IMMINENT: 17 Gitmo combatants about to be released


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Nice going Obama, you're the best player on their team.

Source: 'Al Qaeda followers' among 17 being transferred from Gitmo

The group of 17 detainees expected to be transferred out of Guantanamo Bay as early as this week includes “multiple bad guys” and “Al Qaeda followers,” a source who has reviewed the list told Fox News.

Little is known publicly about which prisoners are being prepared for transfer, but the Obama administration has notified Congress it plans to ship out 17 detainees – some of whom could be transferred within days.

While the identities of the men are closely held, the source who spoke with Fox News said it includes “multiple bad guys … not taxi drivers and cooks.”

This is a reference to the administration’s transfer of Ibrahim al Qosi to Sudan in 2012. Despite entering a “re-integration program,” the one-time cook for Usama bin Laden has now fled to Yemen, where he is among the leadership of Al Qaeda in Yemen. That transfer is now said to be a source of considerable heartburn for the Obama administration.

As for those on the docket for immediate transfer, the source told Fox News the administration will not identify the detainees until they are relocated in their new home countries -- because knowing who they are in advance would create further roadblocks and increase the controversy.

Multiple countries have agreed to take the men, in small groups, and the source said some of the countries were so-called first timers -- a reference to the fact those countries had not taken Guantanamo detainees in the past.

The move to clear out 17 detainees is seen as part of the administration’s long-term plan to ultimately shutter the detention camp.

The transfer of 17 prisoners would bring the number of detainees left down to 90 – the bulk of whom cannot be transferred to another country.

Many in Congress, though, fiercely oppose any plan to bring those detainees to the U.S.

President Obama in his year-end news conference justified the closure of the detention camp, claiming “Guantanamo continues to be one of the key magnets for jihadi recruitment.” But the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI, which tracks jihadist propaganda, said that terrorist groups have moved on from using Guantanamo in their recruitment efforts.

“The topic of Guantanamo prisoners appeared rather frequently in Al-Qaeda's propaganda in past years,” MEMRI’s Eliot Zweig said. “However, the topic has received little to no attention in the last year or two ... Gitmo hasn’t received much attention in official ISIS releases.”

Source: 'Al Qaeda followers' among 17 being transferred from Gitmo | Fox News
Glad to see GITMO finally being emptied.

Hope the pilot returning them to the Mideast takes the scenic route...

It's a Legacy thing to Obama. He wants his Legacy to say see I closed Gitmo. He doesn't care the damage done by doing so.

Only the hard core remain, and they will return to fight and possibly kill Americans.....Obama is PATHETIC.
I am no fan of Pres Obama.

But I applaud him for freeing these innocent men who have never been charged with a crime or had a trial. ...... :cool:
Actually, the entire situation was regretable...

Since they were caught on the battlefield (out of uniform), our troops should have just gone by the terms of the Geneva Conventions and summarily put a bullet in their heads...

Problem solved...
I am no fan of Pres Obama.

But I applaud him for freeing these innocent men who have never been charged with a crime or had a trial. ...... :cool:
Actually, the entire situation was regretable...

Since they were caught on the battlefield (out of uniform), our troops should have just gone by the terms of the Geneva Conventions and summarily put a bullet in their heads...

Problem solved...
Take no prisoners..............which wouldn't give the Liberals the chance to say READ THEM THEIR RIGHTS...............

Perhaps they can be air dropped back home without a parachute.
I am no fan of Pres Obama.

But I applaud him for freeing these innocent men who have never been charged with a crime or had a trial. ...... :cool:
Actually, the entire situation was regretable...

Since they were caught on the battlefield (out of uniform), our troops should have just gone by the terms of the Geneva Conventions and summarily put a bullet in their heads...

Problem solved...
Take no prisoners..............which wouldn't give the Liberals the chance to say READ THEM THEIR RIGHTS...............

Perhaps they can be air dropped back home without a parachute.
I personally agree with "free flying lessons", just like Hillary and Obama's buddies in ISIS give homosexuals...

Maybe one day the Libs will start to wake up... Or be the first to die if the Muzzies take over!!!
DNI: 'Confirmed' That 116 Former Gitmo Detainees Returned to Terror or Insurgencies; If More Are Released More Will

As of Jan. 15, according to the DNI's report, 647 detainees had been "transferred" from Guantanamo. Of these, 116 (or 17.9 percent) were confirmed to have reengaged in terrorist or insurgent activities and another 69 (or 10.7 percent) were suspected of having reengaged.

Together, 185 (or 28.6 percent) of the 647 released Guantanamo detainees were either confirmed or suspected of reengaging in terrorism or insurgent activities.
Spoken like a true terrorist supporter!!!
How can praising our wonderful leader be seen as supporting terrorism. ...... :confused-84:

He supports the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization), and is a big supporter of Iran (a rogue nation that funds terrorists and helped kill most of our troops that died in Iraq)....

And don't forget that he helped arm Al Qaeda and ISIS through that little gun-running operation out of Libya...

But maybe you can talk to the Egyptians, since they have Obozo' s buddy Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood cohorts under death sentences for terrorism!!!
OP is lying. They're not being "released".

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He has made his bed in closing your hero as he releases the worst of the worst from there. Perhaps he'll get some Cuban Cigars out of the deal.
Gitmo’s Revolving Door

A British man who was detained at Guantanamo Bay, freed and then given a $1.5 million settlement by his government has reportedly rejoined Islamic State terrorists anyway.

More evidence, it seems, that many released captives pose an ongoing threat to security, even as President Obama attempts to shutter the facility and burnish his legacy.

U.S. military documents released Jan. 15 by the director of military intelligence showed that 647 detainees had been transferred out of Gitmo. Of those, 116, or 17.9 percent, were “confirmed of re-engaging,” and another 69 were suspected of doing so. Combined, that’s nearly 30 percent.
Obama and his minions are going to release 17 Gitmo combatants and at the same time they are plotting to relieve you of your guns. All the while screaming this is what is best for the people of the United States.
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