In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

Should the Mufti not at least have attempted to eliminate the danger posed by the European invaders?
No. Your beloved Mufti was an Islamic Nazi bastard that set about to kill all the Jews and Christians he could get his hands on.
No. Your beloved Mufti was an Islamic Nazi bastard that set about to kill all the Jews and Christians he could get his hands on.

The Muslims and Christians were allied against the European invaders. The Mufti had every right to want to kill European invaders that had every intention to evict or kill all the Christians and Muslims in Palestine in order to create an exclusive Jewish state on the land that the Christians and Muslims had inhabited for several generations. Do you think the Native Americans were wrong to want to kill the European invaders?
No. Your beloved Mufti was an Islamic Nazi bastard that set about to kill all the Jews and Christians he could get his hands on.

The Muslims and Christians were allied against the European invaders. The Mufti had every right to want to kill European invaders that had every intention to evict or kill all the Christians and Muslims in Palestine in order to create an exclusive Jewish state on the land that the Christians and Muslims had inhabited for several generations. Do you think the Native Americans were wrong to want to kill the European invaders?
Bullshit. The land was ruled by Ottomans for 700 years and then the by the British after the Ottoman empire collapsed.

So you're condoning the genocide that the Nazi Mufti incited upon the native Jews and Christians of the Middle East? You are Jew hating scum. Case closed.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

This was described by al-Husseini in his own memoirs:

Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish people in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: "The Jews are yours." (Ami Isseroff and Peter FitzGerald-Morris, "The Iraq Coup Attempt of 1941, the Mufti, and the Farhud")

To assist the practical slaughter of Jews and Christians, al-Husseini built an army of Muslim volunteer units for the Waffen-SS (the combat units of the dread SS) to operate for the Nazi cause in the Balkans. While the appeal for volunteers from among Muslims always struggled to meet the demands for new recruits, al-Husseini was able to organize three divisions of Bosnian Muslims who were then trained as elements of the Waffen-SS. The largest radical Muslim unit was the 13th Waffen-SS Handzar ("Dagger") division that boasted over 21,000 men. They were joined by the Bosnian 23rd Waffen-SS Kama Division and the Albanian Skanderbeg 21st Waffen-SS Division. The Muslim Waffen-SS forces fought across the Balkans against Communist partisans and then assisted in the genocide of Yugoslavian Jews and in the persecution and slaughter of Gypsies and Christian Serbs in 1944 and 1945. The brutality extended to Catholics as well, for the Muslim Waffen-SS cut a path of destruction across the Balkans that encompassed a large number of Catholic parishes, churches, and shrines and resulted in the deaths of thousands of Catholics. By the end of the war, al-Husseini’s fanatical soldiers had killed over 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia.

Why do Islam-Haters complain about Jew-Hate?

Because it is islam that is the cause of all the Jew hate, and we have seen just how hateful the muslims can be.

You believe that it is OK to hate Muslims, but you whine about Jew-Hate.

Very funny.


Have you seen the aftermath of an Islamic attack on innocents, when children are left hanging from trees like rag dolls. That is why many people hate muslims and what they stand for, and this can be found in the Koran which every muslim has to follow or be killed
So youi use a novel as the basis of your proof, how about a scientific study of these alleged people going back further than the middle of the 20C

No, the quoted texts were not novels, that were historic accounts of Jewish intellectuals.
BTW, you will find a lot of more recent scientific studies on the page I have linked.

No they were novels that first introduced the Khazars to the world. Until these where published there where no Khazars in existence
Should the Mufti not at least have attempted to eliminate the danger posed by the European invaders?

Should we not attempt to eliminate the danger posed by islamin invasion and colonisation in the same manner you prescribe for the Jews ?
This film by the History Channel tells it like it was:

Oh, please. History Channel panders to the intellectual lowest common denominator. "...he asked for face-time with Hitler"? wow, that's really '30s idiom. :lmao:
No. Your beloved Mufti was an Islamic Nazi bastard that set about to kill all the Jews and Christians he could get his hands on.

The Muslims and Christians were allied against the European invaders. The Mufti had every right to want to kill European invaders that had every intention to evict or kill all the Christians and Muslims in Palestine in order to create an exclusive Jewish state on the land that the Christians and Muslims had inhabited for several generations. Do you think the Native Americans were wrong to want to kill the European invaders?
Bullshit. The land was ruled by Ottomans for 700 years and then the by the British after the Ottoman empire collapsed.

So you're condoning the genocide that the Nazi Mufti incited upon the native Jews and Christians of the Middle East? You are Jew hating scum. Case closed.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

This was described by al-Husseini in his own memoirs:

Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish people in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: "The Jews are yours." (Ami Isseroff and Peter FitzGerald-Morris, "The Iraq Coup Attempt of 1941, the Mufti, and the Farhud")

To assist the practical slaughter of Jews and Christians, al-Husseini built an army of Muslim volunteer units for the Waffen-SS (the combat units of the dread SS) to operate for the Nazi cause in the Balkans. While the appeal for volunteers from among Muslims always struggled to meet the demands for new recruits, al-Husseini was able to organize three divisions of Bosnian Muslims who were then trained as elements of the Waffen-SS. The largest radical Muslim unit was the 13th Waffen-SS Handzar ("Dagger") division that boasted over 21,000 men. They were joined by the Bosnian 23rd Waffen-SS Kama Division and the Albanian Skanderbeg 21st Waffen-SS Division. The Muslim Waffen-SS forces fought across the Balkans against Communist partisans and then assisted in the genocide of Yugoslavian Jews and in the persecution and slaughter of Gypsies and Christian Serbs in 1944 and 1945. The brutality extended to Catholics as well, for the Muslim Waffen-SS cut a path of destruction across the Balkans that encompassed a large number of Catholic parishes, churches, and shrines and resulted in the deaths of thousands of Catholics. By the end of the war, al-Husseini’s fanatical soldiers had killed over 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia.
You forgot Roudy to mention the Zionists who helped Hitler to eliminate Jews,,,now research this abomination and get back to me,with your summation in this matter.......and improve your credibility.steve.....................this may help you,

or just type in "Jews who fought with the Nazis"......Roudy it makes interesting reading and blows much of your theory out of the water, No need to thank me,in this matter.
Last edited:
No. Your beloved Mufti was an Islamic Nazi bastard that set about to kill all the Jews and Christians he could get his hands on.

The Muslims and Christians were allied against the European invaders. The Mufti had every right to want to kill European invaders that had every intention to evict or kill all the Christians and Muslims in Palestine in order to create an exclusive Jewish state on the land that the Christians and Muslims had inhabited for several generations. Do you think the Native Americans were wrong to want to kill the European invaders?
Bullshit. The land was ruled by Ottomans for 700 years and then the by the British after the Ottoman empire collapsed.

So you're condoning the genocide that the Nazi Mufti incited upon the native Jews and Christians of the Middle East? You are Jew hating scum. Case closed.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

This was described by al-Husseini in his own memoirs:

Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish people in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: "The Jews are yours." (Ami Isseroff and Peter FitzGerald-Morris, "The Iraq Coup Attempt of 1941, the Mufti, and the Farhud")

To assist the practical slaughter of Jews and Christians, al-Husseini built an army of Muslim volunteer units for the Waffen-SS (the combat units of the dread SS) to operate for the Nazi cause in the Balkans. While the appeal for volunteers from among Muslims always struggled to meet the demands for new recruits, al-Husseini was able to organize three divisions of Bosnian Muslims who were then trained as elements of the Waffen-SS. The largest radical Muslim unit was the 13th Waffen-SS Handzar ("Dagger") division that boasted over 21,000 men. They were joined by the Bosnian 23rd Waffen-SS Kama Division and the Albanian Skanderbeg 21st Waffen-SS Division. The Muslim Waffen-SS forces fought across the Balkans against Communist partisans and then assisted in the genocide of Yugoslavian Jews and in the persecution and slaughter of Gypsies and Christian Serbs in 1944 and 1945. The brutality extended to Catholics as well, for the Muslim Waffen-SS cut a path of destruction across the Balkans that encompassed a large number of Catholic parishes, churches, and shrines and resulted in the deaths of thousands of Catholics. By the end of the war, al-Husseini’s fanatical soldiers had killed over 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia.

And so did 150,000 Jews,so your point was ?????? steve
Have you seen the aftermath of an Islamic attack on innocents, when children are left hanging from trees like rag dolls. That is why many people hate muslims and what they stand for, and this can be found in the Koran which every muslim has to follow or be killed

Well, the crucial point is that you do not condemn hate, you rationalise hate, if the haters are Jews.

So why do you have the chutzpah to whine and complain about hate, directed against Zionists?

BTW, the Old Testament (Jewish Torah) is a book full of pathological and sadistic hate, the Jewish god orders the Hebrews to kill and rape even children, and steal their land.

BTW, shall I show you the disfigured corpses of pregnant Palestinian women in Deir Yassin or the disfigured Palestinian Children after the latest mass killings of civilians in Gaza?

If you agree that the hate of Jews against Palestinians can be explained, then you have to acknowledge that the hate of the victims of Jews against the Jews can also be explained.

Just think about that: What is the reason, and what is the consequence?

Did Palestinians come to Khazaria and steal the land of the non-Semitic descendants of white European Slavs and Khazars, or did the descendants of Khazars come to Palestine and steal the land of the native Semites of Palestine?

Like prominent Zionists agreed: Zionist Jews had stolen the Palestinian land. Is this a reason for Palestinians to love Zionist Jews?

And what about the descendants of the victims of Bolshevism?

Do they have any reason to love the descendants of Bolsheviks?

The list of victims can be extended.

So if you do not love Palestinians and Muslims and try to explain the hate of Jews against their perceived enemies, stop calling names and condemning people who do not love Zionist Jews, the descendants of Bolsheviks, etc.
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Here's another site,

"Anybody that looks at that site can see what it is, a website created by native Middle Eastern Palestinians to document their experiences and history. Zionists committed ethnic cleansing on the native population of Palestine, and they are still doing it as we can clearly see." :)

Got to nothing to do with Sepharidic and Mizrahi Jews. You're just an ignorant idiot who refuses to accept the history of the middle eastern Jews.

On the contrary, it is having a good grasp of the true history of the Middle East that makes it easy to spot when the Zionist Hasbarists try to re-write it to suit their racist agenda.

You have zero grasp of history. Over a million Jews that had been living there in some cases for thousands of years, had to flee from Arab Muslim countries, due to ethnic cleansing and genocide by Muslim savages.

That is historical fact. Look it up.

and here I thought it was the Germans, and Russia, Poland etc. The Jew fought everyone, they were not innocent little helpless people. Have you read the OT lately, their God told them to fight everyone.

The Jews WERE helpless in Germany, Poland and Russia. But now that the Jews have Israel, they're not helpless anymore.

Oh Please give me a break. I wouldn't know where to start, how about checking out my signature quote. They were never helpless or penniless, but now they are dangerous in that they are filthy rich, and do have control, and

if you know who you can't talk about without be called names or thrown in jail if you disagree with their history, you know who is in control.
No. Your beloved Mufti was an Islamic Nazi bastard that set about to kill all the Jews and Christians he could get his hands on.

The Muslims and Christians were allied against the European invaders. The Mufti had every right to want to kill European invaders that had every intention to evict or kill all the Christians and Muslims in Palestine in order to create an exclusive Jewish state on the land that the Christians and Muslims had inhabited for several generations. Do you think the Native Americans were wrong to want to kill the European invaders?
Bullshit. The land was ruled by Ottomans for 700 years and then the by the British after the Ottoman empire collapsed.

So you're condoning the genocide that the Nazi Mufti incited upon the native Jews and Christians of the Middle East? You are Jew hating scum. Case closed.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

This was described by al-Husseini in his own memoirs:

Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish people in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: "The Jews are yours." (Ami Isseroff and Peter FitzGerald-Morris, "The Iraq Coup Attempt of 1941, the Mufti, and the Farhud")

To assist the practical slaughter of Jews and Christians, al-Husseini built an army of Muslim volunteer units for the Waffen-SS (the combat units of the dread SS) to operate for the Nazi cause in the Balkans. While the appeal for volunteers from among Muslims always struggled to meet the demands for new recruits, al-Husseini was able to organize three divisions of Bosnian Muslims who were then trained as elements of the Waffen-SS. The largest radical Muslim unit was the 13th Waffen-SS Handzar ("Dagger") division that boasted over 21,000 men. They were joined by the Bosnian 23rd Waffen-SS Kama Division and the Albanian Skanderbeg 21st Waffen-SS Division. The Muslim Waffen-SS forces fought across the Balkans against Communist partisans and then assisted in the genocide of Yugoslavian Jews and in the persecution and slaughter of Gypsies and Christian Serbs in 1944 and 1945. The brutality extended to Catholics as well, for the Muslim Waffen-SS cut a path of destruction across the Balkans that encompassed a large number of Catholic parishes, churches, and shrines and resulted in the deaths of thousands of Catholics. By the end of the war, al-Husseini’s fanatical soldiers had killed over 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia.

David Dalin, Conservative/Right wing Jewish rabbi, who co-wrote "Icon of Evil" with John Rothman, a radio talk show host. the book was almost universally panned as badly written propaganda (aka Hasbara.)

Chuck Morse failed Conservative/Right wing politician and another talk show host, wrote, "The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism:Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin Al-Husseini"

These, are "scholars"? Maybe a case can be made for that but their objectivity is highly suspect.

Oh, the 23rd SS division was called Nederland and was a Dutch unit, the "Kama" unit was called the 23rd Waffen Mountain Division, Kama. This unit only existed on paper and never fought as a unit. The 13th SS Division Handschar, was composed of Catholic Croats and Bosniaks along with Volksdeutsche and Bosniak Muslims, roughly a 40-60% split. Interestingly, Muslim elements mutinied in 1943 and were executed, 265 survivors were send to the Neungamme Concentration camp where they died. Yes the Nazis weren't particular who they sent to their camps. 21st SS Waffen Mountain Division Skanderbeg, again was composed of a mix of Germans, and Albanians both Christians and Muslims, it never attained more than brigade strength and was prone to desertion like the other units mentioned.

Despite having Muslim soldiers in their ranks, if you look at their histories you suddenly discover that the mufti had nothing to do with their formation, although he did promote recruitment, often with poor results.
Nope, this is standard Zionist Hasbara.

Wrong as usual. Anybody that looks at that site can see what it is, a website created by Middle Eastern Jews to document their experiences and history. Muslim animals committed ethnic cleansing on the Jews of Middle East, and they are still doing it as we can clearly see.

Here's another site,

"Anybody that looks at that site can see what it is, a website created by native Middle Eastern Palestinians to document their experiences and history. Zionists committed ethnic cleansing on the native population of Palestine, and they are still doing it as we can clearly see." :)

Got to nothing to do with Sepharidic and Mizrahi Jews. You're just an ignorant idiot who refuses to accept the history of the middle eastern Jews.

On the contrary, it is having a good grasp of the true history of the Middle East that makes it easy to spot when the Zionist Hasbarists try to re-write it to suit their racist agenda.

You have zero grasp of history. Over a million Jews that had been living there in some cases for thousands of years, had to flee from Arab Muslim countries, due to ethnic cleansing and genocide by Muslim savages.

That is historical fact. Look it up.

You wouldn't know a historical fact if it walked up to you and introduced itself, that's why you post drivel most of the time.
No. Your beloved Mufti was an Islamic Nazi bastard that set about to kill all the Jews and Christians he could get his hands on.

The Muslims and Christians were allied against the European invaders. The Mufti had every right to want to kill European invaders that had every intention to evict or kill all the Christians and Muslims in Palestine in order to create an exclusive Jewish state on the land that the Christians and Muslims had inhabited for several generations. Do you think the Native Americans were wrong to want to kill the European invaders?
Bullshit. The land was ruled by Ottomans for 700 years and then the by the British after the Ottoman empire collapsed.

So you're condoning the genocide that the Nazi Mufti incited upon the native Jews and Christians of the Middle East? You are Jew hating scum. Case closed.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

This was described by al-Husseini in his own memoirs:

Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish people in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: "The Jews are yours." (Ami Isseroff and Peter FitzGerald-Morris, "The Iraq Coup Attempt of 1941, the Mufti, and the Farhud")

To assist the practical slaughter of Jews and Christians, al-Husseini built an army of Muslim volunteer units for the Waffen-SS (the combat units of the dread SS) to operate for the Nazi cause in the Balkans. While the appeal for volunteers from among Muslims always struggled to meet the demands for new recruits, al-Husseini was able to organize three divisions of Bosnian Muslims who were then trained as elements of the Waffen-SS. The largest radical Muslim unit was the 13th Waffen-SS Handzar ("Dagger") division that boasted over 21,000 men. They were joined by the Bosnian 23rd Waffen-SS Kama Division and the Albanian Skanderbeg 21st Waffen-SS Division. The Muslim Waffen-SS forces fought across the Balkans against Communist partisans and then assisted in the genocide of Yugoslavian Jews and in the persecution and slaughter of Gypsies and Christian Serbs in 1944 and 1945. The brutality extended to Catholics as well, for the Muslim Waffen-SS cut a path of destruction across the Balkans that encompassed a large number of Catholic parishes, churches, and shrines and resulted in the deaths of thousands of Catholics. By the end of the war, al-Husseini’s fanatical soldiers had killed over 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia.
You forgot Roudy to mention the Zionists who helped Hitler to eliminate Jews,,,now research this abomination and get back to me,with your summation in this matter.......and improve your credibility.steve.....................this may help you,

or just type in "Jews who fought with the Nazis"......Roudy it makes interesting reading and blows much of your theory out of the water, No need to thank me,in this matter.

So when are you going to produce a link from an unbiased source that says just that ?
No. Your beloved Mufti was an Islamic Nazi bastard that set about to kill all the Jews and Christians he could get his hands on.

The Muslims and Christians were allied against the European invaders. The Mufti had every right to want to kill European invaders that had every intention to evict or kill all the Christians and Muslims in Palestine in order to create an exclusive Jewish state on the land that the Christians and Muslims had inhabited for several generations. Do you think the Native Americans were wrong to want to kill the European invaders?
Bullshit. The land was ruled by Ottomans for 700 years and then the by the British after the Ottoman empire collapsed.

So you're condoning the genocide that the Nazi Mufti incited upon the native Jews and Christians of the Middle East? You are Jew hating scum. Case closed.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

This was described by al-Husseini in his own memoirs:

Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish people in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: "The Jews are yours." (Ami Isseroff and Peter FitzGerald-Morris, "The Iraq Coup Attempt of 1941, the Mufti, and the Farhud")

To assist the practical slaughter of Jews and Christians, al-Husseini built an army of Muslim volunteer units for the Waffen-SS (the combat units of the dread SS) to operate for the Nazi cause in the Balkans. While the appeal for volunteers from among Muslims always struggled to meet the demands for new recruits, al-Husseini was able to organize three divisions of Bosnian Muslims who were then trained as elements of the Waffen-SS. The largest radical Muslim unit was the 13th Waffen-SS Handzar ("Dagger") division that boasted over 21,000 men. They were joined by the Bosnian 23rd Waffen-SS Kama Division and the Albanian Skanderbeg 21st Waffen-SS Division. The Muslim Waffen-SS forces fought across the Balkans against Communist partisans and then assisted in the genocide of Yugoslavian Jews and in the persecution and slaughter of Gypsies and Christian Serbs in 1944 and 1945. The brutality extended to Catholics as well, for the Muslim Waffen-SS cut a path of destruction across the Balkans that encompassed a large number of Catholic parishes, churches, and shrines and resulted in the deaths of thousands of Catholics. By the end of the war, al-Husseini’s fanatical soldiers had killed over 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia.
You forgot Roudy to mention the Zionists who helped Hitler to eliminate Jews,,,now research this abomination and get back to me,with your summation in this matter.......and improve your credibility.steve.....................this may help you,

or just type in "Jews who fought with the Nazis"......Roudy it makes interesting reading and blows much of your theory out of the water, No need to thank me,in this matter.

AND it shows nothing of what you claim, as the Jews of Germany considered themselves Germans and where willing to fight for their freedom.
Have you seen the aftermath of an Islamic attack on innocents, when children are left hanging from trees like rag dolls. That is why many people hate muslims and what they stand for, and this can be found in the Koran which every muslim has to follow or be killed

Well, the crucial point is that you do not condemn hate, you rationalise hate, if the haters are Jews.

So why do you have the chutzpah to whine and complain about hate, directed against Zionists?

BTW, the Old Testament (Jewish Torah) is a book full of pathological and sadistic hate, the Jewish god orders the Hebrews to kill and rape even children, and steal their land.

BTW, shall I show you the disfigured corpses of pregnant Palestinian women in Deir Yassin or the disfigured Palestinian Children after the latest mass killings of civilians in Gaza?

If you agree that the hate of Jews against Palestinians can be explained, then you have to acknowledge that the hate of the victims of Jews against the Jews can also be explained.

Just think about that: What is the reason, and what is the consequence?

Did Palestinians come to Khazaria and steal the land of the non-Semitic descendants of white European Slavs and Khazars, or did the descendants of Khazars come to Palestine and steal the land of the native Semites of Palestine?

Like prominent Zionists agreed: Zionist Jews had stolen the Palestinian land. Is this a reason for Palestinians to love Zionist Jews?

And what about the descendants of the victims of Bolshevism?

Do they have any reason to love the descendants of Bolsheviks?

The list of victims can be extended.

So if you do not love Palestinians and Muslims and try to explain the hate of Jews against their perceived enemies, stop calling names and condemning people who do not love Zionist Jews, the descendants of Bolsheviks, etc.

Who has it as a command from their god to this day to "KILL ALL THE UNBELIEVERS" and refuse to even contemplate removing it or ignoring from their lives

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