Immigration reform?


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Powell announced today that revamping the immigration laws is a high priority. Talks with Mexico begin. "President Bush proposed in January that millions of illegal aliens, mostly Mexicans, be allowed to gain legal status for an initial three-year period if they can prove they have jobs in the United States. " "Mexican political analysts say Mexico might be willing to cooperate more closely with the United States on security in exchange for a deal on immigration."

Is this going to lead to some form of quasi-amnesty? Are Americans, especially those along the border, going to accept this? Proposition 200 that just passed in Arizona indicates that they want immigration enforcement. It was a measure to tighten up existing laws regarding illegal immigration and it passed with 56% of the vote.
Yep, Bush is going to give illegals already in country amnesty, I predicted this. Its really the only viable solution to the problem.
OCA said:
Yep, Bush is going to give illegals already in country amnesty, I predicted this. Its really the only viable solution to the problem.

I just hope he at least charges them for it. A "fine" or something. Thus allowing those who came here legally not feel like they were just stupid and could have come here long before their long wait.

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