take more out of the system and not having contributed to the system grow our economy? With 11 million illegal aliens in the country and less than 8 million in the low wage earning work force only an idiot would say it would grow the economy. With 11 million illegal aliens in this country and a $17 trillion debt is proof immigration does not grow the economy and pay down the deficit. When people do not pay their bills, for their healthcare and dependent on food stamps. Subsidized housing they create a national debt. The reason Mexico’s economy is growing is because we have all their poverty. Most working people are in poverty and poverty do not grow the economy.

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