IMMINENT: 17 Gitmo combatants about to be released

Shows legislation in 2006 later challenged by SCOTUS as you referred..................Of course at that time everyone was screaming bloody murder over what happened at abu over there..........................

enemy combatants versus POW's..................splitting LEGAL a WAR.............

The military doesn't recognize them as prisoners of war. Neither does the US government. Nor the US law.

Who, other than you, citing yourself, recognizes the Guantanamo prisoners as 'prisoners of war'?
Again, because of the Legal BS..........................enemies captured on the battlefield have always been prisoners of WAR..............until someone decided to change the danged name of what they are................

All to suppress people like you..............and the ACLU...................demanding trials with evidence from the battlefield...........LOL

Moronic at best.

Says you citing yourself. You may be willing to use you citing you as a basis to wipe your ass with the law, the constitution and our values.

But I'm not. As your personal opinion has no relevance to the status of these men. And you arbitrarily 'declaring' them prisoners of war has no more relevance than you 'declaring' them Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepsstakes winners.

And it certainly doesn't form any basis for their imprisonment for 10 YEARS with no charges or convictions.
I could care less.....................they are enemies of my country............Release them back to the battlefield will cost us lives..................

These aren't prisoners of war. The only one saying they are is you citing yourself.

The US government, the folks that captured them and jails them to this day says they're NOT prisoners of war.

You lose.
So designated as your side demanded trials in the United States for Non citizens....................SPLITTING HAIR ambulance chasers trying to find LOOP HOLES to free them...............

And who, other than you citing you, recognizes them as prisoners of war?

Remembering of course that you're nobody. And your personal opinion has no relevance to their status under the constitution or any law.
I will continue to state my opinions.............

Yeah, but your opinion have jack shit to do with the status of any prisoner. As our laws aren't based on your opinions. Nor is our constitution.

So, who other than you citing yourself recognizes these men are 'prisoners of war'?

Say it with me......"Nobody."
I don't fucking care buddy...............You will get people killed by your DEMANDS..................and the rules were changed as was the name enemy combatants to put a damned pacifier in the mouth of people like you.........

Release them.................the blood of those they kill is on your hands................NOT MINE.

I know you don't care. Not about laws. Not about our constitution. Not about values. And its that kind of spectacular disregard for everything we stand for and claim we believe that has become one of the most effective recruiting tools our enemies have ever seen.

779 prisoners at Guantanamo compared with the 100,000 militants after using using Guantanamo as a recruiting tool.

I think our constitution, our laws and our values are worth far more you do
. Nor does giving our enemies the capacity to recruit thousands of additional militants using our hypocrisy as a recruiting tool makes our soldiers 'safer'. But quite the opposite.

The stupidity of Guantanamo is making our solders LESS safe. By minting new militants trying to kill them.
So designated as your side demanded trials in the United States for Non citizens....................SPLITTING HAIR ambulance chasers trying to find LOOP HOLES to free them...............

And who, other than you citing you, recognizes them as prisoners of war?

Remembering of course that you're nobody. And your personal opinion has no relevance to their status under the constitution or any law.
I will continue to state my opinions.............

Yeah, but your opinion have jack shit to do with the status of any prisoner. As our laws aren't based on your opinions. Nor is our constitution.

So, who other than you citing yourself recognizes these men are 'prisoners of war'?

Say it with me......"Nobody."
I don't fucking care buddy...............You will get people killed by your DEMANDS..................and the rules were changed as was the name enemy combatants to put a damned pacifier in the mouth of people like you.........

Release them.................the blood of those they kill is on your hands................NOT MINE.

I know you don't care. Not about laws. Not about our constitution. Not about values. And its that kind of spectacular disregard for everything we stand for and claim we believe that has become one of the most effective recruiting tools our enemies have ever seen.

779 prisoners at Guantanamo compared with the 100,000 militants after using using Guantanamo as a recruiting tool.

I think our constitution, our laws and our values are worth far more you do
. Nor does giving our enemies the capacity to recruit thousands of additional militants using our hypocrisy as a recruiting tool makes our soldiers 'safer'. But quite the opposite.

The stupidity of Guantanamo is making our solders LESS safe. By minting new militants trying to kill them.
I could care less.........they have been killing since the 6th century long before we were even a nation..........

You let them go they will kill again..........PERIOD.............and you don't care...........

You will release them and get our people killed...........bottom line..............TO BE NOBLE...............LOL

Me and you are done with this conservation..............cry to someone else on how evil I am for not wanting to release the enemy.
Terrorist Detention: More Lunacy and Lies From Ron and Rand Paul

Even if you had a nuclear weapon and were plotting to destroy the U.S. government, you would still not qualify as an enemy combatant under sections 1031 and 1032, if you had no connection to al-Qaeda. During the past decade only four American citizens have been able to meet this strict definition of "enemy combatant." The most infamous of these four is Jose Padilla, an American citizen who changed his name and was also known as Abdullah al-Muhajir. He was plotting a radiological "dirty bomb" attack on Chicago.

  • He went to Afghanistan and Iraq and was trained by the Taliban and al-Qaeda in the construction of dirty bombs. President Bush ordered him held as an enemy combatant because he was "closely associated with al Qaeda." After four years it was determined he no longer had any useful additional information on al-Qaeda, and his case was transferred to the fourth circuit court of appeals.
  • On August 16, 2007, Padilla was found guilty of conspiring to kill people in an overseas jihad and to fund and support overseas terrorism. He had been held as an enemy combatant because he had officially joined enemy forces. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) noted that when you do that "and present a military threat, your citizenship is not a get-out-of-jail-free card." Graham wanted the sections to apply to American citizens inside the United States who joined al-Qaeda, but the Senate voted 99 to 1 to say they do not impact existing law.
The U.S. military is not arresting American citizens. Their role concerns detention of foreign terrorists and the four Americans who had been designated as enemy combatants. The 2001 9/11 authorization has never been misused. The controversial Section 1031 reaffirms a 1942 Supreme Court decision regarding four saboteurs who were arrested in Rhode Island. Three were German nationals, but one, Hans Haupt, was an American citizen who grew up in Germany. He was not given Miranda rights, and was held as an enemy combatant. President Roosevelt had the same power which exists today, and it has never been misused. This power has been used against five people in the past 70 years.
And who, other than you citing you, recognizes them as prisoners of war?

Remembering of course that you're nobody. And your personal opinion has no relevance to their status under the constitution or any law.
I will continue to state my opinions.............

Yeah, but your opinion have jack shit to do with the status of any prisoner. As our laws aren't based on your opinions. Nor is our constitution.

So, who other than you citing yourself recognizes these men are 'prisoners of war'?

Say it with me......"Nobody."
I don't fucking care buddy...............You will get people killed by your DEMANDS..................and the rules were changed as was the name enemy combatants to put a damned pacifier in the mouth of people like you.........

Release them.................the blood of those they kill is on your hands................NOT MINE.

I know you don't care. Not about laws. Not about our constitution. Not about values. And its that kind of spectacular disregard for everything we stand for and claim we believe that has become one of the most effective recruiting tools our enemies have ever seen.

779 prisoners at Guantanamo compared with the 100,000 militants after using using Guantanamo as a recruiting tool.

I think our constitution, our laws and our values are worth far more you do
. Nor does giving our enemies the capacity to recruit thousands of additional militants using our hypocrisy as a recruiting tool makes our soldiers 'safer'. But quite the opposite.

The stupidity of Guantanamo is making our solders LESS safe. By minting new militants trying to kill them.
I could care less.........they have been killing since the 6th century long before we were even a nation..........

You let them go they will kill again..........PERIOD.............and you don't care...........

You will release them and get our people killed...........bottom line..............TO BE NOBLE...............LOL

Me and you are done with this conservation..............cry to someone else on how evil I am for not wanting to release the enemy.

Tne your entire argument devolves into us accepting that YOU ALONE get to define their status.

And you're nobody.

Back in reality they're not prisoners of war nor ever have been. And the bone stupdity of Guantanamo is one of the most effective recruiting tools our enemies have ever had. Minting new militants to attack our soldiers. With the number of militants skyrocketing *after* we gave our enemies such a superb recruiting tool. So even on the 'protect our soldiers' front, your argument produces more danger for them. Not less.

And of course, following the constitution isn't about 'nobility'. Its about values. Its about OUR freedoms. As if the government can just 'turn off' constitutional protections for habeus corpus in violation of the constitution by merely applying a label, it endangers us all.

There isn't a single angle that your argument isn't spectacularly stupid. Literally wiping your ass with our constitution and our values, endangering our freedom all in exchange for MORE danger for our troops.

No thank you.
Fuck, what a stupid thread filled with predictable misinformation by RWNJ online trolls.

The Obama admin inherited all those prisoners from an administration that bungled or tainted so much of the evidence against some of these detainees, that it made having a trial pointless.

The Bush administration released many more detainees than this current administration, who have used civilian courts to try all the detainees where there was actual usable evidence to put them away, as every single one of those juries did. The facts reveal civilian courts are actually more effective than military tribunals, but in this thread you've got know-nothings arguing for military tribunals.

Gitmo has been one of the best terrorist recruiting tools since 9/11. Obama has been smart to wind it down and his hands have been tied legally because of a totally fucking inept administration that should have killed these people on the apparent and "alleged" battlefield they captured them on.

"Alleged" because we now know that certain Muslim groups were simply kidnapping people and handing them over to the U.S. as prisoners in exchange for cash, another sloppy failure that the Bush administration created.

You hate they're being set free? Look in the fucking mirror, because the Republican party gave us that lovely problem.

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