Impeach Obama?

We should spend more time offering solutions than trying to impeach the President. Its only a waste of resources, time and emotion. Offer takes less effort!

My understanding is the solutions the House offers never get to the floor of the Senate.
And they are created by the House and MEANT to not make it to the Senate how the Democratic party views it.

The House KNOWS the situation in the Senate, and Knows that Strictly Partisan Bills like the ones they have sent to the Senate, will NOT see the light of day, evah!

So, they've filled them with all kinds of silly bullcrud that riles their base and have a great political propaganda claim to use during election season ads, of ''we passed x amount of bills and dirty Harry would not let them on to the floor for a vote'', KNOWING all along, that these bills sent to the senate never had a chance....

IF the House really wanted to do their jobs and get some things done, they could have compromised and given the Dems at least some itty bitty bit of what they wanted for their constituents that they represent....instead of wasting our money, and making me pay for their partisan uselessness, and do nothingness, with my tax dollar...

Honestly, and sadly, it's just dirty politics as usual....I'm sure you can name a few times the Dems have played similar dirty tricks, just for the Headline or Election ad coming up!
We should spend more time offering solutions than trying to impeach the President. Its only a waste of resources, time and emotion. Offer takes less effort!
Nobody wants Dear Leader's "solutions".


Yeah...what are your solutions. No one asked for Obama's solutions...what are your solutions. What solutions have the Teapers presented?

It's not a difficult concept. If you aren't providing alternatives you are only trying to obstruct and sabotage. The problem with teapers, they can't understand the difference between setting up to fail and just claiming failure. They provide no solutions...only static.

Repeal progressive stupidity.

Then do nothing and let people live their lives.

We win.
We should spend more time offering solutions than trying to impeach the President. Its only a waste of resources, time and emotion. Offer takes less effort!

My understanding is the solutions the House offers never get to the floor of the Senate.
And they are created by the House and MEANT to not make it to the Senate how the Democratic party views it.

The House KNOWS the situation in the Senate, and Knows that Strictly Partisan Bills like the ones they have sent to the Senate, will NOT see the light of day, evah!

So, they've filled them with all kinds of silly bullcrud that riles their base and have a great political propaganda claim to use during election season ads, of ''we passed x amount of bills and dirty Harry would not let them on to the floor for a vote'', KNOWING all along, that these bills sent to the senate never had a chance....

IF the House really wanted to do their jobs and get some things done, they could have compromised and given the Dems at least some itty bitty bit of what they wanted for their constituents that they represent....instead of wasting our money, and making me pay for their partisan uselessness, and do nothingness, with my tax dollar...

Honestly, and sadly, it's just dirty politics as usual....I'm sure you can name a few times the Dems have played similar dirty tricks, just for the Headline or Election ad coming up!

What exactly do the Democrats want?

Immigration reform? Let's do it! Secure the border first and I'll be all about immigration reform. But that IS the compromise. No immigration reform until the border is secure.

Infrastructure spending. Where is the money going to come from? I'd be more than happy to spend on infrastructure, as long as you guys are willing to cull that money from useless, redundant and ineffectual government spending.

What else do you guys want?
While John Boehner's lawsuit is minuscule, it's about the best the GOP can do. Even if the GOP won every senate seat in 2014, it would not be enough to get 2/3 of the senate to remove the dictator. There would need to be some Democrats that would vote to impeach, the problem is - there's no such thing as a moderate Democrat. Some claim to be moderates, but they're really Marxists too scared to admit they're a Marxist. No Democrat will break ranks; just know, the Democrat party is not a party, it's a radical Marxist cult.
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The game has turned to our favor. The last thing we need to do is launch an impeachment campaign against Obama. It would energize the Democratic base. The President has worked himself into a corner with scandals and this border situation. It is high time we press the advantage. Let him stew. He'll be done soon.

There is a school of thought that says he needs attention. He wants to be impeached....he craves it. It is not fair that Bill Clinton was impeached, and he was not. His ego will not allow Bill to get the better of him.

The downside, of course, is that Joe Biden might get the nuclear launch codes.


My point precisely.

Carry on.

I enjoy watching a RWCJ now and then.
Pound sand.

In case you did not notice, the RWs here do not believe impeachment is a worthwhile effort.

You may now rerpair to your rep slut threads. :lol:

Deceleration Alert!!! Deceleration Alert!!!


Oh, and I do just love it when a person gets all bossy, gives me a nice, tingly feeling.

I saw Sarah Palin is pushing for the GOP House to impeach Obama. Much as I like the soundbite impeachment without being able to remove him would be counterproductive, turning him into a martyr ala Bill Clinton and sealing the image of the GOP as simply partisans with no desire to govern. I dont doubt he ought to be impeached and removed. I dont doubt his administration is the most illegal and corrupt in history (and I include Baby Doc Duvalier). But impeachment is the wrong move.

It wasn't that Clinton was made a 'martyr' but that republicans were exposed as being the extreme and reckless partisan hacks they actually are.

And the same would be true again should the partisan right seek to impeach Obama given the fact the president has violated no laws.
Sadly, you're right. He is a traitorous criminal, but he won't be removed. These are very dark times for our Nation.
I saw Sarah Palin is pushing for the GOP House to impeach Obama. Much as I like the soundbite impeachment without being able to remove him would be counterproductive, turning him into a martyr ala Bill Clinton and sealing the image of the GOP as simply partisans with no desire to govern. I dont doubt he ought to be impeached and removed. I dont doubt his administration is the most illegal and corrupt in history (and I include Baby Doc Duvalier). But impeachment is the wrong move.

It wasn't that Clinton was made a 'martyr' but that republicans were exposed as being the extreme and reckless partisan hacks they actually are.

And the same would be true again should the partisan right seek to impeach Obama given the fact the president has violated no laws.

So you're saying Clinton didn't commit a felony?

Had any regular citizen lied under oath like he did they would be jailed, not allowed to plea bargain and give up a law licensee for 5 years.
The game has turned to our favor. The last thing we need to do is launch an impeachment campaign against Obama. It would energize the Democratic base. The President has worked himself into a corner with scandals and this border situation. It is high time we press the advantage. Let him stew. He'll be done soon.

Dang, sounds like all the talk prior to 6Nov12. Deju vu, all over again.

Well, people, should President Obama end his terms with a strong economy, low unemployment rate, and a both still on the upswing, then all your flap-yapping will sound pretty silly in retrospect. Just like all your crowing prior to 6Nov12.
The game has turned to our favor. The last thing we need to do is launch an impeachment campaign against Obama. It would energize the Democratic base. The President has worked himself into a corner with scandals and this border situation. It is high time we press the advantage. Let him stew. He'll be done soon.

How so exactly?

What are you seeing that has "turned the game"?

Right now we are in a typical midterm scenario that always favors the party outside the WH. There isn't anything that the right has done in particular. Just the normal pattern of politics.

I am not seeing anything apart from that pattern which is showing a positive "turn" that favors the right. In 2006 and 2010 there were clear indicators that "favored" the party out of the WH. 2014 so far is not shaping up to be anything outside of the ordinary in my opinion.
Of course he should be Impeached. He's in violation of the oath he swore to. He is a criminal. But will he be Impeached? I doubt it.
When an enemy is in the process of self-destructing it is best to sit back and watch the fun.

Its precisely what the DEMS are doing to the GOP. Which is why every conservative poster here sounds like a little bitch--yourself included Shirley.

Seriously...when was the last time anyone of you dolts said anything positive? It's because your party is breaking apart (you just voted out your #2 Congressman for zero good reasons) . Its fun watching.

As long as you guys keep digging yourself holes, the DEMS will keep handing you shovels.
When an enemy is in the process of self-destructing it is best to sit back and watch the fun.

Its precisely what the DEMS are doing to the GOP. Which is why every conservative poster here sounds like a little bitch--yourself included Shirley.

Seriously...when was the last time anyone of you dolts said anything positive? It's because your party is breaking apart (you just voted out your #2 Congressman for zero good reasons) . Its fun watching.

As long as you guys keep digging yourself holes, the DEMS will keep handing you shovels.

Projection dishonesty & hypocrisy. How positive are you dipshits when the other side is in power? Yer dismissed. Next.

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