impeach the idiots----NO just -----

--just hit these idiots with a frying pan !!!
..first it was the Smollet dumbshit
..then they want to ''impeach'' Trump for --------------------??????!!! what??? hahahahah it's Kavanaugh--AGAIN...they want to impeach Kavanaugh..hahahhahahahahah
...some of these jackasses are not only dumb, but they are RACISTS
Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren call for the impeachment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Two lying whores supporting a lie... What could go wrong with that?
If they can't get an impeachment of Trump......they'll go for Kavanaugh.

IMPEACHMENT at all costs......doesn't really matter who, they just want someone, anyone to get impeached.

And if it doesn't work for Trump or Kavanaugh...….then they'll go after the dog catcher.
If they can't get an impeachment of Trump......they'll go for Kavanaugh.

IMPEACHMENT at all costs......doesn't really matter who, they just want someone, anyone to get impeached.

And if it doesn't work for Trump or Kavanaugh...….then they'll go after the dog catcher.
With the 'all out' throwing of shit against the wall, it makes me wonder just how bad the Horowitz report is. IF it outs the Coup and FISA abuse then there are 36 individuals that could go to jail in short order. It could send sitting congress critters to prison.. That would upset the apple cart real bad for dim wits..
What does their actions say about their supporters?....
If they can't get an impeachment of Trump......they'll go for Kavanaugh.

IMPEACHMENT at all costs......doesn't really matter who, they just want someone, anyone to get impeached.

And if it doesn't work for Trump or Kavanaugh...….then they'll go after the dog catcher.
With the 'all out' throwing of shit against the wall, it makes me wonder just how bad the Horowitz report is. IF it outs the Coup and FISA abuse then there are 36 individuals that could go to jail in short order. It could send sitting congress critters to prison.. That would upset the apple cart real bad for dim wits..

We could only hope...…..but they'd complain of it's political bias and is 'fake news'......oh the hypocrisy of those that have NOTHING else to do, but bitch, moan & complain
What does their actions say about their supporters?....

ALL THEY HAD TO DO IS NOT BE CRAZY, AND THEY CAN’T EVEN DO THAT. Nancy Pelosi just made one of the most colossal blunders in modern American politics.

She announced the beginning of formal impeachment proceedings against President Trump on the basis of a third-hand rumor about a phone call with the president of a Eurasian republic.

This will be a disaster for the Democrat Party, it will inflame the president's base and inspire even his most lukewarm supporters with a sense of outrage. This is an attack on the states like Michigan who they think they owned, but the voters begged to differ. Democrats want to overturn the results of their election. Impeachment does not poll well at all in the States Democrats need. Joe Biden will not be able to spend the next 14 or so months refusing to answer questions about the activities of his son, Hunter, in Ukraine, and that increased scrutiny of the vice president's record in office will not rebound to his credit and every time he shoots off his mouth, the hole he is digging will get deeper. This will define his candidacy the way that Hillary Clinton's emails and paid speech-making did during and after the 2016 primaries.

Trump already agreed to release the transcript of what has been billed as perhaps the finest conversation to ever take place between presidents. If there is nothing in the text that justifies the fervid speculation of his crazed enemies — and it is impossible to imagine his agreeing to its release if there were — it will not be possible to retreat from the opening of impeachment proceedings without even more embarrassment.

Every stalling tactic imaginable will now be employed as Pelosi tries to save her members from Red States from having to ever cast a vote on this. They will endlessly expand the inquiry to include even avenues explored previously, such as the special counsel's findings, and new ones of whose lunacy we can only dream — will be employed. But this will not be enough to satisfy members of her caucus who will complain that the process is not moving along swiftly enough and they will continue to demand a vote.

The business will never be put to bed until the Dems lose congress.

This will be the key issue of the 2020 election. After do nothing for two years other than try to overturn the 2016 election, the electorate will have an opportunity to weigh in and send the message to these clowns the that decision of the US Electorate is to be respected!
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Trump has done nothing illegal. What are Dems thinking?
They hate the American Voter and they are too out of their minds to realize that declaring war on The US Electorate is NOT the path to victory in this Great Nation.

These folks are deluded beyond your wildest imaginations with self-entitlement. Guys like Comey and Company, Peter Stzork and Lisa Page, these were high ranking folks. They really believed that they had a right to an "insurance policy" against the US Electorate.

I can't think of better lines for which to run an election: "Who rules this Nation"? "Is it these self-entitled wanna be tyrants or The American People?"
Why the Democrats Have Gone Insane.

One, distraction.

They live in absolute fear of the coming revelations about the Russia Probe, from Inspector General Horowitz but even more from the DOJ's John Durham who can actually put people in jail. The Dems know these revelations point up the line at the leaders of the Democrat Party all the way to President Obama. They were all involved to one degree or another with illegally spying on or undermining Trump and his administration and supporters before and after the election. The extent of this we are only beginning to understand.

But there's something worse -- and Pelosi's knows it. Democrats cannot defeat Trump at the ballot box, which leaves them only impeachment. Joe Biden -- their great hope -- is being exposed as not just a senile plagiarist, but a senile, corrupt plagiarist with a freaky family out of a Southern gothic novel with tentacles reaching into China and Ukraine.

The rest of the Dems have tacked so far to the left that they wouldn't be able to win an election in Shenyang. Sanders, speaking of senility, is almost risible. He wants to restrict population for reasons of "climate change" when every one of the myriad social programs he so vehemently urges depends on strong continued population growth for economic survival, irrespective of taxes.

Ms. Warren, her proposals are if anything more extreme because she fails to acknowledge that they are going to cost a ton of taxpayer money that approaches national bankruptcy. Even taxing the rich at one hundred percent won't come near supporting her ideas.

So for the Democrats, no route to electoral victory, ergo, impeachment.

Trump has to deal with this, even as he works past Iran, avoiding hot war in the process and ends Chinese Trade cheating. Fortunately he is a very stable genius with an unusually large brain, he all these simultaneous challenges effortlessly and with the tirelessness energy that has marked his public life.

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